Jane Long Academy Lesson Plan Template with Unpacking the Standards
Course: Math 7
Teachers: Mobley / Lesson Plan Week of: 11-30 thru 12-4Monday- / Tuesday- / Wednesday- / Thursday- / Friday-
Pre-Planning: Unpacking the Standards / TEKS:
(R) - Readiness Standard
(S) -Supporting Standard
ELPS (Language Objective) / . Ⓡ MATH.7.7A Expected to represent linear relationships using verbal descriptions, tables, graphs, and equations that simplify to the form y = mx + b. / Ⓡ MATH.7.7A Expected to represent linear relationships using verbal descriptions, tables, graphs, and equations that simplify to the form y = mx + b. / Ⓡ MATH.7.7A Expected to represent linear relationships using verbal descriptions, tables, graphs, and equations that simplify to the form y = mx + b. / Ⓡ MATH.7.7A Expected to represent linear relationships using verbal descriptions, tables, graphs, and equations that simplify to the form y = mx + b. / QUIZ
Ⓡ MATH.7.7A Expected to represent linear relationships using verbal descriptions, tables, graphs, and equations that simplify to the form y = mx + b.
- What verbs define the actions students will need to take? / Represent / Represent / Represent / Represent / Represent
(Academic and Content) / Key concepts
•dependent variable
•independent variable
•linear relationship
•multiple representation
Academic Vocabulary
•vertical / Key concepts
•dependent variable
•independent variable
•linear relationship
•multiple representation
Academic Vocabulary
•vertical / Key concepts
•dependent variable
•independent variable
•linear relationship
•multiple representation
Academic Vocabulary
•vertical / Key concepts
•dependent variable
•independent variable
•linear relationship
•multiple representation
Academic Vocabulary
•vertical / Key concepts
•dependent variable
•independent variable
•linear relationship
•multiple representation
Academic Vocabulary
Lesson Topic (Content Objective) / The students will be able to represent linear relationships using multiple representations that simplify to the form y = mx + b. / The students will be able to represent linear relationships using multiple representations that simplify to the form y = mx + b. / The students will be able to represent linear relationships using multiple representations that simplify to the form y = mx + b. / The students will be able to represent linear relationships using multiple representations that simplify to the form y = mx + b. / The students will be able to represent linear relationships using multiple representations that simplify to the form y = mx + b.
ELPS (Language Objective) / ELPS C.2c Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions.
ELPS C.2f Listen to and derive meaning from a variety of media to build and reinforce concept and language attainment. / ELPS C.2c Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions.
ELPS C.2f Listen to and derive meaning from a variety of media to build and reinforce concept and language attainment. / ELPS C.2c Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions.
ELPS C.2f Listen to and derive meaning from a variety of media to build and reinforce concept and language attainment. / ELPS C.2c Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions.
ELPS C.2f Listen to and derive meaning from a variety of media to build and reinforce concept and language attainment. / ELPS C.2c Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions.
ELPS C.2f Listen to and derive meaning from a variety of media to build and reinforce concept and language attainment.
Lesson Cycle / Engage:
Warm-Up/Opening (min) / Spiral TEKS / Spiral TEKS / Spiral TEKS / Spiral TEKS / QUIZ
Review (min): / Graphing Linear Equations – A BrainPop® video that demonstrates how a linear function compares two variables / Lure of the Labyrinth Mine Shaft Game – A mathematics game in which students describe and create numeric patterns and functions / Linear Function Explorer – An applet that allows students to change the values of the slope and the y-intercept and note their effects on a graph / Equation of a Line (slope intercept form) – An applet that allows students to adjust the sliders to control the slope and the y-intercept of the line / Equation of a Line (slope intercept form) – An applet that allows students to adjust the sliders to control the slope and the y-intercept of the line
Guided Practice (min): / Create Vocabulary Foldable / Lesson 7.1- Guided Practice “Linear Relationships in the Form y = mx + b,” pp. 225 – 232 / Lesson 7.2- Guided Practice Writing and Graphing equations in the Form y = mx + b,” pp. 233 – 238 / Linear Relationships Guided Practice / Review
Independent Practice (min): / Math Vocabulary acitivity / Lesson 7.1 – Independent Practice and A/B and D
Kahn Academy / Lesson 7.2 – Independent Practice and A/B and D
Kahn Academy / Linear Relationships Independent Practice
Kahn Academy / Quiz
Closing ( min.): / Journal Entry:
How can a linear relationship be described with words and symbols? With tables and graphs? / Formative Assessments-
Tickets, Tickets, and More Tickets: students self-assess their ability to represent a given set of data in multiple ways. / Formative Assessment- Pay Day: Students represent linear relationships by completing a table, graphing ordered pairs, making predictions, and justifying their solutions. / Journal Entry:
Why are linear relationships represented through multiple representations?
How can an equation model a relationship from a real-world situation? / Quiz
Reinforcement / Materials/ Resources: / Go Math
Interactive Journal
HISD Resources
Number cubes
Chart paper/anchor chart / Go Math
Interactive Journal
HISD Resources
Number cubes
Chart paper/anchor chart / Go Math
Interactive Journal
HISD Resources
Number cubes
Chart paper/anchor chart / Go Math
Interactive Journal
HISD Resources
Number cubes
Chart paper/anchor chart / Go Math
Interactive Journal
HISD Resources
Number cubes
Chart paper/anchor chart
Technology Connections / · Desmos – A next generation online graphing calculator
· Graphing Linear Equations – A BrainPop® video that demonstrates how a linear function compares two variables
· Lure of the Labyrinth Mine Shaft Game – A mathematics game in which students describe and create numeric patterns and functions
· Linear Function Explorer – An applet that allows students to change the values of the slope and the y-intercept and note their effects on a graph
· Equation of a Line (slope intercept form) – An applet that allows students to adjust the sliders to control the slope and the y-intercept of the line
Homework / Spiral TEKS / Spiral TEKS / Spiral TEKS / Spiral TEKS / None
Mathematical Process Standards. The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and demonstrate mathematical understanding. The student is expected to:
MATH.7.1D Communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate.
MATH.7.1F Analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas.
*All lesson plans are subject to revisions and addendums by teacher.
*This lesson plan is designed to be a guide the teacher can use to engage in thoughtful planning of each lesson, to better integrate vertical alignment opportunities, and to ensure high order thinking opportunities throughout instructional timeframes.