Addendum to theMinutes of May 5, 2004

Jason Canapp, President, convened the meeting at t 7:27 p.m.

A motion to accept the minutes from the March 31, 2004 meeting was made, seconded and passed unanimously.

1.SPECIAL ORDERS - By-Laws & Organization Task Force (OTF)

  • circulation of text for review and consideration –

changes to mission statement and proposal for removal of section IV D - 'purview'

  • discussion of proposed changes to bylaws
  • addition of text regarding leadership selecting/electing Public Coordinator

Section 5 B

  • no mention of circulation of any meeting minutes in the bylaws, suggestion to proceed with circulating all minutes and add text indicating this
  • suggestion to enhance page 7, VII Section 1 to include specific dates and relating it to 'normal' meetings by adding the word 'normal'


-new meeting date related text

-add text stating the establishment of annual calendar of events to include specific dates for all meeting.

-include 'publish' in text

-include policy of providing calendars at meetings.

  • suggestion to alter number of days necessary to propose meeting from 27 to 50

days on page 7 article ix section 1

  • discussion of quorum being 25% - this was not changed and is from original


A motion to table changes for recommendation of bylaws was made, seconded and passed unanimously.

  1. Intention of the Chair is that the Partnership will vote on recommended bylaw changes in June
  • request to get recommended bylaw changes out immediately after meeting and as quickly as possible, on website, email and mail or pickup or delivery - call Dan Ellis

A motion was made to table the by-law changes from the Organizational Task Force was made, seconded and passed unanimously.

3.Explanation of dropping the bylaw changes from future agenda if desired so by the members -

due to volume of time already invested and need to move forward within the organization.

  • will provide for changes to be reconstructed with a future selected committee (OTF)
  1. Restatement of why OTF formed ( SNAP, Change, Growth, Need) – ideas were to create 501 3c, or hiring staff, but resolved to select group to put together ideas for proposing to create new leadership for YRP – creating ability to manage projects more effectively and allow the YRP meetings serve for to communicating and allowing for speakers, visitors, information sessions

during the normal meetings.

5.At this time, the meeting’s attendees introduced themselves in effort to assist with open discussion

6.Open discussion to supplemental document for bylaws/mission containing text provided by Bill


  • background explained about meetings, dialogue , communications, mediation regarding difficult issues, also - issue brought about regarding these meetings being held - officers decided to open discussions to general membership to help boil down the issues and get to a resolution or get something down on paper to get us to be able to move forward.
  • chair states consensus from last meeting as that incorporated in the document from Bill Miller
  1. MissonState and By Law Changes (non-disputed): Dan Ellis presented two separate documents

contained on one page (front/back)

  • side 1: change in mission statement and establishes partnership is to be involved in planning - bold items are changes, also suggested to include non-profit which we have several.
  • word added 'and' - BaltimoreCity's York Road Community, by working with partners to implement plans endorsed by the membership
  • opened floor to questions and feedback for portion 1 (mission statement changes)
  • member – “looks good, comprehensive, let us move forward
  • discuss section 2. A proposal - develop closer ties...... ”
  • relationships important to what we do - need for public schools, etc.
  • idea to include word of 'members' instead of neighborhoods
  • idea to add phrase, 'as well as between all other members',
  • add to bylaws art II F add 'plan, coordinate, .... also, move F above A and move A and others down
  • discuss Part III, Section 2, A

8.MissonState and By Law Changes (disputed): discuss part IV, Sec 1, D - suggestion for deletion of

text involving 'purview'.

