January 12th, 2015 Newbury Municipal Council1
Monday, January 12th, 2015
6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT:Reeve Diane Brewer, Councillors, Chris Degraw, Ron Challis, Abe Van Der Wyngaard, and Mike Noe
OTHERS PRESENT:Fire Chief Chad Trethewey
STAFF PRESENT:Betty D. Gordon, Clerk-Treasurer
Reeve Diane Brewer called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Mike Noe declared a pecuniary interest in item numbers 8.35, 8.36 and 8.37.
(a) WATER:
- Meter replacements (CPE Services) and meter repair list from the Dec. reads. (Faxed to Kelly and CPE). Council reviewed the list with Mike. One customer who has been reluctant to provide inside reads or to have their meter inspected by Kelly Moore, Newbury’s Water Superintendent will be given 48 hours’ notice of inspection once the February reads have been received and reviewed.
- Tri-County Management meeting update by Mike Noe. Mike reported the Tri-County meeting to Council and asked for clarification on whether or not he is to vote on issues without Council’s recommendations. Council authorized him to use his discretion so then Mike advised Council that if he feels he needs Council’s comments and advise then he will make a motion to first take the issue back to each Council for their review. Council agreed.
(b) SEWER:
- Emergency contact numbers for the grinder pump users. Council directed the Clerk to ask Chatham Kent if they were prepared to service grinder pumps.
Chatham Kent has suggested they meet with Council to discuss maintenance and repair on the grinder pumps and as well sludge hauling.
- Sludge hauling quotes.
- Dundas St. Bridge update.
An email was sent to St. Clair Region Conservation Authority asking if anyone objected to Newbury removing the Dundas St. Bridge. They responded and advised that they would like to review the demolition quote so see what was being proposed and they would also like to review the drawings for the walkway.
An email was sent to Spriet Associates asking them if they knew of any regulations that would affect the removal of the Dundas St. Bridge. Mike Devos responded by saying there would be no report required but we would need to make sure erosion protection is placed in the newly exposed banks.
An email was sent to Tom Ritchie asking him if he could construct a walking bridge or if he knew of any other contractor who would be interested in constructing one.
Tom Montgomery of CIMA recommended we take the bridge out immediately and barricade the end of Dundas. He wondered for options for costing if we would consider a culvert instead of a walking bridge. He also said you can order walking bridges pre made and then they are set in with a crane.
Council directed the Clerk to ask Spriets for specs on removing a bridge that could be required through the Drainage Act.
(d) 7:00 p.m.Fire Chief Chad Trethewey
- Monthly training (cc. Council)
- Surplus equipment list.
Council minutes of the regular Council meeting held on December 8th, 2014.
Moved By:Chris DegrawSeconded By: Mike Noe
“THAT the minutes from the regular Council meeting held December 8th, be accepted as presented.”
The a/c has been installed in the sewer plant by CPE Services Ltd.
The sludge was hauled at the sewer plant by Triple S and taken to Chatham-Kent.
Trevor Hounsell was called and asked to provide a quote. Trevor called this office before Christmas to say he would look at it very soon and give his opinion.
13 older Christmas ornaments were sold – there are still 13 left.
OMAFRA was notified that the Village was not going to move ahead with the grant for the drainage reconstruction of Coltsfoot Drive.
A thank you letter was sent to the past Councillors thanking them for their service while being on council.
1. The County of Middlesex Media Release advising that Vance Blackmore has been voted in as the County Warden.
2. Municipal World magazine –January 2015.
3. Congratulations letter to Reeve Diane Brewer from Ted McKeekin, Minister of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
4. St. Clair Conservation Authority and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority providing information on upcoming open houses regarding their Source Protection Plan. (cc. Council)
5. St. Clair Conservation Authority providing their fee schedule for 2014.
6. The municipality of West Elgin has provided a copy of the West Elgin Primary Water Supply System financial statements for 2013 and expenditures for 2014.
7. Township of Algonquin Highlands provided a copy of their resolution regarding the new OPP Billing Model. (emailed to Council)
- By-law 100-15, being a by-law to set interest charged on tax arrears for the year 2014.
Moved By:Chris Degraw Seconded By: Mike Noe
“THAT By-law 100-15, being a by-law to set interest charged on tax arrears, be given first and second reading this 12th day of January, 2015.”
