Saturday 22nd of September
Day 3

Today was day 3 of our Japan trip, and possibly one of the most exciting days. Also, being the first day we students had to purchase train tickets via the machines, made it all the more confusing, yet exciting. Here it was our first actual train, where we most of us had our first Japanese train experience, although luckily all survived the chaos of the station.
On the way walking to baseball in the Tokyo Dome, we past some wacky streets where people wore crazy make-up and dressed up as various story/anime characters.

Everyone’s excitement grew as we were approaching the Dome, either that or their fear from the freakier dress-ups in the streets. Everybody then received their tickets from Muratasan and Miss Buck which we then used to enter the gates of the Dome. Here, everyone’s bags were checked to see that there were no bottles substances being taken into the grounds. Despite being unsure of the reason for this, everyone’s drinks were poured into larger drink cups (similar to those used at McDonalds or any other take-away store) and taken into the stadium. We were all amazed at the size of the Dome and the large number of people it held inside. The view we had from our seats was outstanding. Throughout the game, a number of things were done by the students, including participating in the Giants team’s war cries, buying snacks including food, drinks and desserts such as ice-cream pies! (EXTREMELY DELICIOUS), and buying souvenirs such as key chains, teams jerseys and fluffy toys. Although despite having to leave the game early, the sumo tournament we made our way to next was certainly worth the watch.
Sumo was really great to watch, especially as many of the contesters rounds would determine if they had had a chance at becoming grand champion the next day. (As a matter of fact, one wrestler we watched became the current Grand champion the very next day). Again, we had to leave early but that was fine, we all saw the necessities. We then took to the train hectic train station again to attempt our way home to meet up with our amazing host families.
Overall, the day was outstanding and I know for a fact that everyone enjoyed each minute of it.

By Joel Appleyard