Jigme Namgyal Lower Secondary School

Thimphu Thomde

Youth Action on 4 R’s Policy

Year: 2015

Aim: To create a waste free environment


To Learn and Share Knowledge and Awareness on Waste and other local issues through Poster Designing..etc

To reduce the waste in the school campus.

To make children aware of 4 R’s and its importance.

To promote Dignity of Labour in children.

Organize class wise competition-which ever class produces the least amount of waste will be awarded at the end of the year.

The categories for the competition as follows:

  • Category I- Classes PP-I
  • Category II – Classes II-III
  • Category III- Classes IV-V
  • Category IV- Classes VI-VIII

Assessment will be done monthly.

Students will be checked at the main gate by the members of the Youth Action for 4R’s club-avoid bringing of junk foods /frizzy drinks /chips to the school campus

If any student is caught then 3 points will deducted from their class marks. Marking will be done out of 100 points.

Every Wednesday and Saturday, respective class captains should empty/dispose their class wastes.

Respective classes will dispose their waste to their Co-ordinator (YAF4R’s club leader). The waste collected from each class will be recorded and it will be displayed in the notice board.

Ms.Sonam Pelmo

Focal Person

Youth Action Club Members

Sl.no: / Names / Gender / Class /Section / Remarks
1. / Jigten Chhopel / M / VIII A
2 / Dechen Tshering / M / VIII A
3. / Kinley Namgyel / M / VIII A
4. / Tandin Tshering / M / VIII A
5. / Jigme Tobden / M / VIII A
6. / Yonten Phuntsho / M / VIII A
7. / Pema T.Tobden / M / VIII A
8. / Tobden D Wangchuk / M / VIII A
9. / Tandin Dorji / M / VIII A
10. / Tandin Zam / F / VIII C
11. / Dechen Pem / F / VIII C
12. / Pema Lhamo / F / VIII C
13. / Namgay Lhamo / F / VIII C
14. / Tandin Ongmo Dorji / F / VIII C
15 / Namgay Dorji / M / VIII F
16. / Pema Dolma / F / VIII F
17. / Dago Tobden / M / VII A
18. / Siddarth Nepal / M / VII A
19. / Sonam Choden / F / VII B
20 / Samjana Rai / F / VII B
21 / Tshering Choki / F / VII B
22 / Tandin Choden / F / VII C
23 / Dawa Choden / F / VII C
24 / Kuenzang Dema / F / VII C
25 / Tandin Zam / F / VII C
26 / Jidrel Dorji / M / VII C
27 / Jamyang Tamang / M / VII E
28 / Ugyen Tenzin / M / VII E
29 / Karma Yangzom / F / VII F
30 / Dechen Zam / F / VII F
31 / Kinley Lham / F / VII F
32 / Tenzin C Wangdi / F / VII F
33 / Kinley Yangzom / F / VII F
34 / Thuji Wangmo / F / VII F
35 / Dendup pema / F / VII F
36 / Pema yangzom / F / VII F
37 / Karma Tshering / M / VII F
38 / Phuntsho / F / VII F
39 / Kinley :Lham / F / VII F
40 / Kinley Wangmo / F / VII F
41 / Pema Yoezer / M / VII G
42 / Yeshi Dorji / M / VII G
43 / Tshewang Choden / F / VII G
44 / Sonam Wangmo / F / VII H
45 / Jetshen Pelmo / F / VII H
46 / Ugyen Dema / F / VII H
47 / Choki Wangmo / F / VII H
48 / Deki / F / VII H
49 / Sonam Choden / F / VII H
50 / Nyendro Lhamo / F / VII H
51 / Tashi Deki Peldon / F / VII H
52 / Tshering Wangmo / F / VII H
53 / Sonam Yangden / F / VII H
54 / Karma Deki / F / VII H

Total members-54 with 17 boys and 37 Girls

Responsibilities Holder in the Youth Action Club

Checking at the school main gate (To see whether students are bringing junk goods/frizzy drinks and chips to the school campus

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Jetshen Pelmo / VII H
2. / Kinley Wangmo / VII F
3. / Dechen Tshering / VIII A
4. / Pema Thinley Tobden / VIII A

Coordinator for collecting the class waste

  • For Class VIII - A/B/C/D

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Younten Phuntsho / VIIIA
2. / Jigme Tobden / VIII A
  • For Class VIII - E/F/G/H

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Dechen Zam / VII F
2. / Karma Yangzom / VII F
  • For Class VII -A/B/C/D

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Tshering Chhopel / VII F
2. / Thuji Wangmo / VII F
  • For Class VII E/F/G/H

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Nyendro Lhamo / VII H
2. / Deki / VII H
  • For Class VI A/B/C

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Jitten Chhopel / VIII A
2. / Tandin Tshering / VIII A
  • For Classes V- A/B/C/D

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Karma Tshering Phuntsho / VII F
2. / Sonam Wangmo / VII H
3. / Sonam Choden / VII H
  • For Classes IV- A/B/C

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Choki Wangmo / VII H
2. / Pema Yoezer / VII G
3. / Jamyang Tamang / VII E
  • For Class III- A/B

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Tandin Zam / VII C
2. / Kuenzang Dema / VII C
  • For Class II – A/B

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Tshering Choki / VII B
2. / Tandin Choden / VII C
  • For Class I – A/B

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Sonam Choden / VII B
2. / Samjana Rai / VII B
  • For Class PP-A/B

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Dawa Choden / VII C
2. / Kinley Lhamo / VII F

To take care of paper waste

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Tandin Dorji / VIII A
2. / Jidrel Dorji / VII E

To take care of waste bins

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Yeshi Dorji / VII G
2. / Dago Tobden / VII A

To take care of Notice Board

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Pema Yangzom / VII F

Club Counsellor

Sl.no: / Name of the members / Class / Remarks
1. / Tobden Drakpa / VIII A
2. / Karma Pema Tshomo / VIII F