Trinity Church andCommunity


13427-57 STR. Edmonton, AB 780-475-2662

March 22, 2015

A HUGE Thank you to everyone who helped out at the Prayer Summit this past weekend. The Lord blessed us with many participants and visitors. May the joy of this weekend continue to be with you today and in the future.

God is good!

January and February 2015 Collections and Donations

Jan.1 World Missions$1,138World Renew (various)$470

Jan.4Mosaic Center$1,026Misc. other causes$625

Jan.11CRC Disability Concerns$1,235Local Budget$28,290

Jan.18Edmonton Christian School$1,097 TOTAL$34,934

Jan.25CRC Race Relations$1,053

Feb. 1Cadets$880World Missions$610

Feb. 8Mission Aviation Fellowship$1,051World Renew$300

Feb.15Home Missions$749Misc. other causes$600

Feb.22Power to Change$1,225 Local Budget$32,110


Below is a summary of our Budget expenses and donations for January and February.

January & February

Actual Expenses $88,278(Includes Ministry Shares. Budgeted for 2 months = $97,732) Donations/Revenue $64,704 (Includes Budget and all Bldg Fund donations & fundraising.)


… Treasurer, Wilco VandenBorn

BIBLICAL COUNSELING AVAILABLE:Biblical counseling uses the Scripture as a means to understand and resolve the issues of our lives, believing that the Bible is complete in its teachings so as to provide adequate counsel for our needs. With faith in the Lord Jesus who said, “Come to me and I will give you rest,” and with confidence in His Word, I wish to help equip believers to find God’s best for us in every situation and during every storm of life that can besiege the soul. This ministry is free to our church family and confidentiality is guaranteed. Contact me directly to set up an appointment. In Christ’s service. -- Edmund Lee ( or 780-934-0660)

DUNAMIS: Dunamis III THE POWER OF PRAYER onApril 22-25, 2015@Providence Renewal Centre in Edmonton. Dunamisis the Greek term for"power". “The Dunamis Project”is a series of six events designed to equip clergy and laity in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit.THE POWER OF PRAYEREmphasizes growing in intimacy with Jesus Christ through prayer. Topics include learning to listen to God, intercessory prayer and revival, and praying with vision and power. No Prerequisites. Brochures available in the narthex/lobby or contact Jane Graff,

EMMANUEL HOME NOTICE: The Board of Emmanuel Home would like to gauge the interest level in our church community for a new senior's residence in West Edmonton. To this end, we invite those who are interested to attenda meeting to be held on April 15, 2015 at 7:30 PM in the West End Christian Reformed Church. (10015-149 St). If you are unableto come to this meeting but would like to express your interest or provide input, we invite you to contact either Board Member Kelvin Van Dasselaar (780-720-8342 or ) or Executive Director Darren Sinke (780-478-2792 or ).

COMMONWEALTH CONCESSON: To work the FIFA soccer games in June & July we have to go throughthe accreditation process similar to last year's U-20 tourney. I need to send in the names of ALL POTENTIAL volunteers...anybody who may possibly work during the 8-date tournament. Even if you end up not working at all. The Security section wants to pre-screen all potential volunteers and enter them into the database. So please let me (Hilda)know that I can forward your name (even if you have already signed up). The deadline is March 31. The sign up sheets for all the soccer and football games are on the fundraising bulletin board. Please sign up!

JOYFUL NOISE CHOIR REGISTRATION:The Joyful Noise will be opening registration (on-line) for the 37th season on April 1. There will be two choirs in the fall - a junior choir (grades 2-3) and an Intermediate/Senior Choir (grades 4-8). Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings beginning September 2 at Inglewood CRC. Registration is $150 per child and received as a donation to Rehoboth Christian Ministries since all work of the choir is on behalf of Rehoboth. Openings in the choir are filled in the order in which they are received. For further information about the choir, music samples, activities and registration go to:

.MOSAIC NEEDS HELP!!!!: Here at Mosaic Centre our emergency food cupboard is bare! We are asking for your help to fill the cupboards once again, please! Foods that are most needed are: Kraft dinner, pasta sauce, pasta, peanut butter, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned ham, soups, granola bars, fruit in a cup or can, cereals, crackers, juice, beans, alphagetti, ravioli. We have been seeing over 100 people per day and not all these people require hampers, but for those who do, they are limited to only one hamper per month. There is great need and we are seeing more and more women and children which is a new demographic for us. Thank you for anything that you can do to help.


****REMINDER: Please do not remove any sound or music equipment from the sanctuary and supplies from the kitchen. These things are used during the week and we count on them being in their proper place each week. Thanks