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Matthew J. Burdelski
Osaka University, Graduate School of Letters1-5 Machikaneyama
Toyonaka, Osaka560-8532 JAPAN
TEL: (+81) 6-6850-5132 (office); FAX (+81) 6-6850-5132
-- / Osaka University
Visiting Researcher (from 2006 Post-doctoral Researcher), Graduate School of Letters / 2004-2007
Ph.D. / University of California, Los Angeles
East Asian Languages and Cultures / 2000 - 2006
-- / Osaka University
Research Student, Graduate School of Letters / 1999-2000
M.A. / University of Oregon
East Asian Languages and Literatures / 1996-1998
B.A. / University of Michigan
Literature, Science and Arts / 1988-1990
-- / University of Colorado, Boulder / 1986-1988
Osaka University
Graduate School of Letters, Division of Studies on Cultural Expressions / 2015-present
Visiting Professor
Linköping University
Child Studies
Associate Professor
Osaka University
Graduate School of Letters, Division of Studies on Cultural Expressions / 2017 (Summer)
Visiting Assistant Professor and Mellon Post-Doctoral FellowSwarthmore College
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures / 2009-2011
California State University, Long Beach
Department of Asian and Asian American Studies / 2008-2009
Research Assistant
Saitama University (Japan)
Faculty of Liberal Arts / 2007-2008
Teaching Assistant
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures / 2000-2004
Santa Monica College
Department of Modern Languages / 2002
Teaching Assistant
University of Oregon
Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures / 1996-1998
Instructor and Assistant English Teacher
Utsunomiya, Tochigi (Japan)
Sakushin Gakuin (University, College, and High School) / 1993-1996
Japan Association for the Promotion of Sciences (Principal Investigator; Project title: Children’s language socialization: Affect, social action, and identity. 4,290,000 yen. / 2015- 2018
Mellon Post-doctoral Fellowship (awarded by Swarthmore College) / 2009-2011
Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA Graduate Division / 2006
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Research Abroad Grant (Japan) / 2005
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship / 2004
Hamako Ito Chaplin Memorial Award / 2004
Sasakawa Fellowship, UCLA Center for Japanese Studies / 2004
Quality of Graduate Education Writing Fellowship, UCLA Grad. Division / 2003
Sasakawa Fellowship, UCLA Center for Japanese Studies / 2003
Aurora, Japanese Language Scholarship / 2003
Japanese Ministry of Education (Monbusho) Scholarship
Burdelski, M. & Howard, K. M. (eds.) (under contract, 2019). Language socialization in classrooms:
Culture, interaction and language development. Cambridge University Press.
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
Takei, N. & Burdelski, M. (2017). Shifting of “expert” and “novice” roles between/within two languages: Socialization, identity, and epistemics in family dinnertime interaction.Multilingua: Journal of Cross-cultural and interlanguage communication.
Burdelski, M. (2016). We-focused and I-focused stories in guided tours at a Japanese American museum. Discourse & Society 27(2), 156-171.
Burdelski, M. (2015). Reported speech as cultural gloss and directive: Socializing norms of speaking and acting in Japanese caregiver-child triadic interaction. Text & Talk, 35(5), 575-595.
Burdelski, M., Kawashima, M. & Yamazaki, K. (2014). Storytelling in guided tours: Practices, engagement and identity at a Japanese American museum. Narrative Inquiry, 24(2), 328-346.
Burdelski, M. (2014).「言語社会化の過程—親子3人の会話における謝罪表現を中心に—」[Language socialization: Apology expressions in caregiver-child triadic interaction]『阪大日本語研究』[Osaka University Japanese Linguistics Research], 26,33-49.
Yamazaki, A., Yamazaki, K., Ikeda, K., Burdelski, M., Fukushima, M., Suzuki, T., Kurihara, M., Kuno, Y. & Kobayashi, Y. (2013). Interactions between a quiz robot and multiple participants: Focusing on speech, gaze, and bodily conduct in Japanese and English speakers. Special issue titled Gaze in human-robot communication (F. Broz, H. Lehmann, B. Mutlu, Y. I. Nakano, guest editors). Interaction Studies, 14(3), 366-389.
Burdelski, M. Socializing children to honorifics in Japanese: Identity and stance in interaction. (2013). Special issue titled Pragmatic and metapragmatic issues in Japanese honorific usage (B. Pizziconi, guest editor). Multilingua, 32(2), 247-273.
Burdelski, M. (2013). “I’m sorry, flower”: Socializing apology, empathy, and relationships in Japan. Pragmatics and Society, 4(1), 54-81.
Burdelski, M., Cook, H. M. (2013). Formulaic language in language socialization. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (Topics in Formulaic Language),32, 173-188.
