JESUS and the SEA (2/20/00 Sermon SH)

Calm Seas: Matt 8:22-27 & Walk on Water: Matt 14:22-32

(10/10/01 – Cita; 10/14/01-SH; 10/16/01 – Mmotion)


*** These days, there are plenty of things to worry about: Terrorism, Stock Market, Recession, War in Afghanistan, Biological warfare, Rising healthcare costs, crime & violence, declining job mkt, etc. Take your pick!!

Individually, these things seem like major problems. Collectively, they can seem huge and powerful --- like an sea, ready to overwhelm and drown us!

The sea is undoubtedly one of the most powerful forces on earth. Man has never been able to harness or subdue its superior power. Perhaps, that is why God so often uses oceans and seas to demonstrate His greater power … a power that far exceeds human wisdom and understanding .

Whether dividing the waters with land at creation; covering the earth with the waters in the great flood; turning the Nile to blood; parting the Red Sea;calming the sea with a command; or walking on water,the evidence of God's power and authority are undeniable…. If we are willing to see.

Even non-believers adapt images of Jesus walking on water and calming the seas, to characterize impossible things. Yet, they blindly deny the 'miracle worker;' saying, "All of the natural, scientific and life-changing evidence of God" cannot be true… since we do not believe in God!" (Try discussing the creation of man or the world, with someone who does not believe in God).

Today, let us examine (1-2) Bible Miracles involving Jesus and the Sea of Galilee. Note: Mountains and wind around this small 7 mile x 14 mile sea, can create furious storms with 10-20 ft waves.

Synopsis of Matt 8:22-27 -- Jesus and Disciples IN the BOAT – Jesus Asleep.

Jesus responds to fears and calms the waters and wind.

Synopsis of Matt. 14:22-32 -- Jesus walking on water at 4:00 am (after feeding

Of the 5,000. Peter steps out of the boat onto the water.

Note: These stories are NOT about seas, weather, wind or fishing boats. Those things only help us learn to depend entirely on God for our security, when we face trials, difficulties and storms in life!

*** According to the National Bureau of Standards, a dense fog covering seven city blocks to a depth of 100 feet --- contains about enough water to fill one drinking glass!

Our fears can make our problems look like a dense, ominous 'fog' --- instead of a few drops of water, relative to God's boundless love and power.

When we only trust what we can SEE and Understand, our FEARS quickly turn puddles into stormy seas. When we trust in Christ, God can turn the raging storms, into mere puddles.



Matt. 8:22-23 Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead." 8:23} Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him.

Anyone not following Jesus, is ALREADY dead (without true LIFE).

Physically DEAD cannot bury anyone --- these are the Spiritually DEAD!

MODEL: Jesus leads; disciples follow - God equips and enables

(What ifdisciples (or we) only discuss or studyChrist's commands?")

…. The Disciples ACTED – they followed in Faith!

JESUS is IN the boat of (our life) WITH US, in the indwelling Holy Spirit.

BUT, he does not possess us or Force us to GO! … He LEADS!

Matt. 8:24- Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake (Sea of Galilee), so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.

?Without warning – IF we expected life's major problems, we would avoid them! Even the experienced disciples (fishermen) were surprised!

?IF we remain/abide in Christ, life's storms may surprise us, but they will not overwhelm us … or rob us of our peace in Christ.

(Jesus SLEPT!). God is not concerned about the things we fear! His concern is with our fear -- Note: God could easily prevent the storm!

WE (disciples) learn more from opposition/problems, than smooth sailing.

Without Trials, we only learn ABOUT Faith.

Matt 8:25 -The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us!

We're going to drown!"

?(Implied: "If you really cared, you would Do something!") --They KNEW Jesus COULD do something, but blindly feared that He would NOT!

?*** The issue is not God's power, but our Faith in God's Love. Most

"know" that an all-powerful God exists ("Even the demons" -Jas. 2)

Believers trust their lives to God's LOVE!

?(Catch 22) We lack faith in God's faithfulness, due to our past lack of faith in God's faithfulness. We lack proof!

DEAD Faith thinks, studies, agrees and talks, while LIVING FAITH ACTS.

?“Lord Save US!” -- The Cry of ALL who recognize their own Helplessness

These master fishermen/sailors had no real control, in their own element!

Men boast they are in control, but “cannot change a hair on their head”


"We are going to drown" – Fear magnifies imagined consequences!!

We see problems in the light of our own weakness, not God’s power or loving willingness to ACT on our behalf!

?If we dwell on the overwhelming, we will be overwhelmed. IF we dwell on Christ, We will not FEAR or be overwhelmed by the storms of life!

Matt. 8:26He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got-up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Jesus can calm the storms outside, OR IN our heart ...If we allow it!

