Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 2 Chez moi
Déjà vu pp 22-25 / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Naming family members
Saying how many brothers and sisters you have
Saying what pets you have
Recognising dates and saying when your birthday is
Spelling words out, including your name and home town.
AQA Themes and Topics / 1AExchange information about: self, family, friends and pets: name, age, birthday.
Spell name.
Grammar / Possessive adjectives (singular)
Plural forms of nouns (regular and irregular)
Exam strategies / /
Listening / AT1 / Understand how many brothers and sisters people have, match pets with pictures, recognise dates and understand the alphabet in spellings / 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 4b, 5a
Speaking / AT2 / In pairs find out about your family members and pets, tell each other dates, and spell out words / 2d, 3d, 4c, 5b
Reading / AT3 / Understand basic information about families, matching words and pictures and filling in a form, understand pets and colours, and match written dates with numeric equivalents / 1a, 1c, 2c, 3a
Writing / AT4 / Write sentences from prompts to say what pets you have, and write out dates in words / 2b, 3b
Key language / Ma mère/grand-mère/sœur
Mon père/grand-père/frère
J’ai (deux sœurs).
J'ai (un chat, un chien, un cheval, un lapin, un oiseau, un poisson, une souris).
Je n’ai pas de …
Il y a … personnes dans ma famille.
Ma mère s'appelle (Juliette). Mes sœurs s'appellent (Danièle et Emilie).
Months of the year and dates
Je m’appelle …
Ça s’écrit …
J’habite (Ipswich)
ICT Opportunities / /
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p11 exs 4 and 5
Extension / Grammar 6.7, p190; 1.2, p180
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 7
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 2 Chez moi
Unité 1 pp 26-27 Je vous présente ma famille / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about your family
Talking about what people look like
AQA Themes and Topics / 1AExchange information about self, family and friends: name, age, physical appearance.
Grammar / Irregular verbs: Present tense of avoir and être
Exam strategies / When describing someone give facts before physical information
Listening / AT1 / Understand descriptions of family members / 1b
Speaking / AT2 / In pairs ask for and give information about your family, and describe a classmate to your partner / 1c, 2b
Reading / AT3 / Understand descriptions of people, and vocabulary for the wider family / 1a, 2a
Writing / AT4 / Describe members of your family / 2c
Key language / Je m’appelle … et j’ai … ans.
Il/Elle s’appelle ... et il/elle a ... ans.
J’ai/Tu as/Il/Elle a les cheveux (courts/longs et blonds/gris/
et les yeux (bleus/verts/marron).
Je porte/Tu portes/Il/Elle porte des lunettes.
Je suis (petit(e)/grand(e)/mince/gras(se))
Mon oncle, beau-père, cousin, demi-frère, neveu
Ma tante, nièce, demi-sœur, cousine, belle-mère
ICT Opportunities / /
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p10 ex1
Extension / Grammar p193; À l'oral p34 ex 1; From TG p35: Students write out descriptions of their friends
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 8
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 2 Chez moi
Unité 2 pp 28-29 Comment êtes-vous? / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Describing personality
Talking about family problems
AQA Themes and Topics / 4AExchange information and opinions about: your and others’ character and personality, feelings and problems arising out of personal relationships, personal feelings towards others
Grammar / Adjectival agreement
Common irregular adjectives
Exam strategies / Qualify adjectives to add interest; Adapt given text to help with written answers
Listening / AT1 / Understand descriptions of personality, and reasons for good or bad moods / 1a, 3c
Speaking / AT2 / Memory game to describe someone's personality / 2b
Reading / AT3 / Understand vocabulary describing personality, and a letter about family problems / 1b, 3a
Writing / AT4 / Write short sentences describing personality, copy responses to letter in 3a, and write a similar letter about family problems / 2a, 2c, 3b, 3d
Key language / Il/Elle est (amusant(e), aimable, bête, casse-pieds etc – other adjectives in 1a p28)
Je suis un peu/assez/très/vraiment/extrêmement …
Je m’entends bien avec …