Yamazaki, A., Yamazaki, K., Burdelski M., Kuno, Y., Fukushima, M. (2010). Coordination of verbal and non-verbal actions in human-robot interaction at museums and exhibitions. Journal of Pragmatics,42(9), 2398-2414.
Burdelski, M. (2010). Socializing politeness routines: Action, other-orientation, and embodiment in a Japanese preschool. Journal of Pragmatics,42(6), 1606-1621.
Burdelski, M. Mitsuhashi, K. (2010)“She thinks you’re kawaii”: Socializing affect, gender, and relationships in a Japanese preschool. Language in Society,39(1), 65-93.
Mitsuhashi, K. Burdelski, M. (2009).「「かわいい女の子」はいかにして可能か—保育士と子どもの相互行為分析—」[How is a “Kawaii Girl” possible?: A view from a Japanese nursery room]. 『国立女性教育館研究ジャーナル』[Journal of the National Women’s Education Center of Japan]13号, 49-58.
Burdelski, M. Mitsuhashi, K. (2008).Socializing gender and stance: Japanese assessments with ‘kawaii’ and ‘kakkoii’. Journal and Proceedings of the Gender Awareness in Language Education Special Interest Group, 1(1), 88-99. Y., Yamazaki, K., Kuno, Y., Burdelski, M., Kawashima, M., Kuzuoka, H. (2008). Precision timing in robot-human interaction: coordination of head movement and utterance. Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems, 131-140. Florence, Italy.
Yamazaki, K., Kawashima, M., Kuno, Y., Akiya, N., Burdelski, M., Yamazaki, A. Kuzuoka, H. (2007). Prior-to-request and request behaviors within elderly care: Implications for developing service robots. In L. Bannon, I. Wagner, C. Gutwin, R. Harper and K. Schmidt (Eds.), ECSCW 2007: Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 61-78. London: Springer-Verlag.
Burdelski, M.(2004). Close- and open-ended narratives of personal experience: Weekly meetings among a supervisor and teaching assistants of a “Japanese language education practicum.” Linguistics and Education 15(1-2), 3-32.
Burdelski, M. (2001).「プライベート・スピーチ:米国小学校2年生の日本語イマージョン授業における第二言語学習得」(Private speech: second language acquisition in a 2nd grade immersion class in the U.S.).『第二言語として日本語の習得研究』4号 (Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language), pp. 39-62.
Chapters in edited volumes
Cook, H. M & Burdelski, M. (2017). Japanese language socialization. In P. A. Duff & S. May (eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education: Volume 8 Language Socialization.
Cook, H. M. & Burdelski, M. (2017). (Im)politeness: Language socialization. Palgrave handbook of linguistic (im)politeness (pp. 461-488). In J. Culpeper, M. Haugh & D. Kádár (eds.). Palgrave.
Burdelski, M. (2017). Pets as vehicles of language socialization. In A. Feuerstein & C. Nolte-Odhiambo (eds.), Childhood and pethood in literature and culture: New perspectives in childhood studies and animal studies (pp. 72-86). Routledge.
Burdelski, M. & Morita, E. (2017). Young children’s initial assessments in Japanese. In A. Bateman & A. Church (eds.), Children’s knowledge-in-interaction: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 231-255). Singapore: Springer.
Kawashima, M. & Burdelski, M. (2016). 「全米日系ニュージアムの会話分析」[Conversation analysis of a Japanese-American museum]. In K. Yamazaki, Y. Yamada, Yamazaki, A., Ikeda, K., & Kobayashi, A. (eds.),『日本人と日系人の物語—会話分析・ナラティブ・語れる歴史』[Narratives of Japanese and Japanese descendants: Conversation analysis, narrative, and oral history] (pp. 270-285). Tokyo: Seori shobo.
Burdelski, M. (2016). 養育者—子ども間の会話における謝罪表現の社会化[Apology expressions in caregiver-child interaction]. In A. Takada, Y. Shimada & M. Kawashima (eds.),子育ての会話分析:大人と子どもの責任はどう育つか[Conversation analysis of child rearing: How to foster “responsibility” or adults and children] (pp. 99-120). Tokyo: Shoowadoo.
Burdelski, M. (2015). Children instructing kin and peers in politeness routines in Japanese. In B. Pizziconi & M. Locher (eds.), ‘Teaching’ and ‘learning’ (im)politeness(pp. 211-246). Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Burdelski, M. (2014). Early experiences with food: Socializing affect and relationships in Japanese. In P. Szatrowski (ed.), Language and food: Verbal and non-verbal experiences (pp. 233-255). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Burdelski, M. (2011). Language socialization and politeness routines. In A. Duranti, E. Ochs B. B. Schieffelin (eds.), The handbook of language socialization(pp. 275-295). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Burdelski, M. Prompting Japanese Children. (2009). In Y. Takubo, T. Kinuhata, S. Grzelak K. Nagai (eds.),Japanese/Korean Linguistics vol. 16 (pp. 235-249). Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Burdelski, M. (2008). Socializing two-year-old children to public presentation of self: service encounters. In T. Ogura, H. Kobayashi, S. Arita, M. Nakayama, M. Hirakawa, S. Inagaki, Y. Terao (eds.), Studies in Language Sciences, 7, 113-126. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers.