** IF God calms either, … we will become less afraid!

?First things first: (This is a lesson, not simply a miraculous event) –

Jesus first REBUKED the fearful disciples, … THEN the insolent waves! The wind and waves were only the fearful circumstances of the moment!

WE Learn to have FAITH in fearful situations, not on the shores of calm lakes on balmy days (or in our church pew on Sunday).

UNLESS We learn to Trust God with our INNER FEARS, the circumstances of life will only raise new fears … at each new stage of life:

***Children fear the dark, being left alone, loud noises;

Teenagers fear pimples, unpopularity, being different;

Young Adults fear inability to establish a career, pay bills, & lack of relationships Middle age Adults fear the loss of career or financial security, lack of success and raising children;

Older adults fear failing health, the loss of loved ones, independence, identity and financial security

?FEAR will continue for a lifetime, unless we trust GOD with the FEAR WITHIN US, … not just with the things we fear!

Matt. 8:27- The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!"

**(Sea was completely calm) -- Decrees of Earthly Kings:

In the years 10141035 there ruled over England a Danish king named Canute. King Canute tired of hearing his retainers flatter him with extravagant praises of his greatness, power and invincibility. He ordered his chair to be set down on the seashore, where he commanded the waves not to come in and wet him. No matter how forcefully he ordered the tide not to come in, however, his order was not obeyed. Soon the waves lapped around his chair. One historian tells us that, therefore, he never wore his crown again, but hung it on a statue of the crucified Christ. See: Matt 8:27; Rev 19:16 *******************************************

?The disciples had a daily, first-hand relationship with Jesus, AND they were amazed! They did not think Jesus was Lord, THEY KNEW IT …. But still, they periodically lost sight of who they were following!

Those who only know ABOUT Christ, but have no relationship, are often NOT amazed … because Christ is not real to them!

?Miracles build faith to stand firm, without seeing miracles!

(Ex. 13 - "Stand Firm and the enemy you see will never be seen again")

(Eph. 6 - "Having put on the armor, STAND FIRM.

Synopsis: The Storms of Life:

LIFE is like a ship, sailing on the waters of this world. Most sail pretty well in a calm harbor OR church on a warm, sunny Sunday morning.

BUT, men, like ships, are not created for harbors or churches. In the world, even experienced sailors are often caught in unexpected storms.

Many people, however, spend years and even lifetimes "suddenly caught in life's storms." They don't like storms, but still setout daily with no charts, course or compass ignoring or unaware of storm warnings. They do not understand why, but their lives are always in turmoil.

** LIFE is a classroom; The LAW is a Teacher; Christ is the Answer!

?The storms of life are an opportunity to prove God’s faithfulness , ... .

---- To move beyond what God CAN do, to What God WILL DO!

**** The real issue is NOT the SIZE of our problems (storms), but the size of our FAITH IN GOD's FAITHFULNESS: * .

?God allows us to experience trials and fearful situations, for our benefit (to teach us to trust Him!). God does not cause trials, He overcomes them!

oGod may calm the waves (Overcome our fearful circumstances)

oGod may calm US – in the face of our fears and circumstances

oGod may leave us in trials, teachings us to walk by Faith, not sight

Issue not “What is God doing” but, do we trust God, regardless of circumstances



Last week, we used the story in Matt. 8 of Jesus calming the sea, to compare our lives with the boat carrying the disciples, and the seas with the trials, obstacles and problems of this world. To carry the illustration further, we could also compare Jesus (God in the flesh – sleeping in the front of the boat) – with the indwelling Holy Spirit (God in the Spirit, within us).

Three Principles come out of this illustration:

1)God is IN the boat (our life) with us, even when it appears that the storms of this world are ready to overwhelm and drown us!

The Storms of this world … and the Holy Spirit within us, provide us with

the opportunity and power to GROW Spiritually --- (to learn to depend

more on God and less on ourselves… Closer relationship with God)

2)ALL people are not afraid of the SAME things. Clearly, Fear is within US, …. not in things! (False Evidence Appearing Real)

IF we are to truly put our fears behind us , We must give the FEAR ITSELF, … not just the THINGS WE FEAR … to God. (Otherwise, panic and fear combat Faith and prevent us from GROWING in FAITH)

Only when we give our INNER FEARS to GOD, … can He began to use us for His purpose and Glory. [??Does this mean we are never afraid?? NO, But our Faith & Trust in God, will EXCEED our FEARS!]

3)The notion that God cannot help or use us UNTIL we learn enough,

memorize enough scripture and feel comfortable enough to overcome our fear ---limit God’s Opportunities (not His desire) … to Help Us!

Evidence of this affliction is found among those who remain pew/church-bound“hearers of the Word” --looking for low-risk, religious programs to help them feel Spiritually Alive! … rather than the opportunities God provides to Change Lives and Produce Fruit THROUGH US!!

