Job Placement/Transition Specialist Responsibilities and Calendar
A calendar of activities has been organized to assist JP/TS in organizing the year.
JP/TS staff must also follow ESE procedures including maintenance of student records and procedures for destruction of documents. For further information on these procedures reference the Student Record Procedures on the SSPS Wiki.
- Set up Career Preparation classroom and materials
- Review curriculum and revise lesson plans utilizing Marzano strategies
- Make contact with all case managers and ESE teachers
- Put together student packets for each class including all applicable forms and provide to students for signatures (see course sections for samples of required forms)
- Review Transition Assistant’s Career Experiences binder
- Create and distribute coverage plans to district office designees
- Contact Marchman Technical College or Zephyrhills High School designee with the names of students who may be interested in attending the Transition Education Program.
- Attend T/IEP meetings, registration, faculty, and Professional Learning Community meetings as scheduled
- Update training site contact numbers, bus garage contacts, and related information and include in Transition Assistant’s flip charts
- Gather student emergency contact information and health information (ex. allergies, diabetes, etc.)
- Check all student packets to insure that all forms are present and signed.
- Set up orientation activities for Career Experiences and Career Placement students.
- Remember, no student is to leave your classroom to begin these placements/experiences before turning in all signed applicable forms. Students must provide proof of medical coverage if participating at sites requiring this. (e.g. Publix, Goodwill, and area hospitals). Students are required to remain on campus until all forms are signed and returned.
- Complete and submit request for approval to transport students by private vehicle and vehicle insurance information through the district website (Transportation link). District approval is required for anyone who transports students. Students are not to be transported alone by an individual staff member.
- A signed Parent Release To Transport (MIS166) must be on file prior to transporting any student
- Decide who will provide coverage in the event of an absence in your program
- Meet with your ESE school administrator to identify where students will be housed in the event that they have to be removed from their job training site or left back on campus
- Complete coverage plan(sample following)
- Set up files for all students
- Read each of your student’s T/IEP and make sure that you are familiar with your students’ accommodations, services, and medical needs.
Remainder of Month
- Develop a system for Career Placement students to sign out when leaving campus and a place to submit time verification sheets.
- Prior to taking students to off campus sites, verify with your school ESE administrator where students will be housed when they experience difficulty with inappropriate hygiene or behavior at the contracted site (ISS is suggested for students who refuse to meet program expectations when other interventions have failed).
- Determine who will transport students in the event of a missed bus, illness, or emergency. Students are not to be transported alone by an individual staff member.
- Assist students with job search as necessary. Make sure students are documenting their job searches on the proper forms. Students are never to be allowed to job search for more than 2 weeks (see Career Placement section).
- Check T/IEP anniversary dates of all students on your caseload.
- Submit monthly mileage form through Pasco Mileage Tracker. *Mileage reports must include a printed copy of driving directions/ mileage (e.g. mapquest driving distances) for any distances to or between sites other than from school to school.
- Coverage Plan
- Check each JPP student’s T/IEP to see if career shadowing has been requested. If it has been listed on the Program Services Page, schedule shadowing trips in the community. Communicate with case managers about ESE students who may have career shadowing listed as a related service but are not a part of the JPP program. Refer to the Career Shadowing section in this manual for procedures.
- Send Vocational Rehabilitation referrals to VR counselor for all 9th grade students and any 10th, 11th, or 12th graders who were not previously referred and who will require services. The VR referral is located in the document section on the print page of PlanMaker as is referred to as "School to Work”. VR referrals now require that a social security number be provided to be considered.
- Identify any 11th or 12th graders in the program whose career goal includes military service. Assist them in signing up for the ASVAB test. (This test is a wonderful tool to assist in career planning). Refer these students to their grade level guidance counselor or Career Specialist to sign up.
- Visit Career Placement job sites bi-weekly and help unemployed students find jobs. Complete employer evaluations as well as your Record of Student Visitation log.
- Visit Career Experiences contracted site(s) monthly and document each visit on the “Record of Non-Paid Career Experiences Site Visitation Form.” More frequent visits should be scheduled if problems are evident. Examples of problems might be a transition assistant not being engaged with the students in job coaching, students being off task, transition assistants filling out paperwork at the jobsite rather than coaching,etc.
- Visit Career Experiences sites on campus once per quarter and document these visits on the ”Record of Non-Paid Career Experiences Site Visitation Form.”
- Attend T/IEP meetings, district meetings and trainings, parent conferences, staffings, manifestation hearings, Professional Learning Community meetings, etc.
- Complete progress report grades.
- Complete anniversary T/IEP meetings and quarterly progress reports for students on your caseload
- Plan for Career Preparation class.
- Submit monthly mileage report from Pasco Mileage Tracker. *Mileage reports must include a printed copy of driving directions/ mileage (e.g. mapquest driving distances) for any distances to or between sites other than from school to school.