  • Floor opened for discussion --- GBA member backing original verbiage related to D deletion and discussing GBA refers to this text as supportive language and preferred by GBA to keep this. Question was put together to present to partnership by Laura Penza - GBAs recommendation for the suggested change in this text. Would like it taken back to member organizations for review
  • Bill Miller discusses 'purview' and the effects of this text - not everyone has geographic 'purview' but has non-geographic purview, a lot of trouble because of this term and its lack of clarity. lots of time spent discussing this, issues - power, trust,
  • fact: one business association, many neighborhoods, churches, etc.
  • GEDCO reinforced value of Partnership at last special meeting.
  • Not just business vs. community, but could be community vs. community, church vs. community, etc…
  • Need to decide a reasonable way to do business.
  • Member of YRP and OTF supports Bills draft, hopes opportunity to move forward. too much time spent on this
  • restate by chair, not clear by 'purview' makes it unclear what partnership can take up as a group - suggestion to let membership decide on that adhoc and if issue opposed to YRP taking position - put the issue to vote with partnership
  • Member spoke to trying to identify a particular situation that would actually be affected by this change - states GBA must have members that are not desirable
  • Rick Swanson – raised issue of liability; said that YRP could be sued and lose - idea of YRP having power to condemn a property, question/statement – Another member made point that YRP has no power to condemn anything...
  • Statement from GEDCO at last Special meeting - this would not happen because GEDCO would address a situation first AND they would take steps necessary to counter, if they don't agree -- City would be ultimate decisive force for these types of situation.
  • Members feeling like they're being threatened by GBA’s statements - and takes offensive position on these statements, also statement that the member doesn't understand the makeup of GBA - and feels neighbors have right to speak out about issues that affect them and oppose business...
  • Rick Swanson - brings up Tyrone's issue from past and that they had been threatening to sue people/organizations.
  • Another member identified opposition because of Tyrone's history around other areas of city
  • Chair talks about the need to design bylaw changes based on the 'future that we desire’ rather than the 'future that we fear.'
  • Bill Miller points out topics/questions on Laura Penza’s document - discuss example of situation today that helps to bring a perspective to light - refers to property rights ( business & homeowner ) - city has limited funds to actual expedite condemnations. provide detail of geographical specifics.
  • Does YRP want to establish different standard for business properties along the corridor?
  • Suggestions for operating rules could be incorporated as bylaws too
  • Helene Perry - pointing out actual dispute was not pointed out until much later than when issue developed - also noting issues should not be taken privately without knowledge of others.
  • Issues of liability raised again. Jason to ask the CommunityLawCenter for guidance.
  • Bill Miller suggests anybody having an officer position should carry a liability rider on their homeowners.
  • Dan Ellis points out the Helene Perry comment about secret meetings was not true based on how this actually occurred and that it was not secretive.

A motion was made to incorporate Bill Miller’s document into the bylaw recommendations. Motion passed.

9..Suggestion by Helene to have another special meeting to address/discuss new text(s) that have been proposed. Belief is issues are clear and folks need to make up their mind.

  • Discussion of bylaw change deadlines.
  • Idea to get OTF to draft proposal using suggested text provided in the document(s) from

Bill and Laura

  • Jason Canapp - prefers to get it packaged and distributed


  • Ballots listing the following slate of nominees running for office were handed out to all YRP signatories:

President:Jason Canapp

Vice President: Bill Logan

Recording Secretary/Treasurer: Phil Reely

Corresponding Secretary:Natalie Fulco

  • The ballots were counted an yielded the following results:

14 (yes) - 1 (no) - 1 (abstention)


  • Jason expressed problem trying to line up city meetings has been very difficult to easily determine who is responsible for what - city, non-profit, etc.
  • managing has been difficult - previous desire to create database, database has been created and reports will be generated to assist, generate report for properties when preparing to meet with dept of housing, etc.
  • Another steering committee meeting will be set, w/anticipation that steering committee will sunset somewhere in the next month and a half and responsibility will be handed over to new leadership committee - this will allow them to determine who needs to do what, etc.
  • Jason Canapp stated that he made a mistake in assuming that the City would largely lead the process. While the City is a big part of the effort, YRP can't depend on them to organize and/or lead on our efforts.
  • Kristin Smith (former Planner for our district) is now working in the Planning Director’s Office and will no longer represent this area. This has created issues for the YRP, the SNAP project and for Kristin’s replacement, Tamara Woods who is over extended.
  • We are moving forward on bigger elements - focus on commercial area/district of Cold Spring - dotocracy revealed priorities in the Cold Spring Commercial District - Jason will personally lead this group to focus on getting out and communicating with people - determine needs, desires among the Partnership and residents - it is important to work together.
  • Folks have already stepped forward to help and assist in this effort, looking for more volunteers to approach this area and work with bus. and res. to help define idea or desired image for this area, need to be very careful in how we approach and address this effort, etc. Must be in step with existing business owners in this area. Please let Jason know if you'd like to get involved.
  • Perhaps suggestion/idea to do Charette for this effort to excite people and collect ideas/vision.
  • A motion to send Kristin Smith a thank you letter for her efforts was made, seconded and passed unanimously.
  • Helene suggest useful to request existing nomination committee to draft and present info

about the other leaders that will make up the leadership - motion , first, second, vote, passed

12.Discussion of Master Streetscape Plan

  • concept design to be created and suggested for south end and cold spring area with plans to meet with York Courts/Guilford and Pen Lucy to get ideas.
  • minutes are on website from these meetings.
  • Bill Miller celebrates with words the success of the Cold Spring meeting, congrats to Helene Perry.