Embodied socialization in preschool: Preparing for a graduation ceremony in a Japanese as a
heritage language classroom. 15th International Pragmatics Association Conference (IPrA),
Belfast (July 16-21, 2017)
Two-year olds’ storytelling in dyadic and triadic interaction (with Emi Morita). 15th International Pragmatics International Pragmatics Association Conference (IPra), Belfast (July 16-21, 2017).
Mediating (potential) conflict situations in preschool: Children’s use of reported speech in Japanese. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL),Portland. (March 18-21, 2017).
Socializing preschool children’s bodies. Keynote lecture atthe Australasian Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (AIEMCA) conference, The University of Melbourne. (November 30-December 2, 2016).
Socialization, identity and epistemics in family dinnertime conversations (with Noriko Takei). Paper presented at the Australasian Institute of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (AIEMCA) conference, The University of Melbourne. (November 30-December 2, 2016).
Teller and recipient embodied actions in Japanese storytelling within museum guided tours (with Chie Fukuda). 7th International Society for Gesture Studies Conference, Paris (July 18-22, 2016)
Japanese American personal stories of war, internment, and discrimination. Paper presented in forum titled Narrative struggles: Disability, war learning (Panel organizer: Donna Fujimoto). Japanese Association of Language Teachers (JALT) annual conference, Shizuoka, Japan (November).
Interactional routines, explicit instruction, and affective stance in child-child interactions in Japanese. Paper presented in the panel: Affect, social action, and identity in adult-child and child-child interaction (Panel organizers: M. Burdelski and A. Cekaite). 14th Interactional Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, Belgium (July).
Interactional routines and explicit instruction in child-child interactions in a Japanese preschool. Paper presented in the panel: Language socialization in institution settings (Panel organizer: M. Burdelski), American Association for Applied Linguistics, Toronto, Canada (March).
Verbal and embodied instruction and response in caring for a pet. Paper presented at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) Shonan Meeting Seminar, Instruction and instructed action: Embodied reciprocity in interaction. Shonan Villiage Center, Kanagawa, Japan (March).
Interactional routines and explicit instruction in adult-child and child-child interactions in Japanese. Linköping University, Sweden (September). (invited talk).
Storytelling and interactional techniques in guided tours at an ethnic history museum (with Michie Kawashima). Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Conversation Analysis, University of California, Los Angeles(June).
Socializing children to hear utterances and see bodily behavior as social action. Paper presented in the panel Language, body, and action: A look at Japanese language socialization (Panel organizer: M. Burdelski), 13th International Pragmatics Conference, New Delhi, India. (September).
Socializing children to hear utterances and see bodily behavior as social action. Paper presented at the Workshop on Japanese Language and Interaction, National University of Singapore. (September).
Interactional techniques in guided tours at a history museum (with Michie Kawashima).Paper presented at The International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA), Waterloo, Canada. (August).
Assessment activity, affect, gender, and morality in Japanese language socialization.Paper presented in the colloquium, Affective expressions in Japanese: An exploration of multifunctionality and multimodality (Haruko M. Cook, organizer). American Association for Applied Linguistics, Dallas. (March).
Multimodal affect socialization. Paper presented at the 国際ワークショップ:保育・育児の相互行為分析(International Workshop on Interaction in Child Care). 筑波大学東京キャンパス(Tsukuba University, Tokyo Campus). (March).
Socializing children to honorifics in Japanese: stance and identity in interaction. Paper presented in the colloquium, Honorifics in action: Exploring the reproduction and maintenance of honorific forms in Japanese (Burdelski and Haruko M. Cook, co-organizers). American Association for Applied Linguistics, Boston.
Early experiences with food: socializing affect, identity, and taste. Paper presented in the panel Experiencing food through verbal and nonverbal behavior across languages: Polly Szatrowski (organizer), at the 12th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Manchester, England. (July).
“You’re face looks like Godzilla!”: children socializing children in Japanese. Paper presented at the International conference, Toward an anthropology of childhood and children: Ethnographic fieldwork diversity and construction of a field, University of Liege, Belgium. (March).
“No, please”: politeness routines, affect, and identity in Japanese as a heritage language. Paper presented in the panel (Re-) Constructing “heritage”: Language socialization in contexts of cultural and linguistic rupture. Presenters: Adrienne Lo, Matthew Burdelski (Chair), Paul Garrett, Amir Sharifi, Wendy Klein (Organizer), Angela Reyes, Stanton Wortham (discussant), Kathryn Howard, Katherine Mortimer, Barbara Lemaster, Alexandra Jaffe, Patricia Baquedano-López (discussant) at the 109th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans. (October).
