JLS Recreation Association

The JLS Recreation Association (herein JLS) held its Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday, February 18, 2016,at the Springfield Township Building. The meeting began at 7:01PMwith the Pledge of Allegiance.

Municipality Present Absent

Jacobus Dave Grove

Sandy Sheffer (Alternate)

Loganville Crystal Mueller

Kay Shue

Springfield Barb Sweitzer (Arrived at 7:20 PM)

Tom Wolfe (Alternate)

Secretary’s Report

Crystal Mueller motioned and Tom Wolfeseconded to approve theJanuary 21, 2016,Minutes. Unanimously Approved.

List of Checks

Tom Wolfe motioned and Dave Grove seconded to approve the List of Checks as presented. Unanimously Approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Following a brief discussion regarding Jacobus Borough’s late remittance of their 2016 Contribution, Lori was ask to email a reminder to the Borough.

Tom Wolfe motioned and Crystal Mueller seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Unanimously Approved.




Jeremy Harrisreported that, as of now, there are not enough players for an 18U Team. Monica Bowman is requesting that a few of the 14U players be moved up to 18U. Her request will be considered by the Commissioner. Registrations for 12U are also down. Jeremy suggested registrations be closed on March 27th to allow time to organize the teams prior to the League Meeting. Jeremy requested use of the JLS meeting room for the Softball Coaches meeting. Tom Wolfe noted that the 4H group meets in the room on Tuesday nights.

(Barb Sweitzer arrived at meeting at 7:20 PM.)

Kevin Allison (Glenview Alliance Church) has offered use of the Church’s indoor facility for softballclinics and evaluations. Tom Wolfe motioned and Crystal Mueller seconded to approve the use of the indoor facility at the Glenview Alliance Church for softball clinics and evaluations. Unanimously Approved.

Jeremy reported Jen Baumgardner was re-directed to 10U when trying to register her child for 7U on the Stone Alley website. Stone Alley has not responded to his email concerning the problem. Lori explained the parent should complete the Refund Request Form and submit it, along with a copy of their receipt from Stone Alley, to JLS for consideration at the March meeting. Communications regarding refunding/reimbursement through Stone Alley should always be done through the JLS Administrator. Lori will contact Todd Nevin (Stone Alley) to resolve the problem.

Mike Goodling questioned when the Commissioner Guidelines will be available. Lori stated the Board will be considering final approval of the Guidelines at tonight’s meeting. The Guidelines will then be distributed to the Commissioners at the March Meeting.


DASD Field Rental Meeting

It was noted the District’s field rental meeting will be held at Dallastown on February 23rd at 7 PM.

JLS Baseball & T-Ball

Tom Bair reported there are currently 75 players (49 T-Ball and 26 Rec Ball) registered.

Chad Beaverson noted the link for 2theT is still missing from the Stone Alley website. He has been working with the vendor to address the problem. Tom added an email has been forwarded to parents providing them with the link for 2 the T.

Tom reported League fees for Mason Dixon will be $100.00 per team. The home team must also provide and pay for two Umpires at all home games. He will check to see whether Umpires may be available through the League. JLS must also supply game balls. Game scheduling will be handledby the league. JLS Baseball will not be using the Jacobus field this year. Practices and games for Rec Ball will be held at the Loganville Borough field and the DASD Elementary School field. The first league game will be held on April 23rd. T-Ball practices and games will be held at the DASD Intermediate School. Wrist bands will be used to identify the T-Ball Teams.

Barb Sweitzer suggested that Lori email Jacobus Borough informing them that JLS will not be using the Borough field this year; and, therefore, JLS will not be involved in scheduling their field.

Background Checks

Lori noted all JLS Board Members, Commissioners, and Coaches must provide copies of their backgrounds checks to her for the JLS file.


Lori Starz reported that currently 32 players are registered. There was nothing else to report at this time.

Uniforms - 2 the T

Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that 2 the T should be instructed not to order uniforms for any sport until the Commissioners have contacted them to authorize release of the order. This will eliminate the problem of uniforms being ordered for players that cannot be placed on a team.

It was noted the registration deadline for all sports is currently March 27th. The 2the T website states that all orders must be placed by March 13th. Barb Sweitzer suggested that Lori email 2 the T to make sure there will be no issue with extending their deadline.

Commissioner Guidelines/ Policy and Procedures for Background Checks

Following a review of the revised Guidelines, Barb Sweitzer motioned and Dave Grove seconded to approve the Commissioner Guidelines as presented. Unanimously Approved.

Policy and Procedures for Background Checks

Barb Sweitzer suggested that the date be changedto reflect today’s date (2/18/16).

Barb Sweitzer motioned and Crystal Mueller seconded to approve the Policy and Procedures for Background Checks as presented with the modification to the date. Unanimously Approved.

Parents Night-Out

Lori Starz reported that everything went well at Parents Night Out (PNO). Eleven children attended the Program. However, it was noted that Kelsey and Gabby will no longer be available to head our PNO program. New personnel must be secured prior to the May 7th.

Summer Recreation

JLS will need a new Director and several new Counselors for the Summer Recreation Program. Barb Sweitzer suggested contacting the School District but making it understood that applicants must be at least 18 years old.


Sports Photographer

It was previously agreed that MikeInkrote would do the photography for all sports. A copy of the price list will be included in the Commissioner Notebooks.


Easter Egg Hunt

The cost of the Easter Bunny costume will be $80.00. Lori Starz will pick up the costume on March 25th. We still need to find someone to play the Easter Bunny. Kay Shue will purchase candy and novelties for the eggs and prizes for the various age groups. Either Lori or Crystal Mueller will assist with the purchases. Kay will schedule a date to stuff eggs and notify the Board members.

Jacobus Lions and Lioness Club – Color Fun Run

The 2nd Annual Color Fun Run will be held on April 9th. Barb Sweitzer volunteered to set up a table for JLS.

Crystal Mueller motioned and Barb Sweitzer secondedto adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm. Unanimously Approved.

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