13.Discussion of Housing/Neighborhood Revitalization Group

  • Dan, neighborhood revitalization stabilization where Dan volunteered to Chair - bringing group back together on/about May 17th - looking for members to be involved with this group - Contact Dan and please consider helping on this. info on website.
  • Louis Perkins is stepping down as chair for Streetscape & appearance taskforce - recognize teams from area recruited through CARES working with GBA to work on cleanup along York Road - anyone knowing anybody interested in hiring these young folks, please do. GBA created flyer for distribution asking folks to hire these kids. Group has been given great mentorship in resume writing, interviewing and helping the individuals to learn, grow and be successful.
  • Jason Canapp encourages others to do same type of effort.
  • Louis and JC working on finding adequate replacement for chair of this group. hopes to find a great individual to take this role. Please contact them if interested.


National Night Out

National Night Out (Aug 3)- need someone to take up charge to organize effort with communities. anyone interested should contact Jason , Loyola provides venue on parking lot on York Road. - for this event. Need someone soon to register with NNO to receive promotional items from the agency.


  • touched base on current zoning issues - Bill Miller
  • emails provided about 2 issues up for discussion this week regarding group homes (existing laws are illegal and must change them), this will be fast tracked - going to city council quickly - can't use zoning laws to control group homes for disabled - this includes those being treated for drug attention
  • second group includes - live entertainment. Issue will be discussed and we may want neighborhood leadership available to wrestle with this - can't discriminate between instrumentalist and full bank, types of music, etc.
  • believe issue must be addressed for combination residential and commercial areas.
  • Nightclub versus restaurant, etc. What are these definitions and how are they going to affect us? The city's first attempt to create clear definitions. First step in this process.
  • No discussion of hours of operation, etc. Only going to define terms for these venues.
  • Discussion of history in Baltimore and zoning and the idea of places being able to be turned into strip places, massage parlors, etc. Group fought long and hard to eliminate this zoning to allow mom and pop stores, etc. Foresee going through the same thing again with the rezoning effort.
  • Finding that B3s are being spot zoned along the corridor (CVS). Everyone must be careful what they agree to for zoning.
  • Karen DeCamp suggested having a zoning 101 presentation for members.


  • announcement - some may be aware of few emails exchanged about traffic issues.
  • Messenger article exists from today about this topic. During this period, not one person asked to be removed from listserve - raised important concerns and issues to be aired and discussed - clear and obvious there is a big concern regarding traffic, pedestrian safety, etc.
  • Fred asked to head up an effort to lead group for this issue/concern and work to address this, identify solutions, ideas, etc. for conversation with appropriate folks.
  • YRP should take some credit for signal timing improvement at Belvedere - Mr. Murphy attended SNAP meeting and then had timing changed.

Final comment - Don't let dogs and cats eat cicadas.

Jason Canapp adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m.

Next meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM, June 2nd 2004.

Please send any corrections or additions to these minutes to Phil Reely at or call Phil at 410.235.3860


  1. The YRP is primarily concerned about the larger issues that make the community a better place. Therefore, the YRP will not get involved in issues that are clearly the responsibility of one or two of its member organizations, unless requested to do so by at least one of the responsible organization(s). However, in very rare cases, the YRP reserves the right to get involved in such a situation where two-thirds of the members present and voting agree that the local issue is so important to the larger community that it merits YRP involvement.
  1. The YRP will not take public positions without providing an opportunity for the presentation of different points of view at a Partnership meeting unless unanimous consent is given by all effected members.
  1. In situations where two members are in conflict, YRP will attempt to mediate the dispute. YRP will not take sides in a conflict between two members except in those rare cases where two-thirds of the members present and voting agree that the local issue is so important to the larger community that it merits YRP involvement.
  1. In situations where the YRP takes a policy position and there is strong dissent, the YPR will acknowledge a minority opinion. A dissenting member is also free to voice its opinion in any public forum.
  1. Members of the YRP recognize that there must be a balance between careful deliberation and timely decisionmaking. YRP representatives lead busy lives and their time needs to be respected by all members of the YRP. Therefore, time limits may be proposed by the chair, and agreed to by the group, before a discussion begins. The group reserves the right to extend or postpone discussion by a simple majority of those present and voting, but endless discussion will not be a substitute for making a decision.
  1. When an organization has the right to be a member of the YRP and chooses not to be a member, the YRP is under none of the constraints listed above.

What is the York Road Partnership?

At the special meeting on April 22nd, Chlorice Hooker asked a very fundamental question; “What is the York Road Partnership?”. Clearly what is has been or is today are fundamental to and will influence what it is becomes tomorrow, even as it grows and evolves into a more effective organization. I would like to make some observations on how the Partnership has functioned for the last couple of years.