Learning to say “I’m sorry” in Japanese: socializing politeness, responsibility, and empathy. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Atlanta. (March).
Socializing politeness routines in a Japanese family in Philadelphia. Paper presented at First Annual Conference on Heritage/Community Languages, UCLA. (February).
“I’m sorry flower”: Apologies and children in Japan. Paper presented at the Japan Studies Association Conference, Honolulu. (January).
Socializing Politeness. Paper presented at the 11th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Melbourne, Australia. (July).
Socialization into politeness: A view from a Japanese preschool. Paper presented at The 10th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, Osaka, Japan. (December).
Reported and attributed speech as cultural gloss in Japanese language socialization. Paper presented in the themed session, The role of creative repetition in cultural reproduction and change, at the 106th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC. (November)
“Girls are cute, boys are cool!”: Assessments in gender socialization (with Koji Mitsuhashi). Paper presented at The Japan Association for Language Teaching, Gender Awareness in Language Teaching: Two Day Conference: Gender and Beyond, Osaka, Japan. (October)
Yamazaki, K. Kawashima, M., Kuno, Y., Akiya, N., Burdelski, M., Yamazaki A. and Kuzuoka, H. Prior-to-request and request behaviors within elderly care: Implications for developing service robots. Paper presented at Tenth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Limerick, Ireland. (September)
From embodiment to verbal language: prompting Japanese children. Paper presented at the Center for Language, Interaction and culture (CLIC) Symposium on Language Socialization, Interaction, and Culture (Elinor Ochs and Alessandro Duranti, organizers). University of California, Los Angeles. (February). (invited talk).
Japanese children and peer interaction: recruiting adults to speak for them. Paper presented in the themed session, Children’s talk in context: developmental models and beyond…, 105th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Jose, California. (November).
Prompting in Japanese interaction with two-year olds: forms and functions. Paper presented at the16th Japanese/Korean Linguistic Conference, Kyoto, Japan. (October)
Assessment activity: Japanese language socialization within the household and community. Paper presented at The 17th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, Fukuoka, Japan. (March)
Socializing young children in public places. Paper presented at The 6th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, Nagoya, Japan. (July).
Socializing indirect speech style through verbal language and the body. Paper presented at The 5th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, Kobe, Japan. (July).
Socialization of speech style through language and the body. Paper presented at The 9th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture, Santa Barbara, California. (May).
Reported speech in Japanese parent-child interaction. Paper presented at High Desert Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (November).
Narratives of past experience among novice and experienced teacher educators of Japanese during weekly meetings. Paper presented at Association of Teachers of Japanese Annual Seminar, Washington, DC. (March).
Burdelski, M., Nagami, M., Maeda, R., Kamiyoshi, R., and Aoki, N. (May 2001). Collaborative scaffolding and co-planning for professional development of second language teacher educators. Paper presented at Second International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (May).
Private speech in the acquisition of Japanese by immersion children: evidence from the classroom. Paper presented at Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Conference, Melbourne. (July).
Kanagy, R. and Burdelski M. Emergence of affective markers in Japanese immersion teacher-child discourse. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum, Honolulu, Hawaii. (October).
Osaka University, Associate Professor/Professor(2011-present)
• Language Socialization
• Language & Gender
• Pragmatics
• Conversation Analysis
• Applied Japanese Linguistics (Undergraduate seminar)
• Japanese Language Teaching (Graduate seminiar)
• Language and society (Erasmus Mundos Euroculture course)
• Cultural and linguistic diversity in Japan (OUSEPP course)
Kansai University, Part-time (2017-present)
• Academic English
Swarthmore College, Visiting Assistant Professor and Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow(2009-2011)
• Japanese Language in Society
• Anime, Gender, and Culture
• Readings in Japanese (3rd yr.)
• Topics in Japanese (4th yr.)
California State University Long Beach, Lecturer (2008-2009)
• Elementary Japanese (1st yr.)
• Advanced Japanese (3rd yr.)
• Anime and Manga
University of California Los Angeles, Teaching Assistant(2000-2004)
• Elementary Japanese (1st yr.)
University of Oregon, Teaching Assistant (1996-1998)
• Elementary Japanese (1st yr.)
• Intermediate Japanese (2nd yr.)
• Advanced Japanese (3rd yr.)
• American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
• International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
• American Anthropological Association (AAA)
• International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS)
Editorial board
• SAGE Open
• Ethos
• Linguistic Anthropology
• Japanese Studies
• Journal of Sociolinguistics
• Journal of Pragmatics
• Language in Society
• Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
• Multilingua
• Japanese Studies
• Pragmatics and Society
• SAGE Open
• Museum Management and Curatorship
• Journal of Languages and Cultures
Revised July 2017