Class: Ag I
Area: Ag Mechanics
Job: Becoming familiar with electrical wiring terms
-The students will be able to identify and explain the terms used in electrical wiring.
-AM 11/12.5 E 5-1 – Identify electrical components
-AM 11/12.5 E 5-2 – Identify wire types, sizes, and uses
Review of the Situation:
The freshman class has been going over welding for the last month. Now they will go through an electrical wiring unit, in which they will learn the terms used in electrical wiring, and the process. The students have very little, if any background knowledge.
Materials Needed:
-nothing extra
-Ask questions such as why is that light working? How does the power get from here to there? And so on. Then the students will perform some Watts equation problems, both in the class room given to them, then in the shop, by finding several tools, reading there labels and figuring watts from that.
- Why is electrical terminology important to know?
- What is a volt?
- what is an Amp?
- What is a watt?
- What is the formula for figuring a watt?
- What is the unit by which electricity is sold?
- What is a switch?
- What is a duplex?
- What is a junction?
- What is a solderless connector?
- What is a cable?
- What are the sizes?
- What are insulated conductors?
-“Electrical Wiring” Seventh Edition, by Ralph Duncan and James E. Wren
Analysis of the Job:
- Discuss as a class!
- A volt measures electrical pressure.
- An amp measures electrical volume.
- A watt measures electrical usage.
- The formula used to figure the amount of watts is: Watts = Amps x Volts
- A kilo-watt hour is the unit by which electricity is sold.
- A switch is a device used to control the flow of electricity.
- A duplex is an electrical outlet, or plug-in.
- A junction is a box where the source connects to the cable.
- Solderless connectors are devices used to connect two or more wires.
- A cable is two or more insulated conductors encased in an outer sheath (cover).
- The sizes of cable are (measured in gauges, and from large to small): 2,4,6,8,10,12,14
- Insulated conductors are the wires inside the cable:
- Black wire – common, or power (hot)
- White wire – neutral
- Ground wire – green or bare
- Red wire – power, hot
Examples: 14/2 = 1- black wire, 1- white wire, and 1- ground wire
14/3 = 1- black wire, 1- white wire, 1- ground wire, and 1- red wire
Plan of Action:
5 minintroduction of unit and discussion of electricity
10 minunit pretest
20 min going through questions and solutions
10 mingoing through watts formula problems-class room and shop
5 min regroup and discuss
-Students will have a pretest at beginning of the class
-Students will have to answer questions throughout the class
-Discussion at the end of class with questioning