J’en ai marre de …

Ma mère m'énerve

Mon/ma meilleur(e) ami(e) est …
Mon petit ami/ma petite amie idéal(e) est …
Mon professeur préféré est …
ICT Opportunities / Word processing letter (3d)
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p12 exs 6a, 6b, 7 and 8, p16 ex 3
Extension / Grammar 6.1, p188; À l'écrit p35 ex 1; À toi! p163 ex 2
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 9
Notes / Coursework opportunity
Á l’écrit p35: 4.7 Letter to a problem page
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 2 Chez moi
Unité 3 pp 30-31 Les amis, les amours, les héros / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about relationships
Considering what makes a good friend
Future hopes and dreams
Giving opinions on marriage
Considering what makes someone a hero(ine)
AQA Themes and Topics / 4AExchange information and opinions about: personal feelings towards others, the qualities of a good friend, issues about marriage and children
Grammar / Emphatic pronouns used after prepositions (moi, toi, etc.)

Je voudrais/j'aimerais …

Exam strategies / /
Listening / AT1 / Understand people talking about their friends, what qualities make a hero/ine, and statistics about future hopes and dreams / 1b, 2a, 3b, 5
Speaking / AT2 / In pairs describe a friend and why you like them, and interview each other about your views on marriage / 2b, 4b
Reading / AT3 / Understand short texts about reasons for friendships, and family relationships / 1a, 1c, 3a, 4a
Writing / AT4 / Write out your description of a friend / 2c
Key language / On a beaucoup de choses en commun.
On sort ensemble.
Il/Elle me fait rire/aime les mêmes choses que moi/
est toujours là pour moi.
Il/Elle m'écoute quand j'ai des problèmes
Je m’entends bien avec lui/elle.
Je peux compter sur lui/elle.
Je voudrais me marier/avoir une bonne carrière/avoir des enfants.
ICT Opportunities / Conduct a class survey on future hopes and dreams and represent results graphically
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p10 exs 2 and 3a, p11 ex 3b, p13 exs 9a and 9b, p14 ex 11
Extension / Grammar 7.5, p191; À l'oral p34 ex 3; À toi! exs 1a, 1b, 1c and 1d
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 10
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 2 Chez moi
Unité 4 pp 32-33 Aider à la maison / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about helping at home
AQA Themes and Topics / 3AExchange information and opinions about what you and others in the family do to help around the house.
Grammar / Present tense of faire
Negatives (ne … pas; ne … jamais; ne … rien)
Exam strategies / /
Listening / AT1 / Understand a passage about household jobs, using picture clues to complete sentences / 2a
Speaking / AT2 / Conduct a survey asking fellow pupils how they help at home / 2c
Reading / AT3 / Understand a survey in a magazine about household jobs / 1a, 1b
Writing / AT4 / Write whether or not you do particular jobs, and write to a magazine about who does the housework in your home / 2b, 2d
Key language / Est-ce tu aides à la maison?
Je sors la poubelle/Je range la chambre.
Je mets/débarrasse la table.
Je passe l’aspirateur.
Je fais la vaisselle/les courses/la cuisine/le ménage.
Je ne fais pas le ménage.
Je ne fais jamais la cuisine.
Je ne fais rien.
Je fais souvent/parfois les courses
Je fais du jardinage.
Je lave la voiture.
Il/Elle fait les courses.
ICT Opportunities / Draw up a table to show results of housework survey
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p14 ex 10, p15 ex 12, p16 exs 1 and 2
Extension / Grammar p193, 5.1, p187; Vert workbook, À l'oral p17; À l'oral p34 ex 2; À l'écrit p35 ex 2; À toi! p163 ex 3
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 11
AQA assessment pack: pp 5-17 can be used to test material from Modules 1-2.