- Contact Marchman or ZHS to provide names of potential Transition Education Program students for the following school year.
- Send Vocational Rehabilitation Referrals to Vocational Rehabilitation counselor for all 9th grade students and any 10th, 11th, or 12th graders who were not previously referred andwho will require services. The VR referral is located in the document section on the print page of PlanMaker as is referred to as "School to Work". Make sure that the student’s social security number is included on the form.
- Visit Career Placement sites and document bi-weekly.
- Visit all non-paid sites on and off campus and document on appropriate forms.
- Conduct anniversary date T/IEP meetings and print quarterly grades and reports for students on your caseload.
- Attend T/IEP meetings, faculty meetings, trainings, parent conferences, and additional meetings as required.
- Attend fall POST meeting if scheduled.
- Check Transition Assistants’ binders to make sure all contact information is complete and up to date. Check files to assure that all required forms are in place, completed, signed and initialed where indicated. Check to ensure that all grades have been compiled for the first quarter.
- Plan for Career Prep class using Marzano strategies.
- Submit monthly mileage report form from Pasco Mileage Tracker. *Mileage reports must include a printed copy of driving directions/ mileage (e.g. mapquest driving distances) for any distances to or between sites other than from school to school.
- If ESE Job Preparation Program services are being considered, the JP/TS and case manager should meet with the student and parent(s) to discuss the student’s present status and the benefits of the ESE Job Preparation Program. (Remember to use MIS 455 when holding meetings with parents and students).
- The T/IEP revision process must be followed when a change of services is recommended.
- The same procedure should be followed for students currently enrolled in the ESE JPP Program who are exhibiting high absenteeism or who are failing classes.
- Contact Marchman or ZHS to provide names of potential Transition Education Program students for the following school year .
- Refer students interested in MTC technical classes to the application on Marchman’s website.
- Check anniversary T/IEP dates for all students on your caseload and schedule any T/IEP meetings
- Send in Vocational Rehabilitation referrals to Vocational Rehabilitation counselor for 9th through 12th graders not yet referred. Make sure that the student’s social secuity number is included on form.
- Visit Career Placement paid job sites bi-weekly and assist unemployed students in finding jobs. Complete employer evaluations as well as site visitation log.
- Visit all non-paid sites on and off campus for the second quarter and document each visit on the Record of Non-Paid Career Experiences Site Visitation Form.Complete Progress Report grades.
- Complete T/IEP goal progress reports and quarterly reports.
- Attend T/IEP meetings, faculty meetings, trainings, parent conferences, and additional meetings as required.
- Submit monthly mileage report from Pasco Mileage Tracker. *Mileage reports must include a printed copy of driving directions/ mileage (e.g. mapquest driving distances) for any distances to or between sites other than from school to school.
- Contact Marchman or ZHS with names of potential Transition Education Program students for the following school year.
- Turn in Vocational Rehabilitation referrals to Vocational Rehabilitation counselor
- Schedule anniversary T/IEP’s as necessary.
- Visit Career Placement paid sites bi-weekly. Help unemployed students find jobs. Complete employer evaluations as well as site visitation log.
- Visit all non-paid sites on and off campus not seen in second quarter and document.
- Check Transition Assistant binders to make sure all contact information has been updated. Check files for time sheets, employer evaluation forms, signed forms, releases, emergency contact information updated, medical coverage (as applicable) and grades compiled for first semester.
- Plan for Career Preparation classes.
- Attend T/IEP meetings, faculty meetings, trainings, parent conferences, and additional meetings as required.
- Submit monthly mileage form from Pasco Mileage Tracker. *Mileage reports must include a printed copy of driving directions/ mileage (e.g. mapquest driving distances) for any distances to
or between sites other than from school to school.
- File all of first semester’s non-paid and paid employer evaluations and time sheets in program files. Time sheets and corresponding evaluations should be stapled together for each quarter. Initial on non-paid career experience checklist when completed.
- Turn in Vocational Rehabilitation referral forms to Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. Provide the student’s social security number on the form.
- Visit Career Placement sitesbi-weekly and document on Site Visitation Log and employer evaluation.
- Visit all non-paid training sites on and off campus for the third quarter and document your visit on the Record of Non-Paid Career Experiences Site Visitation Log. Visitation logs are maintained in a working file on campus.
- Complete second quarter and first semester grades.
- Complete T/IEP quarterly progress report grades for students on your caseload.
- Plan for Career Preparation Class.
- Submit monthly mileage report from Pasco Mileage Tracker. *Mileage reports must include a printed copy of driving directions/ mileage (e.g. mapquest driving distances) for any distances to or between sites other than from school to school.
- Attend T/IEP meetings, faculty meetings, trainings, parent conferences, and additional meetings as required.
