MINUTES – APRIL 24, 2014

PRESENT: Bennie Hazel, Priscilla Fraser, Alina Hamilton-Clark, Berty Riley, Randy Horton (T) and Leroy Bentley (T)

ABSENT: Debora Butler, Cathy Gardner and Tedd Moyd

1. CALL TO ORDER – Berty Riley, Board Chair, called this special meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. in the Jasper County School District Boardroom located at 10942 North Jacob Smart Boulevard in Ridgeland, S.C. The meeting start time was delayed until a quorum was present.


3. NOTIFICATION OF NEWS MEDIA – The following news media were notified of the date, time, place and agenda of this meeting: Jasper Sun, Hardeeville Today, Beaufort Gazette, Bluffton Today, Island Packet, Savannah Morning News, The Gullah Sentinel, WSAV, WTOC and WJCL/WTGS.

4. MOMENT OF SILENCE – A moment of silence was observed by the Board and others led by Alina Hamilton-Clark, Board Chaplain.

5. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – The pledge to the flag was recited by the Board and others present.

6. *APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Ms. Riley entertained a motion for approval of the Agenda. A motion was made by Alina Hamilton-Clark and seconded by Priscilla Fraser for approval. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0.

7. 2014-2015 BUDGET DISCUSSION – Gary West, Chief Officer of Finance and Data Management, gave each board member a handout of his presentation for the third budget work session for the 2014-2015 Budget. Mr. West reported that he had received an email yesterday from the S. C. State Budget and Control Board on the millage cap for the coming year which is at 4.36%. A mil for the county is worth $111,000 and a mil for the district is about $75,500. We are currently operating under 166 mils. The school district can go 4.36% above this and not be in any violation of state law. This percentage will generate $546,000.

Mr. West shared the major revenue considerations that are factored in the draft budget for 2014-2015, which includes the Governor’s Education Funding Plan, the projected student enrollment (2671.38), the weighted pupil units (3794.44), the base student cost ($2,120), the millage increase cap (4.36%) and the local millage ($75,500).

MINUTES – APRIL 24, 2014


The major expenditure considerations for 2014-2015 include a mandated step increase for teachers ($183,596), a 2.1% increase for classified staff ($49,444) and a 2.1% increase for administrative staff ($33,623). This will result in an increase in benefits of $82,666. The total salary increase is $349,329.

Three new ESOL positions are mandated ($48,638 each) for a total of $145,914. The benefits increase related to this is $45,233 (31%). This is a total salary increase of $191,148 for these ESOL positions.

The State Department of Education has eliminated the Formative Assessment Funding. They will be using MAP and iStation assessments at an estimated amount of $30,000.

Increases are proposed for student athletic insurance ($25,950), district property insurance increase ($23,000), liability (tort) insurance increase ($29,000) and an increase in district legal fees (estimated at $100,000). The total increase for insurance and legal fees is $177,950.

The materials, training and equipment related to Common Core implementation for the District Office and each school is estimated at $190,850 (D.O. $30,500, HES $37,825, RES $42,225, HRMS $40,150, RHHS $45,150).

District Office security is being proposed with a reception counter with a secure door entry ($20,000), hiring a receptionist for this area ($35,292) with benefits ($10,941). The total for District Office Security is $66,233.

Two additional teachers are being proposed for the Jasper County Alternative Program (JCAP) for Math and Science at a cost of $97,276 with benefits of $30,156. The total for these additional teachers for JCAP will cost $127,432.

The total proposed new expenditures for 2014-2015 is $1,132,942.

Mr. West discussed the anticipated revenues for 2014-2015, which are at $25,017,861. He explained again for the Board the different revenue sources that are received by the school district. A breakdown was shared of the special revenue sources that were received for the 2013-2014 school year. These are all restricted funds and are not general fund revenues.

A five year comparison was shared of the general fund expenditures for 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. The proposed expenditures for 2014-2015 were shared at a total of $26,264,867. This amount is over the anticipated revenues for next year in the amount of $1,247,006.

MINUTES – APRIL 24, 2014


Mr. West stated that they will be working to balance the budget so when the Board meets again on May 1, 2014 they will present a balanced budget for the first reading.

Mr. West explained the preliminary staffing positions for Hardeeville Elementary School, Ridgeland Elementary School, Hardeeville Ridgeland Middle School, Ridgeland Hardeeville High School, Jasper County Alternative Program (JCAP) and the District Office, which showed the position title, fund and FTE. The information for the schools excludes all food service staff. The District Office chart does not include 38 bus drivers and 5 bus aides.

