January 1, 1878 New Years Day Tuesday

I visited me Jacob Lights school all day he treated us with candy after school I went home with Hallie Drew and took supper with them at night we all went over to Mr.Stauffers to the dance we danced till one oclock like a blind dog in a meat house we had a lively time you bet John Drew took me there and fetched me home I got a letter from William Nixon nice day but some what cool

To can fruit without the use of ceiling wax Brice Cunningham

Wed the 2nd At home I wrote a letter to William Nixon it snowed hard in the forenoon afternoon I ironed

Receipt bought of Chas Whiting OakWood O

Thur the 3rd at home I cut out Cathren and Annasdresses and sewed at them nice day but a little cold

And it will save fruit all right and I will

Fri the 4th At home Lydey Newbright was here and Callie Roast From Dayton was here also I sewed some on the girls dresses it snowed some part of the day and middling cold

For each one gallon

Sat the 5th At home I finished the girls dresses cold day

Sun the 6th John and Jake Letherman Perciller her children and I we all went down to Uncle Charley Bennetts in the big sled William Lewis and Lizzie Miller Johnie Hofferbert Jakie Alstetter Frank Smith all came there and we had lots of fun at night Brice Cunningham stayed with me until 5 oclock nice day but little cold

Guarentte every one of them per agr-

Mon the 7th At home I cut me out three undergarments and partly made one of them clear day but cold

Tue the 8th At home I sewed part of the day for myself Ella Bennett was here in the afternoon I played on Brices fiddle for Ella like a bumblebee in a feather bed Mrs. Kinsley died at night clear day but cold

Wed the 9th At home I finished my fine chiney and ironed in the afternoon tolerable nice warm day



Thur the 10th In the morning I went over to Mr. Kinsleys his wife was buried I went to the house I did not go to the buring I came home at noon tolerable nice warm day but very muddy B

Fri the 11th At home I finished Jake Lethermans socks and helped to do other work tolerable nice day Clara Bennett was here awhile

Sat the 12th At home I baked bread pies cakes and scrubed and done other work nice day

Sun the 13th At home. In the evening Hallie Nanand John Drew was here to spend the eve it snowed very hard part of the day Brice stayed with me till 3 O

Mon the 14th At home. I made me a shimy and done the other work Perciller went to Lima and stayed all night Clara was here all day and night in the evening Ella and Lizzie Miller came down awhile to spend the eve we all danced a french four and Brice played his fiddle you bet we had a nice time you bet your boots John Drew Jake and John Letherman and the rest of us tore up old ned nice day but little cold

Tue the 15th At home Perciller came home from Lima she fetched me a better frame William Nixon Clara was here all day and night we done a little sewing for myself nice day

Wed the 16th At home Clara was here all day we made my coat at night we all went over to our schoolhouse to spelling Mary Ann Nancy and Dave Stull William Chester Hallie and John and Nannie Drew Jim Woods two girls Theodore Ramseys oldest girl they all stopped in for us we all went together and we had a nice time good sleighing Brice came home with me nice day

Thur the 17th At home moste of the day I ran over to young Jake Alstetters a little while in afternoon when I came back I stoped in to Mary Ann Bennetts a little bit at night Mr. William Chester Mary Ann Nancy and Dave Stull we all went over to young Jakes we had a splendid dance Brice and Ceph Cunningham played the fiddle Brice took me to the dance and fetch me home we had a nice time you bet your stars I done nothing but a little housework nice warm day and night



Fri the 18th At home I ironed in the afternoon and help to do a few other things nice beautiful day

Sat the 19th At home I finished ironing and in the afternoon I scrubed and done some other work at night Brice stayed with me until 4 O at night it rained just tolerable like day

Sun the 20th At home Percilla Myrs was here part of the day it rained moste all day and was very muddy

Mon the 21st At home I helped some with the house work and I sewed cloudy all day and very muddy

Tue the 22nd At home I helped to do the house work it snowed a little and somewhat cold

Wed the 23rd At home Perciller went to town and bought me a pair of shoes and payed out her own money and gave them to me $1.25 I sent 7 cts with her for a spool of thread and 5 cts for some writing paper which amounts to .12 cts I wrote a letter to Bell Kiser in the evening and I sewed a little for myself through the day I got a hair switch to make for Mrs. Snooks in Lima tolerable nice day but little cool

Thur the 24th At home till noon, then I walked up to Cairo I wrote a letter to William Nixon and put two letters in the office which was 6 cts I bought a spool of thread 7 cts, 13 cts in all nice clear day but the wind blowed very rain and was very muddy

Fri the 25th At home I comenced to straten the hair for Mrs. Snooks switch Ella was here a while in the afternoon nice day but muddy

