January 8, 2018

Metting called to order at 6:30pm

Members present:

Brian Zerman, Danny Tyler, Gary Carwell, Vinney Q, Patty Carwell, Michele Murphy, Ricky Johnston, Jenny Bump, Roger Meyer


Heather Isgett, Kelly Wilt, Mike Irwin

The board has not received minutes from the December meeting.

Field Maintenance – Danny

Paperwork had been signed for concession construction

Equipment – Ricky

Discussion about equipment that hasn’t been turned in

Concessions – Gary

Nothing to report

Website/Scheduling – Roger

Kelly stepped down from the committee

The website has been updated

In the process of changing the website host to “GoDaddy”. It is cheaper and more user friendly.

Picture day is confirmed for April 28th @ Cherry Street Gym

Uniforms – Michele

There is a meeting January 17th @ 6:00pm with Embroidery Wearhouse, Orders have to be turned in by March 3rd and we have to have a $5000 deposit at that time

Uniforms will be picked up April 14th.

Sponsors – Roger

Shopper Compass and Morrow County 911 were given a $25 sponsorship

Capital Theater was given sponsorship paperwork and offered a half price deal because of the mistake made last year.

There have been three sponsorships turned in so far.

Safety – Brian

Had board members complete the volunteer forms

Fundraising – Jenny

The cutlery catalogs have been ordered and received.

Motion made by Jenny, 2nd by Patty, the board will pay $50 to the top seller (dollar amount) and $50 to the player selling the most items. Motioned passed unanimously.

Brian turned in a bill for the raffle gun in the amount of $344.54, the bill was paid. Brian turned in a bill for the purchase of purple paper for printing off fliers to take to the school. $20.37 was already paid.

Brian turned in the remaining $145.09 from the gun raffle.

Brian turned in $500 from the football pool

Motion by Patty, 2nd by Ricky, to have a football pool fundraiser for the Super Bowl. Motioned passed unanimously.

Fall Ball – Danny/Heather

Nothing to report

By-Laws – Mike

Noting to report

President Report – Roger

Nothing to report

VP Boys Report – Vinny

The ages for Little League has been changed to 11-12

The ages for Pony League has been changed to 13-14

A Senior League will include 15-16 year olds

Pitch count rules have been changed to an inning count

PW and LL will be 7 innings in a seven day week

PL and Senior will be 10 innings in a seven day week

PL and Senior will have a BB core -3 bat rule

VP Girls Report – Mike

Nothing to report

Treasurer Report – Patty

The board received $60 in donation from the Sue Bump memorial

Ordered 1000 checks at a cost of $102.95

Discussion held about the checking account, there are several outstanding checks that have never been cashed.

Checking account balance is $4486.91

Secretary – Kelly

Nothing to report

New Business

Discussion held about board members missing meetings. Motion made by Brian, 2nd by Ricky, to remove Heather from the board because of missing meetings. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion held about job descriptions and requirements. Motion made by Gary, 2nd by Brian, for the president to send a written notice to Kelly for failing to perform duties as Secretary. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion held about board members paying for their respective children to play. Board members are required to pay.

Discussion held about Section 9, Item (K), of the By-Laws. Board members are hereby notified that Item (K) in Section 9 will be removed from the By-Laws, by majority vote, at the February meeting.

Discussion held about a $50 refund to a parent from Fall Ball. Kelly was given the money to return and has not done so. Motion made by Jenny, 2nd by Danny, to pay the parent the $50. Motion passed unanimously. The board asked the president to include this issue in the letter to Kelly and to instruct her to return the $50 to the board.

Motion by Ricky, 2nd by Jenny, to adjourn.

Meeting adjourn at 8:17pm