- Refer students interested in technical classes at MTC to the application on the Marchman website. Programs at MTC fill up very quickly.
- Turn in Vocational Rehabilitation referral forms to Vocational Rehabilitation counselor.
- Send in referrals and set up work evaluations with work evaluator assigned to your school.
- Visit Career Placement sites bi-weekly and document on Site Visitation Log and employer evaluation/
- Visit all non-paid sites on and off campus for third quarter and document visit on Record of Non-Paid Career Experiences Site Visitation Log.
- Check Transition Assistants’ binders to make sure all contact information is updated.
- Complete T/IEP quarterly progress report grades for students on your caseload.
- Complete anniversary T/IEP’s as necessary.
- Plan for Career Preparation Class.
- Submit monthly mileage report from Pasco Mileage Tracker. *Mileage reports must include a printed copy of driving directions/ mileage (e.g. mapquest driving distances) for any distances to or between sites other than from school to school.
- Attend T/IEP meetings, faculty meetings, trainings, parent conferences, and additional meetings as required.
- Attend spring POST meeting as scheduled.
- Help students and case managers complete applications to the Marchman technology programs. (The programs at Marchman fill up very quickly). The earlier these applications are submitted, the better the chance a student has of being accepted.
- Check with Marchmann or ZHS for open house dates and times to visit the Transition Education Programs with eligible and interested students.
- Turn in Vocational Rehabilitation Forms to Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.
- Visit Career Placement sites bi-weekly and document on Site Visitation Log and employer evaluation
- Visit all non-paid sites on and off campus for third quarter. Document visit on Record of Non-Paid Career Experiences Site Visitation Log
- Check Transition Assistant binders to make sure all contact information is updated
- Complete Quarter 3 grades
- Complete anniversary T/IEP’s as necessary.
- Plan for Career Preparation Class.
- Submit monthly mileage report from Pasco Mileage Tracker. *Mileage reports must include a printed copy of driving directions/ mileage (e.g. mapquest driving distances) for any distances to or between sites other than from school to school.
- Attend T/IEP meetings, faculty meetings, trainings, parent conferences, and additional meetings as required.
- Contact the Transition teacher as well as all case managers with the names of special diploma students and students who intend to defer receipt of their standard diploma through access points to access FAPE-22 services. Refer them to either MTC or ZHS following the respective referral procedure. If a special diploma student does not wish to participate at this time, send his/her name and contact information to Carol Petrashek, Special Populations Coordinator/Adult with Disabilities Coordinator (west side) or Diane Stephens, Work Evaluator, Adult with Disabilities Coordinator (east side).
- Schedule off campus shadowing trips for students interested in Career Experiences and Transition Education Program services.
- Meet with ESE case managers to discuss student T/IEP recommendations based on transition assessment findings, student surveys, self-determination/self advocacy data, and suggestions from your Transition Assistants assigned to non-paid sites.
- Turn in Vocational Rehabilitation referral forms to Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.
- Visit Career Placement sites bi-weekly and document on Site Visitation Log and employer evaluation.
- Visit all non-paid sites on and off campus for third quarter. Document visit on Record of Non-Paid Career Experiences Site Visitation Log.
- Check Transition Assistants’ binders to make sure all information is updated.
- Complete Quarter 4 progress reports.
- Complete anniversary T/IEP’s as necessary.
- Plan for Career Preparation Class.
- Submit monthly mileage report from Pasco Mileage Tracker.
- Attend T/IEP meetings, faculty meetings, trainings, parent conferences, and additional meetings as required.
- Continue to assist students in applying for the Transition Education Program.
- Assist students in filling out next year’s schedule cards.
- Have business partners sign agreements for next fall.
- Turn in Vocational Rehabilitation referral forms to Vocational Rehablitation Counselor.
- Visit Career Placement sites bi-weekly and document on Site Visitation Log and employer evaluation.
- Visit all non-paid sites on and off campus for third quarter. Document visit on Record of Non-Paid Career Experiences Site Visitation Log.
- Check Transition Assistants’ binders to make sure all information is updated.
- Complete grades for 4th quarter, 2nd semester and year.
- Complete anniversary T/IEP’s as necessary.
- Plan for Career Preparation Class.
- Submit monthly mileage report from Pasco Mileage Tracker. *Mileage reports must include a printed copy of driving directions/ mileage (e.g. mapquest driving distances) for any distances to or between sites other than from school to school.
- Attend T/IEP meetings, faculty meetings, trainings, parent conferences, and additional meetings as required.
- Continue to assist students as needed in applying for the Transition Education Program.
- Assist students in filling out next year’s schedule cards as necessary.
- File all required paperwork in the cumulative files.
- Verify that all Career Experience and Career Placement student files are complete, signed, and organized by quarter.
- Purge old records according to district procedures.
(Revised 10/5/2015)