PART II - JESUS (and Peter) WALK ON THE WATER: (Mat 14:2232 NIV)

INTRODUCTION: Water-walking in Matt. 14, -- Carries our boat (life) beyondthe horizons of simply thinking, believing and speaking in faith, ... to actually stepping out of the boat (our 'comfort zone') and Acting and Living in Faith.

Matt. 14:22-23 - Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 14:23} After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,

Immediately --After feeding 5,000 (+ women & children) with 5 loaves & 2

fish; 12 baskets – Nothing between this amazing miracle and boat ride.

Also:5000 people gone; dark; alone; time passed, no other boat or disciples)

  • Jesus *Made/compelled them” --- How? … He Commanded them to GO!; much like He commands disciples today to “GO, Make Disciples!” The Disciples wanted to stay where the feeding was going on, NOT "GO" when Jesus commanded! (TODAY: Stay in Church and be Fed vs dark, cold, wind)

3 Commands: "Go” … "Follow” "Come" --- ALL ACTIVE!

GO -Obey: Get out of your comfort zone and ACT, regardless of fears!

FOLLOW – Submit to the Word; Follow examples of Christ and Disciples

COME - Move toward Christ in the midst of trials; Keep faith/focus on Him!

 (Jesus prayed… ALWAYS --- before, during and after the events of life.

PRAYER: Opportunity to Draw near to God and seek his will, purpose, power and heart!

***Jesus Believed God Answers Prayer … DO YOU?? *** Tavern keeper sued church for praying that his “den of iniquite be destroyed.” Lightning destroyed it–Church fought claim! Judge: Tavern keeper believes in prayer!

Matt. 14:24} but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

Another of those "blind or lame from birth" statements. -"Distance" and "Peter sinking" clearly confirms No Tricks! (eg; wading, walking on shore, beside the boat, in another boat, etc). This is pure God; - No tricks!


About 3 miles out! - Sea of Galilee: 14 miles x 7 miles -- Mountains & winds = fierce storms.--- It was DARK, WINDY and STORMY … NOT a comfortable, warm, familiar place into which Jesus commanded, “GO!”

Matt. 14:25-26} During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. Matt. 14:26 - When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.

(Fourth watch: 3-6am) – Jesus Could have immediately gone to other side & waited, but water-walking miracle was needed by disciple's and Peter.

***4AM may be the only time apart from the world; that we hear God.

(Terrified) Oddly; After many miracles (healing, cast out demons, calm the sea, raise the dead … AND feeding of 5,000 --- the disciples quickly forgot! Neither Faith or Fear are logical for early disciples OR US!

(Ghost) - More willing to believe in that which does not exist (superstitious

imagination) then the ever-present reality of God!

** Our ever-present desire to explain the unexplainable – even illogically!

… rather than embrace the truth of a miraculous, non-understandable God!

Mat14:27 -Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid"

Immediately calmed their fears -- God's concern is our fear, NOT the things we fear! Sometimes God deals with the things we fear (Calms the Waves) – Sometimes with US (Calms the fear IN US).

"It is I" also translated as "I AM" - God, revealing himself to us in the flesh / blood of Jesus Christ. His desire is to replace our fear with His love! ("Perfect love casts out fear" ___:___)

Mat14:28 Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, tell me to come to you on the water

Peter (“the Rock”) upon whom Christ would build His earthly church most often passionately leaped before he looked; frequently missing mark.

But, God invariably choose passionate people, and conforms them by His Holy Spirit … to His purpose: David, Paul, Moses, (No Spiritual wimps) …. Passion … “As a deer pants for water"

?? Peter knew HE had no power to walk on water, yet KNEW Jesus did - For Once, Peter was not seeking his own ability, but God's power!

Matt. 14:29} "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.


Had Peter simply leaped out of the boat (as he did after the Resurrection),

He would have SUNK! Peter had no power to walk on water!

INSTEAD, … He sought and received God’s Power and BEGAN HIS WALK … by FAITH!

Per 14:28, Peter already THOUGHT, BELIEVED and even SPOKE in faith --- but believing, thinking, and speaking did not get him out of the boat!

Then Peter ACTED in Faith!. >Jesus provides power for His followers to “GO, FOLLOW, COME” and even WALK on water. BUT, MANY are either unwilling to SEEK God’s Power --- OR unwilling to ACT or get out of the boat / church / comfort zone.

Matt. 14:30} But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

Even standing ON the water, Peter lost sight of Christ,who got him there! -- INSTEAD, He began to “Walk by worldly sight, NOT Faith!”

> Faith is a Daily Walk - "Deny yourself daily"

(He saw the wind and waves) Circumstances and fear divided Peter's faith ... BUT, "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved" Peter called on the Lord to Save Him … Faith in Christ remained!

Matt. 14:31-32} Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "Why did you doubt?" Matt. 14:32} And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.

(Immediately) - Again, without delay! In response to Peter's FEAR & Cry