December, 2007 Minutes

The Ashby City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at AshbyCity Hall. Mayor Thomas Grover called the meetingto order at 7:00 p.m. with council members Carl Ulrich, Peter Hoff, Kristyn Fick and Lynn Jensenpresent. Also present were Richard Walton, City Attorney; Val Martin, Clerk/Treasurer;Thor Tollefson, Police Chief and Paul Teicher, Public Works Superintendent.

The pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jensen moved to approve the agenda with the additions. Ulrich seconded. MCU

Hoff moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

  • Approval of all November minutes.
  • Approval of bills: Prepaid: $12,577.80 and Claims for Approval: $15,746.41 for a total of $28,324.21
  • Approve Carlson-Highland as our audit firm
  • .

Jensen seconded. MCU

There were ten outstanding utility accounts scheduled to be disconnected Friday.

Open Forum

No one was present at the Open Forum.

Mayor’s Report

  • Attended a PelicanLakeTownship meeting.
  • Attended a CountyCommissioner’s meeting.
  • Attended an information meeting on SEED – Strategic Entrepreneurial Economic Development

The discussion moved to garbage/recycling, etc. The County garbage contract was awarded to Denzel’s Regional Waste. There was discussion on purchasing a dumpster vs. leasing. Ulrich moved to give the Garbage Commission authority to do this. Hoff seconded.

Public Works

Jensen and Fick reported on Public Works Commission as follows:

  • The purchase of a tractor is part of the equipment replacement plan for 2008. The equipment replacement plan was put together 3 years ago. The idea is to put money away from each of the funds in small increments and purchase equipment as it is needed. The John Deere was purchase 20+ years ago and it is time to replace it. The Council discussed the idea of purchasing it in January as apposed to spring in order to make use of it for snow removal. It will save staff time and some money on using Ness Backhoe service for some of the snow removal. The council also discussed purchasing a pull-behind mower to alleviate staff time mowing and it will also save on the small mower. We can move back the purchase of a new mower one-to two years by dramatically decreasing the hours on the small mower. Staff mowing time will be decreased a minimum of 8-10 hours a week with a pull-behind mower. Several options were checked out with bids received from three companies. Teicher also reported on the option of leasing a tractor. This would actually cost more money and would not be viable. Teicher also checked on purchasing a used tractor. There is a huge discount on new mowers because we can receive the state bid price so 2-4 year old mowers would cost about the same as a new one. Ulrich moved to purchase a Kabota tractor from Alex Power. Hoff seconded. MCU Jensen moved to purchase the snow push blades from Alex Power. Fick seconded. MCU Alex Power will look for a used mower to save us some money and this will be purchased in the spring.
  • Four applications were received for the part-time public works position. The commission reviewed all of the applications and a 100-point system was used to evaluate experience, knowledge, training, veteran’s preference and other criteria. The Public Works Commission recommends that the Council hire Dennis Helle for this position. Ulrich moved to accept this recommendation. Hoff seconded. MCU

Hoff and Ulrich reported on Street Commission as follows:

  • Information was received from Martin that, after reviewing recorded items at the Grant County Recorder’s Office, the City does own the property from the Nursing Home down to Highway 78. It was never officially made an alley so the council will need to pass a formal resolution. This was tabled until the January meeting so the Council can get more information on the property north of Main Street, adjacent to the Central Lakes Trail. Ulrich moved to designate the alley, formerly known as Dal Street, as a Fire Lane. It is important to be able to get emergency vehicles down this alley, with the nursing home and assisted living there. Ulrich moved to designate this as a fire lane and purchase signs. Hoff seconded. No parking will be allowed in this alley.
  • Ulrich moved to approve the Snow Removal Policy as presented. Hoff seconded. MCU
  • It was decided that there needs to be some information put in the paper reminding them to remove their cars within 24 hours after a snowfall, etc.
  • The streets and sidewalk ordinance was tabled.

Teicher gave his report:

  • The skating rink signs have been put up. Because of the snow fall, the rink is not open – it is very poor ice.
  • One of the business owners thanked him for the quick removal of snow on the streets.

Grover mentioned that there is a need for some type of snow blower – maybe an attachment for the mower. He and Thor Tollefson have been using their own personal snow blowers for the last several years to remove some of the snow on city property. Ulrich moved to purchase a snowblower attachment for the lawn mower. The motion died for lack of a second. Teicher will get options and prices.

