January14th 2013 EGRM 201 Dynamics and Kinematics: Spring 2013

  1. General Information


Time:Tue-Thu 9:30-10:45 AM


Instructor:Jayasimha Atulasimha, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Office:EngineeringBuilding II E3249

Office Phone:827-7037


Office Hours:5 pm to 7 pm Wednesday.


Class Teaching Assistant/GraderTBA: See update in blackboard

Note: Vimal is my PhD student and NOT a teaching assistant/Grader.

(He will ONLY take 1-2 problem solving classes/tutorials when I am on travel)

  1. Course Description and Details

Text:Engineering Mechanics: DYNAMICS (13th Edition) by Hibbeler, R.C.

About the Course:Semester course, 3 lecture hours

DescriptionThe course may be broadly divided into:

(a) Particle kinematics (b) Particles kinetics (Force and acceleration, work and energy, impulse and momentum concepts)

(c) Rigid bodykinematics (d) Rigid bodykinetics (Force and acceleration, work and energy, impulse and momentum concepts)

ObjectivesBy the end of this class you should:

(a)Be able to understand any problem involving particle or planar rigid body dynamics

(b)Draw the corresponding free body diagram

(c)Set up the relevant governing equations

(d)Solve these equations and meaningfully interpret your results

Weightage of Assessment:Grading Scale:

Pop Quizzes / 5%
Homework / 15%
2 Exams (20 % each) / 40%
Final Exam / 40%
Total / 100%
90-100% / A
80-89.99% / B
70-79.99% / C
60-69.99% / D
<60% / F
Exams may be curved at my discretion
  1. General Policies


PHYS 207, ENGR 102 and MATH 201 with grade C or better in ALL OR written permission of instructor.


Class:Regular attendance is expected. Occasional absences will be approved only if they meet University policy. Attendance will be monitored through pop-quiz submission/collection. While attendance dos not directly count towards a grade it will determine if you get a higher or lower grade if you are on the borderline between two grades.

Online Resources

All assignments and some announcements will be posted on the Blackboard. Announcements(especially short notice) may be sent on your VCU e-mail or in the class. Please check Blackboard at least twice a week at . Also check your VCU e-mail daily.

Academic Integrity

In general all assignments should reflect your original work. You may discuss the approach to a problem but the final analysis and solutions must be your individual work. For pop quizzes and exams any form of copying or willfully helping in the act of copying, discussionsof any form, etc are not allowed and are deemed as acts of cheating. If found guilty you will be reported to the VCU office of Judicial Affairs and Academic Integrity.

Please see for more details.

Students with Disabilities

“Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 require VirginiaCommonwealthUniversity to provide academic adjustments or accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Students seeking academic adjustments or accommodations must self-identify with the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities on the appropriate campus. After meeting with the Coordinator, students are encouraged to meet with their instructors to discuss their needs and, if applicable, any laboratory safety concerns related to their disabilities.”

The instructor can ONLY provide accommodation upon presentation of an official memorandum from the Coordinator.

Please look at for details.

A Final Note

Learn as much as you can during the class and ask questions about anything that seems unclear or you would like me to explain again. Do your homework regularly as it helps reinforce the concepts learnt in class. Please use my office hours to get any help with the lessons or solving problems. However, I recommend you go through the reading assignments and make an attempt to solve the problem before approaching me or the TAs. This initial effort will help you go a long way in understanding the subject!

  1. Assessment Details

Exams:Two exams and a final exam will be given. Make-up exams will NOT be given unless you can provide written proof that you faced an emergency situation.You may be allowed to make a formula sheet for some exams/exam problems. Partial credit will be given for most problems, ONLY if intermediate steps are clearly shown. An ability to solve new problems by applying the principles learnt is important.

Pop Quizzes:A total of four pop quizzes will be given during lecture sessions. You will miss them if you are late to class or skip a class. Make-up quizzes will not be given unless have written proof you had an emergency.

Homework:About 10homework assignments will be postedand are due in exactly one week from the day they are posted unless indicated otherwise.The homework and due dates will be posted on Blackboard. Late homework will not be accepted.Partial credit will be given on most problems only if all work is shown. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the specified date. Guidelines will be posted on blackboard.

5. Class Calendar: Schedule of chapters covered and exam dates

A tentative schedule of when specific chapters that will be covered, dates assignments will be given and the dates for exam-1 and exam-2 are listed in the syllabus folder under a file "calendar.doc". This is to give you a rough idea of the class schedule but the actual schedule can differ from this. The final exam date is listed as TBA and will be fixed after discussion in class.