
Application for Junior League of Evansville (JLE) Grants
DIAD Community Volunteer Request: Deadline 30 Days in advance of volunteer shifts needed
DIAD Grant - Deadline November 1, 2017 (Funding and Volunteers)
Small Grant - Deadline November 1, 2017 (Funding and/or Volunteers)
General Information – REQUIRED FOR All requests
Applicant Information
Organization’s Name: Date:
Street Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone:( ) Website Address:
Fax:( ) Year Established:
Contact person: Email Address:
Project Name:
Total Monetary Request (Not applicable for volunteer request only):$
Small Community Opportunity Grant requests are limited to a maximum of $2,500 each in a 12-month period.
Done-in-a-Day projects are fixed at $1,000 for materials and up to 10 volunteers.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: ______
Project Description:
In the following space, briefly describe the nature of your project. This should be written in terms that are easily understood by the general public. This is only meant to provide a quick understanding of the project:
Signature of Executive Director: Date:
Printed Name:
Signature of Board President: Date:
Printed Name:

Volunteer & Community Grant Opportunities

Request for Proposal - Packet 2017-18

Junior League of Evansville Mission Statement and Focus

Our Mission: The Junior League of Evansville is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The Junior League of Evansville reaches out to women of all races, religions, ages and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and a commitment to voluntarism.

Our Focus: Junior League of Evansville dedicates volunteers and funds to new and existing projects that improve opportunities for women, children, and education. We will give preference to those projects that have positive impact or effort directed to women and children in poverty.

Volunteer & Community Grant Opportunities

Application Deadlines

We invite you to apply for one or more of the grant opportunities listed below. This JLE Partnership Request for Proposal Packet includes:

  • Application Guidelines
  • Application

If you would like to discuss your project idea or if you question whether your proposal fits with JLE guidelines, please call chairwoman Jennifer Skinner at 812-455-0103 or email ut Junior League grant in the subject line). A member of the JLE Community Proposals Committee will be happy to assist you. For an electronic version of the application as well as additional information, please visit our website at

Partnership Opportunity / Funds Provided / Application Due Date / Award Notification
Done- In-A Day Grants / Maximum of $2,500 per award / November 1, 2017 / March 2018
Done-In-A Day Community Volunteers / N/A / Min. 30 Day Notice / Upon receipt and review
Small Grants / Maximum of $5,000 per award / November 1, 2017 / March 2018

JLE Done-In-A-Day Grants

Application Deadline – November 1, 2017

Through our Done-In-A-Day (DIAD) projects, community organizations can request a group of trained volunteers for a specific one or two day special project or for a one-time need of extra volunteers. Our DIAD volunteers can provide hands-on support assisting with community events, projects or programs. Organizations with whom we partner for DIAD projects normally have programming that complements the JLE Mission and/or focus areas which include women and children in poverty. Typical projects can be completed by 10 or fewer volunteers in one day or less, working two-hour shifts. Please know that we have a membership with skills and talents; so feel free to add detail that would be beneficial to the volunteer experience and your organization/event.(Dress for Success Coaching; Resume Assistance; How to Cook on a Limited Budget) Examples of past Done-In-A-Day projects can be provided upon request.

This application is only for DIAD projects that require both volunteers and funding. This would include volunteers working one day or less in two-hour shifts. Funds are limited to $2,500 per project and are to be used for the materials needed to complete the project.

Please see the separate application that we are requesting be returned for projects requiring VOLUNTEERS ONLY. The deadline is 30 days in advance of volunteer shifts needed and must be sent to .

The Done-In-A-Day deadline is November 1, 2017. After award notification in March 2018, the Project Implementation Committee will work with recipients to draft an Agreement outlining the details of the project and partnership between JLE and Partner Organization. Implementation will take place during the 2017-2018 league year. The Agreement must be accepted and signed by Partnering Organization before the grant funds will be awarded.

To apply for a DIAD Grant, please complete the enclosed application as well as a Proposal Narrative outlined on the following page. Organizations may make one request for each type of Junior League Grant in a 12-month period (June-May); however, a separate application must be completed for each separate request. Please type or print application. An electronic version of the application is available at Please submit five (5) copies of the completed application and required attachments to:

Junior League of Evansville

Attn: Community Proposals Chair – Jennifer Skinner

123 NW Fourth Street

Evansville, IN 47708

Done-In-A-Day APPLICation (Grant Funding and Volunteers)

Date and time of Event/Project ______

If multiple volunteer opportunities are available, please list the dates and times below:



In a one-page attachment, describe the event or project. Please address the following questions:

•How will JLE funds be used?

•What is the community issue to be addressed by this project?

•Who is the constituency to be served by this project?

