Recap –
Jehovah Jehoshua Christos –
8% of the population – reflected on the notes – and it dawned on me that 92% of the population are not saved! 9 out 10 people are not saved, 9 out 10 people in my family are not saved, 9 out 10 people that I know are not saved.
The Trinity
What is the Trinity, where is it in the bible, how does it work and how does it make sense?
Concordance - look up trinity, my bible.... NIV Exhaustive... Strong’s Concordance.... Google 58million most unhelpful but there is some there so how bout we just focus on the Word!!! Its not there but that doesn’t mean that it’s not. Not everything is written the exact way... so lets see what it does say using another method of study.
Bible Study methods - first mention/word study
•The first time something is mentioned in the Bible also includes its full meaning.
•Also called the law of first mention
•When God “first mentioned” Jesus he referred to him as Jehovah Jehoshua Christos
•So using the same method... let’s look up the first time God is mentioned...
Gen 1:1
In the beginning ‘God’... (Strong’s H 430)
My sword bible app tool - has 2 dictionaries – BDB and Strong’s God is written from an original Hebrew word ‘eloyhim’) (last week creator ‘el’ and o- heem)
The key point here is that it is PLURAL, therefore more than one. God is not just God as just creator or the father but He is much more than that.
The trinity was formed after looking at the totality of all Scripture referring to God and the best summation is Matt 28:19 (look it up). Why Trinity? It means ‘threefold/triad/set of three’. Trinity consists of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. BUT the word “Trinity” is not in the bible, it is our own terminology to explain how God appears in the bible.
Why is this important? Because if we are to believe in the God of the bible, we need to believe that all three are God, of the same essence and nature, but are also individual people. Three in One.
The bible talks about all three of them in various contexts and at various times.
God exists as One in unity (Genesis 1:1-3 “Us”)
We are to baptise in the name of all three - Matt 28:19
All three work together and are united (1 John 5:1-8)
God is eternal in Himself, as all three (Rev 1:8)
Jesus existed from the beginning (John 1:1-14)
But is not the Father (John 8:16)
But is not the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-5)
Holy Spirit
Given to us and we now live in the covenant of the Holy Sprit
I will pour out my Spirit Acts 2:17
Important that to know that they are ONE God, not THREE gods, yet each is separate and is their own person. One God, but in three forms. Also important to note that it is not ONE God who has THREE personalities. Each is a separate person, each is God, but they are united as one God. Same essence but different people.
Some analogies (not completely accurate but can help in understanding)
Family – one family, different members, but of the same family.
Water – three forms (ice, liquid, steam), but made up of the same molecules (H20)
Each has had a unique place in human history but all are relevant all the time. i.e. the prominence of one does not negate the necessity, existence, or participation of the others.
Throughout the Bible, God revealed Himself as one God. Yet, God eternally exists in three distinct, divine persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Together they were involved in creation, salvation, sanctification, and glorification. None of them work outside the single will of God, which always works to the glory of God. They do not fight among themselves, and never act in conflict with each other. They are totally united, always. We call God a tri-une God – the trinity.