


JFNA Health & Long-Term Care Workgroup



Jonathan S. Westin (202) 736-5860 /



June 8, 2010



Health Reform Memo # 1 Implementation Timeline for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) into law. Combined with its companion legislation, the Health Care & Education Reconciliation Act, an implementation timeline has emerged that will have implications for the federation movement and its partner agencies. Special thanks to the Kaiser Family Foundation for their assistance in compiling this memo. Below, please see some key areas of potential impact:


Insurance Reforms

  • Establish a temporary national high-risk pool to provide health coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions. (Effective 90 days following enactment until January 1, 2014). Affects Jewish Hospitals, Children’s and Family Agencies


  • Improve care coordination for dual eligibles (those who qualify for Medicaid and Medicare) by crating a new office within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Federal Coordinated Health Care Office. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Reduction of annual market basket updates for inpatient hospital, home health, skilled nursing facility, hospice and other Medicare providers and adjust for productivity. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies


  • Creates a state option to cover childless adults through a Medicaid State Plan Amendment. Affects Children’s and Family Agencies

Tax Changes

  • Impose additional requirements on non-profit hospitals. Impose a tax of $50,000 per year for failure to meet these requirements. Affects Jewish Hospitals


Long-Term Care

  • Framework is expected to be put in place for a national, voluntary insurance program for purchasing community living assistance services and supports. The framework will be the first phase of implementation and benefit design. Affects populations served by Jewish federations and their partner agencies.
  • Implementation process begins (but will not be completed) on a benefit design to establish a national, voluntary program for purchasing community living assistance services and supports (CLASS program). The “rollout” to the public is not expected until 2012. Affects populations serviced by Jewish federations and their partner agencies.

Prevention & Wellness

  • Improve prevention by covering only proven preventative services and eliminating cost-sharing for preventative services in Medicare; increase Medicare payments for certain preventative services to 100% of actual charges or fee schedule rates. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Provide Medicare beneficiaries access to a comprehensive health risk assessment and creation of a personalized prevention plan. Provide incentives to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries to complete behavior modification programs. Affects populations served by Jewish federations and their partner agencies.
  • Establish the National Prevention, Health promotion and Public Health Council to develop a national strategy to improve the nation’s health. Affects populations served by Jewish federations and their partner agencies.


  • Reduce annual market basket updates for Medicare providers beginning in 2011. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Provide Medicare payments to qualifying hospitals in counties with the lowest quartile Medicare spending for 2011 and 2012. Potentially affects Jewish Hospitals contingent on areas served.
  • Create an InnovationCenter within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Affects populations served by Jewish federations and their partner agencies.


  • Prohibit federal payments to states for Medicaid services related to health care acquired conditions. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Create a new Medicaid state plan option to permit Medicaid enrollees with at least two chronic conditions, one condition and risk of developing another, to designate a provider as a health home. Provide states taking up the option with 90% FMAP for two years for health home related services including care management, care coordination, and health promotion. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Create the State Balancing Incentive Program in Medicaid to provide enhanced federal matching payments to increase non-institutionally based long-term care services. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Establish the Community First Choice Option in Medicaid to provide community-based attendant support services to certain people with disabilities. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies

Quality Improvement

  • Establish the Community-based Collaborative Care Network Program to support consortiums of health care providers to coordinate and integrate health care services, for low-income uninsured and underinsured populations. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies



  • Allow providers organized as accountable care organizations (ACOs) that voluntarily meet quality thresholds to share in the cost savings they achieve for the Medicare program. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Reduce Medicare payments that would otherwise be made to hospitals by specified percentages to account for excess (preventable) hospital readmissions. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Create the Medicare Independence at Home demonstration program. Affects consumers served by the Jewish community as well as Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Establish a hospital value-based purchasing program in Medicare and develop plans to implement value-based purchasing programs for skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, and ambulatory surgical centers. Affects Jewish Hospitals.


  • Create new demonstration projects in Medicaid to pay bundled payments for episodes of care that include hospitalizations (effective January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2016). Affects Jewish Hospitals.
  • Create a new demonstration project to make global capitated payments to safety net hospital systems (effective fiscal years 2010 through 2012). Affects Jewish Hospitals deemed “safety nets.”



  • Establish a national Medicare pilot program to develop and evaluate paying a bundled payment for acute, inpatient hospital services, physician services, outpatient hospital services, and post-acute care services for an episode of care. Affects consumers served by the Jewish community as well as Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies


  • Increase Medicaid payments of primary care services provided by primary care doctors for 2013 and 2014 with 100% federal funding. Affects Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies



  • Establish an Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) comprised of 15 members to submit legislative proposals containing recommendations to reduce the per capita rate of growth in Medicare spending if spending exceeds a target growth rate. Recommendations of the IPAB will begin in January 2014. Affects consumers served by the Jewish community as well as Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Reduce Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments initially by 75% and subsequently increase payments based on the percent of the population uninsured and the amount of uncompensated care provided. Affects Jewish Hospitals


  • Expand Medicaid to all non-Medicare eligible individuals under age 65 (children, pregnant women, parent, and adults without dependent children) with incomes up to 133% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) based on modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) and provide enhanced federal matching for new eligibles. Affects consumers served by the Jewish community as well as Jewish Hospitals, Long-Term Care Communities, Children’s and Family Agencies
  • Reduce states Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) allotments. Affects Jewish Hospitals

2015 and later


  • Reduce Medicare payments to certain hospitals for hospital-acquired conditions by 1%. (Effective fiscal year 2015). Affects Jewish Hospitals