Assignment 2
TASK 2: Participate in safety meeting – Check my progress
Successful completion of this assignmentwillcontribute to evidence of your knowledge of the following elements of competency performance criteria.
RGRH206A Apply Occupational Health and Safety Procedures in Horse Codes
Element 1: Maintain standards of occupational health and safety in the workplace
1.1Occupational health and safety standards for the workplace are known and implemented
Element 2: Contribute to arrangements for the management of occupational health and safety
2.1 Occupational health and safety issues are raised with designated personnel in accordance with workplace procedures
2.2 Contributions are made to participative arrangements for occupational health and safety in the workplace
Element 3: Follow workplace procedures for hazard identification and emergencies
3.1 Hazards in the work area are recognised and reported to designated personnel according to workplace procedures
3.2 Workplace procedures and work instructions for controlling risks are followed accurately
RGRH205A Apply Occupational Health and Safety Procedures in Greyhound Codes
Element 1: Maintain standards of occupational health and safety in the workplace
1.1Occupational health and safety standards for the workplace are known and implemented
Element 2: Contribute to arrangements for the management of occupational health and safety
2.1 Occupational health and safety issues are raised with designated personnel in accordance with workplace procedures
2.2 Contributions are made to participative arrangements for occupational health and safety in the workplace
Element 3: Follow workplace procedures for hazard identification and emergencies
3.1 Hazards in the work area are recognised and reported to designated personnel according to workplace procedures
3.2 Workplace procedures and work instructions for controlling risks are followed accurately
To complete this assignment you will need to walk around your stables or kennels or visit a racing complex to:
- identify potential hazards
- rate the risk, and
- identify ways to reduce the risk of injury or illness.
An example is included to show you what to do.
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/ Job 3: Follow safety and emergency procedures
Assignment instructions
In your stable / kennel or a racing complex walk around and identify potential hazards that could cause injury or illness to people who work or visit there.
- Identify seven (7) poorly managed hazards and three (3) hazards that are well managed.
- Provide a photograph or diagram of each hazard.
- You need to include a range of different types of hazards including:
- manual handling hazards
- slip, trip or fall hazards
- hazardous substances
- biological hazards
- electrical hazards
- machinery and equipment hazards.
- Describe the hazard and rate the likelihood of an injury or illness occurring for each hazard
- use the risk assessment matrix in the They’re Racing resource centre.
- Explain how the risk of injury or illness in each of the poorly managed hazards could be reduced.
- For the well managed hazards, explain how each hazard is well managed.
Tips on how to present your assignment
Remember this assignment should focus on hazards that could affect humans not animals.
Make sure you include a range of different types of hazards.
You can layout your assignment as a chart or table (a sample is provided on the next page for you).
Don’t forget to list:
- the type of hazard
- the risk rating
- ways to reduce the risk of injury or illness.
Submit your completed assignment to your facilitator.
Keep a copy of your completed assignment for your Portfolio of Evidence.
:: Identify workplace hazardsYour name:
Hazard identified
/What type of hazard is this?
/Risk rating of injury / illness
/How could risk of injury / illness be reduced?
Frayed electrical cordused with clippers
/ Electrical / Rating of 1 – very likely to happen, could happen at any time.Very high consequence, could kill or cause permanent disability or ill health. / 1. By replacing the damaged cord.
2. By checking that the cord passes the WorkSafe / WorkCover safety check.
3. By ensuring that there is a safety cut out switch in the fuse box.
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