Japanese American Museum of San Jose

Volunteer’s Technology Use Agreement

With the use of technology and internet access comes the responsibility to respect and protect the rights of others. Users of technological resources are expected to act in a responsible, ethical, legal manner, and in accordance with this agreement.

Volunteers are authorized to use the museum’s technological resources in accordance with user obligations and responsibilities specified below:

1.  Acceptable Use:

The technological resources shall be used only for purposes related to museum business, education or research and within the goals and objectives of the Japanese American Museum of San Jose. Commercial, political and/or personal use of the museum’s technological resources is strictly prohibited. Transmission of any material in violation of any United States or other state organizations is prohibited. Any files, electronic mail and other information on the museum’s networks or equipment is subject to search and seizure at any time.

2.  Personal Responsibility:

Users shall not knowingly access nor transmit material that is threatening, obscene, disruptive or sexually explicit, or that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or political beliefs.

3.  No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy:

Users shall not expect privacy in the contents of their personal files and records of their online activity on the museum’s network. The museum’s monitoring of internet usage can reveal all activities in which one is engaged when using the museum’s system. Maintenance and monitoring may lead to discovery that user has violated this agreement or the law. An individual search will be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that this agreement or the law may have been violated.

4.  Violations of this Agreement:

In the event that there is a claim that user has violated the law or this agreement, his/her access to the technological resources may be terminated and/or disciplinary action may be taken.

5.  Responsibilities for Damages:

Violator may be held financially responsible for any harm that results from intentional misuse of the system. Signing this agreement acknowledges this potential financial responsibility.

The Japanese American Museum of San Jose’s Volunteer Responsible Use Agreement will be available to volunteers. Explanations of any component will be available upon request.


I understand and agree to abide by the Japanese American Museum of San Jose’s Volunteer Responsible Use Agreement. I understand that any violation may result in:

•  Revoking of use

•  Disciplinary action

•  Legal action

Name (please print): ____

Signature: ______Date: ______

Revised 7-14