Jesus is Born (Luke 2)
Main Point: Jesus was born to be the Savior of the world.
Key Verse: She will give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins. - Matthew 1:21
Materials: A picture of a king with a crown and a robe sitting on a throne, and a picture of baby Jesus in swaddling clothes in the manger.
Personal Application:
· Say: Today’s lesson is such a beautiful story of how our Savior, Jesus Christ, came into the world. Can you imagine the excitement in the air? Picture the angels, who have been waiting so long for this day, standing in the heavens declaring Jesus as Christ the Lord.
· Leader, please feel free to tell about a time you waited for something wonderful to come and how exciting the arrival was.
Hands on Application:
· Say: Even though people had to wait many years for the birth of Jesus, God’s timing was perfect, and His birth was wonderful. Did you know that one of Jesus’ names is Wonderful? Choose a student to read Isaiah 9:6 to the class. Who can tell me another name of Jesus? Allow the group to respond.
· Say: Revelation 19:16 calls Jesus the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Let’s think about this for a minute. Hold up the picture of the king. Say: What is the man in this picture? King. How do you know He’s a king? Allow the group to list some attributes of a king: crown, throne, robe, probably lives in a castle, powerful etc.
· Hold up a picture of baby Jesus. Say: We know that Jesus is the true King, but He doesn’t look like this king. Hold up the picture of the king again. Where’s Jesus’ robe? It’s His swaddling clothes. What is His throne? A manger. What is His castle? A stable. What is His crown? That would come only at his death, and it would be a crown of thorns.
· Say: There are so many ways to describe Jesus. He is holy, perfect, and all-powerful. Because of His great power, He could have come to this earth as a demanding king forcing us to obeyHim, but He didn’t. Because He was perfect, He could have created a perfect place for Himself to live in. Instead, He lived among ordinary people. Because He is holy, He showed us how toexperience His perfect love - the love of the Savior.
Group Discussion:
· Say: Why do you think it was important for Jesus to come to earth as a helpless baby rather than a king on a throne? Possible answer: He was more interested in having a relationship with us rather than ruling over us.
· Say: Why do you think Jesus came to earth at all? He personally came to save the lost. Read Luke 19:10 and Romans 5:8.
Conversation with God (Prayer):
· Praise Jesus that He came to earth to be our Savior! Also, pray over the group that they will always remember how much Jesus loves them. Fill in prayer journals and close in prayer.
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