8:45 Pastries/Fruit 1
9:15 Bible Study
10:30 Family Worship
12:30 New Hope Church
6:30 Manday Monday
7 Ridgewood Bible Study / 3
2:30 Baldwin Grove Study
6:30 Ladies’ Study at Lisa’s
6:30 Affinity Bible Study / 9:30 Ridgewood Shopping
6:30 PRAYER / 5
7 Nominating Team / 6
6 Caring Hands / 10 Fred Evans Memorial
9:15 Bible Study 8
10:30 Worship/Communion
12:30 New Hope Church
4 Vision Team / 9
1 Sweetheart Cafe
6:30 Manday Monday
7 Ridgewood Bible Study / 10
2:30 Baldwin Grove Study
6:30 Finance Team
6:30 Ladies’ Study at Lisa’s
6:30 Affinity Bible Study / 11
9:30 Ridgewood Shopping
6:30 PRAYER / 12
6:30 Outreach Meeting / 13
6 Caring Hands / 14
9:15 Bible Study 15
10:30 Worship
10:45 Kids’ Own Worship
12:30 New Hope Church
4 Vision Team / 16
6:30 Manday Monday
7 Ridgewood Bible Study / 17
2:30 Baldwin Grove Study
6:30 Ladies’ Study at Lisa’s
6:30 Affinity Bible Study / 18
9:30 Ridgewood Shopping
6:30 PRAYER / 19 / 20
6 Caring Hands / 21
9:15 Bible Study 22
10:30 Worship
10:45 Kids’ Own Worship
12:30 New Hope Church
4 Vision Team / 23
6:30 Manday Monday
7 Ridgewood Bible Study / 24
2:30 Baldwin Grove Study
6:30 Ladies’ Study at Lisa’s
6:30 Affinity Bible Study / 25
9:30 Ridgewood Shopping
6:30 PRAYER / 26 / 27
6-8 PM Durham Reservation
of Worship Center
6 Caring Hands / 28
Fellowship Hall
Miller family
9:15 Bible Study 29
10:30 Joint Worship!
10:45 Kids’ Own Worship
1:30-5:30 Worship Center and FH reserved
4 Vision Team / 30
6:30 Manday Monday
7 Ridgewood Bible Study
HappyAprilBirthdays! 1st Daryl Davis; 2nd Wayne Noffsinger; 6th Chuck Miller; 7th Josh Klug; 14th Doris Clem; 17th Helen Rocca; 18th Micah Tanksley; 20th Gerald Warmack; 23rd Andra
Jaycox; 24th Jim Sowder; 25th Marian Coleman; 26th Tommy Thompson
Sunday, April1 *Happy, happy Resurrection Sunday! Join us at 8:45 in Fellowship Hall for pastries and fruit!
*New Hope Church begins meeting today! Welcome, brothers and sisters from Bhutan and Nepal (and Texas!)!
Sunday, April8 *Our Vision Team starts meeting this afternoon. Please keep them lifted up in prayer as they follow our Lord’s leading for our church.
Sunday, April 29 *Come and enjoy listening to the piano recitals of Pam Durham’s music students!
Mondays *Men of all ages meet weekly at church for Bible study, accountability and brotherhood. It’s never too late to jump in!
* Jim Sowder’s Bible study group at Ridgewood Retirement Community continues.
Monday, April10 *Our Better Half folks (age 50 plus) meet for lunch on the second Monday of each monthat Sweetheart Café on Colerain Avenue.
Tuesdays *Lisa Warmack (315-6875) hosts a weekly Bible study in her Finneytown home (8505 Mockingbird Lane) for ladies of any age. They are studying the book “Jesus Among
Secular Gods.”
*Sandy Sowder leads a Bible study group at Affinity Place Retirement Community.
*We continue our weekly Bible study atBaldwin Grove Retirement Community in Springdale.
Tuesday, April10 *The Finance Team meets this evening in the library.
Wednesdays *We now have a dedicated time to meet for PRAYER each Wednesday night at 6:30. If we are faithful to pray, God is faithful to answer. We need Him.Please join
Thursday,April 12 *The Outreach Team will meet this evening in the library before going out to visit.
Fridays * Our Caring Hands group meets weekly to knit, crochet or do other crafts to help those in need (nursing home residents, pregnancy care centers,
cancer patients, shut-ins, etc.).All items will be personally delivered with a handmade card, a Bible, church information, and a prayer. Can’t crochet or knit? They
can teach you! Meet infellowship hall. Questions? Contact Jackie Goss (570-3956).
Saturday, April 17 *Can you help with our Food Pantry this month?Just come to fellowship hall between9 AM and noon as we share the Bread of Life and Living Water!