Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sydney Inc.

Level 2, 37 Bligh Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone : (02) 9223-7982 / Facsimile:(02) 9223-5382

ABN: 58-026-879-497

Golf Competition

7 January 2013

To: Consulate-General of Japan and Members of Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sydney Inc.

RE: THE 3rd JCCI GOLF COMPETITION 2012/2013 (23 March 2013)

Dear Sir/Madam

This is to advise you that the third JCCI Golf Competition for 2012/2013 will be held as follows:

Date: Saturday, 23 March 2013

Time: Hit off Time at 12:04 am – Gathering at 11:30 am

Venue: Twin Creeks Golf & Country Club (Tel: 02-9670-8888)

2-8 Twin Creeks Drive, Luddenham NSW 2745

Prize: The third competition for the “JCCI President Cup 2012/2013”

Entry Fee: $110.00 per player (including Electric Cart, food, drinks and GST $10.00)

Payable by cheque or EFT Max: 24 players

This competition is open to all staff of our member companies. Those who wish to participate are kindly requested to lodge their entries by completing and forwarding the slip below, together with the entry fee to JCCI, Sydney Inc, not later than 8 March 2013.

Any member companies of JCCI, Sydney are welcome to offer such gifts as golf balls, etc.

Thanking you.



On payments this becomes a tax invoice.

To: JCCI, Sydney Inc. (Level 2 37 Bligh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 / Fax: (02) 9223-5382)

RE: THE 3rd JCCI GOLF COMPETITION 2012/2013 (23.03.2013)

Name: Company:

Tel: Mobile: E-mail:

□ I will donate the goods below for the prizes: ( )

JCCI H’cap: (If you don’t have JCCI’s handicap yet, please declare you provisional handicap)

Amount: $ (Please make a cheque payable to JCCI, Sydney Inc. or by EFT(BSB: 032-016 Account No: 11-6143) and send this form by fax: 9223-5382)

Bank: Westpac Banking Corporation

Branch: Cnr Market & Clarence Streets, Sydney NSW 2000

Account Name: Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Sydney Inc

* Please forward EFT remittance advise fax to 02 9223-5382 or e-mail to