Job Application Form: Project Worker

Surname / First Names
Post Code
Tel No
Email address


Please give details of two referees, one of whom must be your line manager at your current/ last employer. Where possible do not give details of relatives, partners or friends as a second referee.

We will not contact your referees unless you are conditionally offered the post.


Position held & relationship

Organisation & address

Telephone number


Position held & relationship

Organisation & address

Telephone number


Current or last employer

Name and address

Job title

Dates Employed

Present Salary

Reason for leaving / wishing to leave

Brief outline of duties

Previous employment / experience (most recent first)

From / To / Employer’s name address / Job Title & Duties / Reason for leaving

Education & Training

School / Qualifications
College/University / Qualifications
Other relevant training courses attended / Qualifications & Grades Obtained

Other Relevant Experience

Please give details any other relevant experience, e.g. voluntary work

Additional Information

Using the person specification as a guide, please outline under each point, how your skills and experience meet the criteria for this post. It will not be sufficient merely to duplicate what the person specification states, you must demonstrate that you have the required skills and give examples to illustrate your point.

Please also tell us why you are applying for this post and continue on an additional sheet if necessary.

Interests / Activities

Other Information

Do you hold a current driving licence?
Have you any driving convictions?
(If yes, give details)
Date when you could take up the
Please state how you became aware of this vacancy


In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, I give my consent for the information in this form to be processed in accordance with the Fresh Start policy for the purposes of recruitment and employment. I understand that if I am appointed, it will be stored for six months and then destroyed. I certify that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, should any false statements be made, this may lead to dismissal.

Signature / Date

Closing date:
Noon on Monday 16th May 2016 with interviews being held on week beginning 23rd May 2016: Please notify us in advance if you cannot attend interview this week

Send completed applications to:

Joyce Clark, Fresh Start (Scotland), 1 Harrison Place, Edinburgh EH11 1SF