Sat the 26th At home I stratened some hair and baked pies and scrubed and cleaned up a little it sleeted and rained a little all night nice day Brice stayed with me till day light

Sun the 27th At home it sleeted and rained all day very hard



Mon the 28th At home I stratened some hair in forenoon and in the afternoon I cut out my calico dress and sewed some on it middling nice day but little cold Jake Letherman bought me a comb for a present .15 cts

Tue the 29th At home I sewed on my dress all day tolerable nice day

Wed the 30th At home I finished my dress fixed John Letherman a shirt at night Mr. William Chester Mary Ann Nancy and Dave Stull came in and took supper with us and Hallie and John Drew John and Jake Letherman and Brice Cunningham and I we all went to the dance and oyster supper to young Jake Alstetters we danced until nearly four o’clock we had a nice time and a big crowd was there but – oh what a time we had coming home we waded snow knee deep it snowed with all the might that was in itt Brice took me there and home he presented me with a kerchief .20 cts Hallie Drew came in with us and she stayed till day light Brice and I sat up til day light nice warm day but a very cold cold night you bet it was

Thur the 31st At home. I finished stratening the hair for Mrs. Snooks switch and wove one strand it snowed very hard all day cold day Perciller gave me 5 cts.

February the 1st

Fri the 1st At home I finished Mrs. Snooks hair switch it snowed nearly all day and very cold

Sat the 2nd Groundhog day I took Mrs. Snooks hair switch over to Mrs. Clingers in the afternoon .85 cts got the money down tolerable nice day but little cool Brice stayed with me till 6 O morning P.T.B.M.T.N. Thank God



Sun the 3rd At home at John Letherman Clara Bennet, Perciller Petter Smith Cathren and Anna Brice and I we all went to Columbus Grove to the big meeting in the big shed nice sleighing and a nice day we had a good time

Mon the 4th At home in the afternoon I cut out Perciller a calico dress and sewed some on it nice day but little cool

Tue the 5th At home I sewed some on Percillers dress Clara was here in the afternoon at night there was a big sled load of us went to George Kinsleys spelling school at night the Lipsell school house 6 or 7 miles from here Mary and Scott Kinsley Jake Light – Charley Miller Mary Miller Clara and Ella Bennett Brice Cunningham and I we all went and had a nice time big crowd at the spelling nice day and night – I sent to town with Perciller and got me a fine comb cost .10 cts

Wed the 6th At home I sewed some on Percillers dress all day at night Jake Light had a spelling at our school house Brice..B..took me to spelling and home again large crowd nice bright day – warm

Thur the 7th At home I finished Percillers dress and fixed Jake Letherman a vest at night Brice took me a buggie ride we went to the grove and went out west of town a piece and then came back in town and stayed at Mr. Stulls awhile then we came home had a nice time nice day and night little muddy

Fri the 8th At home I finished fine drawrs and in the afternoon I ironed Mr. William Chester called in a while this afternoon it snowed and rained a little most all day a little cold

Sat the 9th At home I baked bread pies scrubed and done other work in propation it snowed very hard in afternoon at night Brice stayed with me till 6 O morning

Sun the 10th At home it snowed very hard all day the snow got pretty deep cold day and night Brice was there all day John Drew came over here and stayed all night



Mon the 11th At home I cut out my blue luster dress and sewed at itt Mr. Adam Miller fetched my pleeter home and he payed me .25 cts for the use of itt nice day and great good sleighing

Tue the 12th At home I sewed all day on my luster dress I sent my shoe to the Grove with Petter Smith got it half soled costed me 20 cts it snowed very hard in the forenoon I got two hair switches to make Mr. Clingers went past here in a big sled and left them here Mrs. Cantenia and Mrs. Slussers both from Lima pretty good sleighing and a nice night John Letherman took his Clara Bennett out a slay riding to night I bet they think they are in Glory Hallulahs calf pasture I got a letter from William Nixon and got his picture in itt Charley Miller fetched it – payed (three) (3) cts to get it out of the office

Wed the 13th At home I sewed a little on my luster dress and I ironed in the afternoon and baked bread and done other work in propation I wrote a note to James Nell one cent stamp Clara and Ella was here a little while nice day the snow thawed rite smart

Thur the 14th At home Valentine day we butchered Clara and Ella Peter and Manda Alstetter Uncle Charley Petter Smith Brice Cunningham and our folks was all here to help butcher oh what fun we did have its to be long remembered by us nice day Lyda Sygler and Petter Niswanger was married may they be happy