•What are the goals and objectives of the project?

•What role will JLE volunteers play in this event/project?

•What is the location(s) of the project?

•What are the available shifts for this event/project?

•Are there any restrictions or special instructions for volunteers?

•Any other pertinent information?


Listing of current Board of Directors and/or Advisory Board

Copy of your 501(c)(3) IRS Determination Letter

Itemized project budget

Documentation of liability insurance covering volunteers

*Community Volunteer Opportunities

Done-In-A-Day Application (REquest for VOLUNTEERs Only)

DEADLINE: 30 Days in advance of the volunteer shifts needed

The Junior League of Evansvilleis an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism and developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The following form may be used by your organization to apply for a volunteer request from the Junior League of Evansville. Preference will be on volunteer opportunities that directly impact women and children in poverty. Please submit this application at least 30 days in advance of the volunteer shifts needed. This will assist our members in effectively managing their time and completing volunteer hours. This will also assist your organization with planning your projects and ensuring volunteers are notified of your event in a timely manner thereby increasing the number of possible volunteers. Please submit application for volunteers directly to 30 days prior to your volunteer shifts.

Applicant/Agency/Organization: ______

Contact Person: ______

Phone Number: ______

Email Address: ______

Address: ______

Date of Event/Project: ______Time of Event/Project: ______

Location of Project: ______

Event Project Goals and/or Purpose:

Community Issue Addressed:

Population Served:

Number of Volunteers Requested______

Volunteer Description:

Available shifts for this event/project:

Specific skills required/Restrictions:

Special instructions/supplies:

JLE Small Grants

Application Deadline – November 1, 2017

The Junior League of Evansville will award several Small Grants to local Not-For-Profit Agencies. Each grant is capped at $5,000. Grants will be awarded to Applicants with programming that compliments the JLE Mission and/or Focus and where money will have the greatest impact. Preference to projects that align with our mission and community impact directive which is women and children in poverty. Applications MUST be for program funding rather than general operating expenses.

The Small Grant deadline is November 1, 2017. After award notification in March 2018 the Project Implementation Committee will work with Grant Recipients to draft an Agreement outlining the details of the project and partnership between JLE and Partner Organization. The Agreement must be accepted and signed by Partnering Organization before the grant funds will be awarded. JLE volunteers will begin working on the new project after June 2018.

To apply for a Grant, please complete the enclosed application as well as a Proposal Narrative outlined on the following page. Organizations may make one request for each type of Junior League Grant in a 12-month period (June-May); however, a separate application must be completed for each separate request. Please type or print application. An electronic version of the application is available at Please submit five (5) copies of the completed application and required attachments to:

Junior League of Evansville

Attn: Community Proposals Chair – Jennifer Skinner

123 NW Fourth Street

Evansville, IN 47708

Project Proposals Narrative

All Small Grant Applications must complete this narrative

Project Proposal Narrative – Proposals should outline a well-managed plan for the project and demonstrate the Agency’s ability to effectively and efficiently work with JLE. The proposal should address the following information in an attachment not to exceed five (5), double-spaced typed pages. The font size must be a minimum of 11 points. If there is particular information that is not yet available, please explain.

Proposal Narrative:

  1. Background of Organization

Describe Agency history, programs and services, target population, and collaborations or partnerships.

  1. Community Need

Describe the issue to be addressed and the population to be served. If applying for a Small Grant, substantiate the need with statistics, official statements, or other documentation. (Please note that our preferred area of impact is women and children in poverty.)

  1. Goals of Project

Identify the objectives of the project. Identify specific and measurable goals and the impact of the project. If applying for a Small Grant, explain evaluation procedures including the criteria, timetable and methods for evaluating outcomes, how and by whom data will be gathered and analyzed.

  1. Project Description

Provide a detailed explanation of the project including:

·Project activities

·Project location

·Project implementation and timeline

·Responsibilities of the Agency Staff

·Potential types of involvement of JLE Volunteers

·Potential variables or barriers to proposed schedule

  1. Qualifications

Explain why your Organization should be chosen. Are any other agencies providing similar services?

  1. Project Cost

Provide the estimated cost of the program and the amount requested from JLE. Provide information on how JLE funds will be used. Provide status of financial requests from other organizations for this project, if applicable.

  1. Volunteering

Provide job description for each JLE Volunteer including training involved, skills needed and hours required (contact JLE for assistance, if necessary). Identify specific location(s) of projects and schedule (time of year, week, etc.).

  1. Any Other Pertinent Information
  2. Attachments:

Listing of current Board of Directors and/or Advisory Board

Copy of your 501(c)(3) IRS Determination Letter

Current annual operating budget

Itemized project budget

Documentation of liability insurance covering volunteers