Public Safety

The police report was as follows:

  • 1 Speeding Violation
  • 2 Public/Motorist Assist
  • 1 Animal Complaint
  • 1 Suspicious Activity
  • 1 Open Door
  • 1 Parking Complaint
  • 2 Sick Cared For
  • 1 City Ordinance Violation
  • 2 Welfare Checks
  • Tobacco Compliance Check was Completed

Old Business

Ulrich moved to approve the assisted living development agreement contingent on payment received for outstanding invoices. Hoff seconded. MCU We are waiting to hear information from the developers on how they are going to handle the storm water. Jeremy Anderson, WSN volunteered to look at the project and write them a letter on what needs to be done.

Jensen moved to approve Resolution #2007-27 Approval of Final Tax Levy. Fick seconded. Roll call vote: Jensen-yes, Fick-yes, Grover-yes, Hoff-yes and Ulrich-yes. MCU

Ulrich moved to purchase the excess railroad property east of County Road 10 and north of the Central Lakes Trail after the first of the year. Hoff seconded. MCU This property will be offered for sale to some of the adjacent property. It is necessary to purchase the land to eliminate the yearly lease for water and sewer from MN DOT.

Walton and Fick reported on personnel committee. Part-time wages for public works has not increased in 3 years. They presented an increase in wages along with the wages for the new public works employee. The committee also recommended that a change be made to the Personnel Policy. There is a need to change the carryover of comp-time from one year to the other from 16 hours to 40 hours. The Pay Equity report is due in January. Martin will prepare the report and meet with the Personnel Committee prior to the January council meeting. Ulrich moved to accept the Personnel Committee recommendations as presented. Hoff seconded. Grover abstained. MCU

Ulrich moved to approve the Fire and Ambulance budgets for 2008. Hoff seconded. MCU

We are in compliance with NIMS 300 and 400 training.

A letter was distributed from Jeremy Anderson, WSN regarding the final payment to Mark Lee. There is some bituminous damage that needs to be repaired but the rest of the project is complete. After he contacted the contractor, they felt that final payment should not be held up for this repair because the weather is too cold and it could not be done until spring. He demanded final payment from the city and threatened a law suit. Anderson recommended that holding the money does not warrant exposure the exposure that the city would have in a lawsuit. He suggests final payment be sent and he will look at the pavement issue with Mark Lee in the spring. Fick moved to send final payment as long as documentation is received from the contractor stating that he will repair the pavement in the spring. Jensen seconded. MCU

Information about the proposed electrical transmission lines was distributed. It was decided that City representation was not necessary on one of these working groups.

Council pay was discussed. Ulrich moved to increase council pay. Hoff seconded. Those for: none. Those voting against: Hoff, Ulrich, Grover, Jensen and Fick. Motion was not passed.

Council paycheck for 2007 will be distributed this week.

Jensen made a motion to move the January council meeting to January 9th at 7:00 p.m. because the 1st Tuesday is a holiday. Fick seconded. MCU

Jensen moved to approve Resolution #2007-28 Fund Transfers for Capital Improvement. Fick seconded. Roll call vote: Jensen-yes, Fick-yes, Grover-yes, Hoff-yes and Ulrich-yes. MCU

Fick moved to vote for Hal Leland and Bob Block for the LCSC representative. Jensen seconded. MCU

Jensen moved to pass Resolution #2007-29 Donation from Ashby Community Club - $200 for the Hoff seconded. Roll call vote: Jensen-yes, Fick-yes, Grover-yes, Hoff-yes and Ulrich-yes. MCU

Hoff moved to pass Resolution #2007-30 Tobacco and Liquor Licenses for 2008. Ulrich seconded. Roll call vote: Jensen-yes, Fick-yes, Grover-yes, Hoff-yes and Ulrich-yes. MCU

Hoff moved to pass Resolution #2007-31 Fund Transfer for TIF. Ulrich seconded. Roll call vote: Jensen-yes, Fick-yes, Grover-yes, Hoff-yes and Ulrich-yes. MCU

A recap of the SEED meeting that Martin and Grover was distributed to the council. SEED stands for Strategic Entrepreneurial Economic Development. It is Governor Pawlenty’s plan design to improve economic development in rural Minnesota.

A holiday get-together would probably be scheduled for January. More information will be available at the January council meeting.

There is an elected official training that will be held in January in Bloomington. Councilmembers should let the Clerk know if they wish to attend.

Jensen thanked the staff for the hard work that has been done over the last year. It was greatly appreciated.

Adjourn 10:00 p.m.

New Business

Jensen moved to adjourn. Fick seconded. MCU

Adjourn 8:10 p.m.


Valerie Martin, Clerk

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