Fri the 15th At home I helped scower and scrub and clean up the grease nice day

Sat the 16th At home I scrubed and helped with the Saturdays work nice day at night it rained very hard at night Brice stayed with me till 5 O’clock

Sun the 17th At home all day lonesome and sleepy as usual I wrote a letter to William Nixon and sent him his old picture back to him Aunt Callie Bennett was here and took dinner with us Brice was here all day also nice day but snowed a little in the evening and very muddy



Mon the 18th At home I done some pleeting on my dress at night Perciller, Cathren, Anna went to Cairo to meeting Petter Smith and I stayed home and keep the children Ceph Cunningham was here a little while at night nice day

Tue the 19th At home I pleeted some on my dress in the evening I went up to Uncle Charleys and stayed all night nice day but very muddy Brice bought this memorandum book for me .50 cts and a pencil 5 cts he payed .55 cts in all

Wed the 20th I came home from Uncle Charleys in the morning I sewed and pleeted on my dress nice day but very muddy at night Hallie and John Drew, Lewis Miller, Dave Stull and I walked up to Cairo to big meeting the Methodist had meeting it rained moste all night oh what a time we had wadeing home through the water and mud

Thur the 21st At home in the forenoon I sewed and pleeted my dress in the afternoon I ironed it rained a little moste all day and was very muddy

Fri the 22nd At home I sewed at my dress it rained hard moste all day and mud with out end

Sat the 23rd. At home I peaced at my quilt and scrubed and done other work it snowed a little in the forenoon muddy I sent with Petter Smith and got two spools of thread 14 cts

Sun the 24th At home Ella Bennett was here all day Clara was here a little while it snowed a little in the eve little cold day

Mon the 25th At home I stratened the hair for Mrs. Cantenias switch it spit a little snow through the day tolerable cold day night

Tue the 26th At home I wove at Mrs. Cantenias switch got dinner washed up the dishes I sent to town got .10 cts worth of shoe strings tolerable fair day but very mudd



Wed the 27th At home I got dinner washed up the dishes and finished Mrs. Cantenias hair switch Perciller went to Cairo and got my paper and picture $1.00 per year nice bright day but very muddy

Thur the 28th At home I ironed in the afternoon at night Cathren, Anna, Nan Drew and I went over to our school house to practise our pieces for the last day of our school and as we came home we stopped in to Mr. Rummols a little while to borrow there lantern nice bright day very muddy

March the 1st 1878

Fri the 1st At home I stratened some hair and fixed some things for me to wear to the last day of our school at night Brice put on a dress and my bregalies ad I dressed up in mens clothes and Jake Letherman sawed on the fiddle and we danced and tore up old ned and oh what fun we had its to be long remembered by us you bet nice day

Sat the 2nd At home all day I helped to do the Saturdays work nice bright day but the wind blowed pretty hard at night Brice stayed with me till day light it rained nearly all night

Sun the 3rd at home all day it rained moste all day Dave Stull, Jake Letherman and I blacked our faces and dressed up nubby and acted a fool Peter Alstetter and Brice was here part of the day oh we had fun you bet your gizzard thas all

Mon the 4th At home. Father came here and stayed all day and night in the morning it spit a little snow little cold and muddy I wove at Mrs. Slussers switch moste all day

Tue the 5th At home. Father went home in the morning he gave me $1.00 Perciller went to the Grove in the afternoon and she bought me four yds of goods to make a sham skirt for my blue dress .32 cts is what it all costed I wove at the switch most the day at night Cathren Anna and I went to school house to practise our



Our pieces for the last day of our school nice beautiful day but muddy

Wed the 6th at home I finished Mrs. Slussers hair switch it rained moste all day tolerable warm Clara Bennett was here moste all day and was here all night

Thur the 7th I ironed in the forenoon and in the afternoon I went over to our schoolhouse to practise my pieces nice warm day

Fri the 8th I went to the last day of our school Jake Light taught the school I sung two pieces and spoke a dialogue with Scott Kinsley Ive dressed up very nubby and made the folks stretch their mouths a laughing had a nice time there were about 50 or 60 visitors we had a nice beautiful warm day

Sat the 9th in the morning I took Mrs. Cantenias and Mrs. Slussers hair switches over to Mrs. Clingers and left them there Mrs. Clinger payed me .90 cts for Mrs. Cantenia but did not get pay for Mrs. Slussers switch then I went on up to Mrs. George Alstetters and got a hanging basket to make for her I was at home all afternoon I scrubed and done other work nice warm day

Sun the 10th I went over to Terzzie Millers all day I went in to Peter Niswengers a little while it rained some in the afternoon Brice came home with me and stayed up with me till day light – nice warm day but very muddy.