Moved By:Mike Noe Seconded By: Ron Challis
“THAT By-law 100-15 be given third reading, taken as read, properly signed, sealed and numbered 100-15, this 12th day of January, 2015.”
- By-law 101-15, being a by-law to set the interim tax levy for 2015.
Moved By:Mike Noe Seconded By: Abe Van Der Wyngaard
THAT By-law 101-15, being a by-law to set the interim tax levy for 2015, be given first and second reading this 12th day of January, 2015.”
Moved By:Chris Degraw Seconded By:Ron Challis
“THAT By-law 101-15 be given third reading, taken as read, properly signed, sealed and numbered 101-15, this 12th day of January, 2015.”
- Review of Newbury’s Quality Management System (QMS) report which was circulated to Council in December and also a review and discussion on Element #7, Risk Management and Element #8 Risk Assessment Outcome. Council is also required to sign the endorsement. (previously cc. Council)
Moved By:Abe Van Der WyngaardSeconded By:Ron Challis
“THAT Council accepts the review of Newbury’s QMS and the review and discussion of Element #7 and Element #8 and that Council signs the endorsement.”
- Jardine Lloyd Thompson insurance renewal.
Moved By:Abe Van Der Wyngaard Seconded By:Chris Degraw
“THAT Council accept the insurance renewal form JLT.”
- Christmas ornaments. (order book)
Council asked the Clerk to get a quote on a few pieces from the catalogue.
- Senior Drop In Centre flyer – circulated to all Newbury residents. Report by Councillor Ron Challis.
Moved By:Mike Noe Seconded By: Abe Van Der Wyngaard
“THAT Council provide $500 seed money to help initiate a program for a Seniors Drop in Centre and to also pay for circulating a flyer in the Wardsville area and for putting an ad in the local paper.”
- Councillor Ron Challis has provided a report to Council on the 2014 cost from BFI for solid waste pickup and recycling and also a report on composting and a proposed resolution regarding composting and reducing taxes in the Village. (cc. Council)
Moved By:Ron Challis Seconded By:Chris Degraw
“THAT a notice be sent out to Newbury residents advising them that Council has the opportunity to purchase composters at a reduced price of $65.00 and that Council will also subsidize the cost for $10 which would lower the cost of the unit to $55 and to also offer the public a demonstration from a master composter.”
- Quote from Trevor Hounsell to remove the old door at the library and replace with brick. (cc. Council)
Moved By:Chris Degraw Seconded By: Abe Van Der Wyngaard
“THAT Council accept the quote from Trevor Hounsell to remove the old door at the library and to replace it with brick.”
Moved By:Chris Degraw Seconded By:Ron Challis
“THAT the financial statements be accepted as presented.”
Moved By:Chris Degraw Seconded By:Abe Van Der Wyngaard
“THAT the accounts that total $37,332.79 accepted as presented and paid in full.”
- Each Council member was given the opportunity to bring new business to the table.
Ron reported to Council that the Fire Chief had some concerns about the new fire alarm system and wondered if Council should send a letter expressing his concerns. It was decided that Council would ask Chad to report to Council about the alarm system.
- Clerk Treasurer wage review
Moved By:Mike Noe Seconded By:Abe Van Der Wyngaard
“THAT the Clerk be given the same bonus as in the past, her fifth week of holidays not to be taken all in one week but spread out and used as single days throughout the year and that the office not be given Family Day.
- By-law 102-15, being a by-law to confirm proceedings of the Council of the Village of Newbury.
Moved By:Chris DegrawSeconded By:Abe Van Der Wyngaard
“THAT By-law 102-15, being a by-law to confirm proceedings of the Council of the Village of Newbury is given first and second reading this 12th day of January, 2015.”
Moved By:Mike Noe Seconded By: Ron Challis
“THAT By-law 102-15 be given third reading, taken as read, properly signed and sealed, and numbered 102-15, this 12th day of January, 2015.”
Moved By:Abe Van Der Wyngaard Seconded By: Chris Degraw
“THAT the meeting be adjourned.”
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Upcoming Meetings (unless re-scheduled)
Regular Council on Monday, February 9th, 2015.