Preliminary general fund personnel budgets were shared for Hardeeville Elementary School, Ridgeland Elementary School, Hardeeville Ridgeland Middle School, Ridgeland Hardeeville High School, Jasper County Alternative Program (JCAP) and the District Office which showed a breakdown of salaries for the past five years and the proposed amounts for 2014-2015 and the number of positions. The total breakdown for each are:


School Department Positions __Budget __

Hardeeville Elementary School 44.50 $2,752,959

Ridgeland Elementary School 65.00 $3,910,720

Hardeeville Ridgeland Middle School 48.50 $3,088,839

Ridgeland Hardeeville High School 56.25 $3,804,722

Jasper County Alternative Program 5.25 $ 314,530

District Office 74.19 $3,889,521

Mr. West explained the increases and decreases in these based on the current year’s budget.

Preliminary general fund non-personnel budgets were shared for Hardeeville Elementary School, Ridgeland Elementary School, Hardeeville Ridgeland Middle School, Ridgeland Hardeeville High School, Jasper County Alternative Program (JCAP) and the District Office.


School Department __Budget __

Hardeeville Elementary School $ 272,796

Ridgeland Elementary School $ 272,183

Hardeeville Ridgeland Middle School $ 716,850

Ridgeland Hardeeville High School $ 844,743

Jasper County Alternative Program $ 154,250

District Office $6,242,754

MINUTES – APRIL 24, 2014


A summary page was shared for non-personnel items in the amount of $8,503,576, which is an increase of $739,185 (10%).

A summary page was shared for personnel and non-personnel items, which included certified salaries, classified salaries, administration salaries, substitute salaries, employee benefits and non-salaried expenditures. The total proposed budget summary is $26,264,867.

Mr. West shared that the next budget work session is scheduled on May 1, 2014. They have invited the Jasper County Council members to attend this meeting and to ask questions related to the proposed budget. They are also proposing to recommend this budget to the Board for approval as the first reading.

This concluded the budget presentation by Mr. West.

The board members were given the opportunity to ask questions.

There was some discussion regarding the funding for the Academy for Career Excellence (ACE) and funds needed for capital improvements.

Mrs. Clark stated at the last ACE budget meeting they discussed that Jasper County had underpaid their portion.

Mr. West stated that ACE needs to submit an invoice to the school district because they cannot pay anything without an invoice.

There was some discussion about iStation versus MAP assessments.

Mr. West explained that with iStation students can be tested on a weekly basis where MAP testing is only done every three to four months.

Mr. Horton questioned account “840” for JCAP on page 12.

Mr. West stated that this fund is not listed. He will have to check into this.

Mr. Horton questioned what the $30,500 would include that is budgeted for Common Core implementation at the District Office on page 7.

Mr. West shared that he is not sure how much equipment will be needed for the District Office but most of these funds will be used for training the trainers for Common Core.

MINUTES – APRIL 24, 2014


Dr. Washington shared that she will be meeting with the Senior Staff on Tuesday morning to look at how they can restructure the Jasper County Alternative Program (JCAP) to cut down on costs. They will be checking with the State Department to see what changes can be implemented at JCAP without being sanctioned by the state. She had mentioned to the Board previously about looking at a possible charter for JCAP, virtually learning or other options.

Mr. Horton questioned what is included in the $129,791 budgeted for instructional purchased services (page 30).

Mr. West explained that school district has two contracted speech therapist at Hardeeville Elementary School, one contracted speech therapist at Ridgeland Elementary School, two teachers at Hardeeville Ridgeland Middle School who are contracted through an agency and four contracted teachers for Ridgeland Hardeeville High School. They have been paying these people through payroll accounts when they should have been paid through purchased services. Starting next year they will be paid through purchased services.

Mr. Horton asked for a headcount on the classified and administrative salaries shown on page 38 for the next meeting.

Mr. West shared that he will provide a breakdown of FTEs for this.

Mrs. Clark asked about the changes being proposed at Hardeeville Ridgeland Middle School and if this cost is included in the budget.

Mr. West shared that he spoke with Mr. Jeffcoat about this and Mr. Jeffcoat believes that he can work with what is already projected for his school.

Dr. Washington shared that Mr. Jeffcoat will restructure the current positions to serve the academy. He also has the School Improvement Grant funds that can be used.

This concluded the budget work session discussion.


MINUTES – APRIL 24, 2014


9. *ADJOURNMENT – A motion was made by Alina Hamilton-Clark and seconded by Leroy Bentley to adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.

Cheryl Hensley______

Recording Secretary

May 12, 2014______Berty Riley______

Approval Date Board Chairperson