Burt Batty-Chairman

Seth Goodall-Vice Chairman

Dave Thompson

Richard Goodall

Leighton Carver




7:00 PM – THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2008


Chairman Batty called the meeting to order at 7:01p.m. members present were Seth Goodall, Dave Thompson, Leighton Carver and Richard Goodall. Others present were Bucky Bodge, Gordon Sherman, Cliff Goodall, Jim Goodall, Jill Adams, Tracy Tuttle and Town Manager Thomas Fortier and Laurisa Loon.


2.1 Moment of Silence


Selectman Carver made a motion to approve the Selectmen minutes of April 24, 2008, Selectman R. Goodall seconded.


Selectman Carver would like to amend 7.2 as follows:

The selectboard member that presides on the Loan Board will continue to update the Board of Selectmen on the loan disbursements at a meeting of the Board of Selectmen.

Selectman Thompson would like the minutes emailed out to the Selectmen the Monday before Thursday’s meeting.

Minutes approved, unanimous (5-0).


4.1  Appointments-Richmond Days Committee

Selectmen action requested to appoint the members of the Richmond Days Committee.

Charlie Ipcar, Dave Tilton, Jessica Mayers, Judy Batty, Terri Parker, Nick Forest, Thomas Fortier, Sable Strout, David Thompson, Betty Horning and Mary Dow.

Selectman Carver made a motion to appoint the members of the Richmond Days Committee, Selectman R. Goodall seconded, motion passed (5-0).

Selectman R. Goodall made a motion to appoint Thomas Fortier as Chairman of the Richmond Days Committee, Selectman Thompson seconded, motion passed (5-0).

4.2  Executive Session 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6)(D) Attorney-client consultation

Selectman Thompson made a motion to move into Executive Session at 7:15p.m., Selectman Carver seconded, motion passed (5-0).

Selectman Thompson made a motion to move out of Executive Session at 7:45 p.m., Selectman R. Goodall seconded, motion passed (5-0).

No action taken.

Selectman S. Goodall made a motion to move 6.1 out of order, Selectman Thompson seconded, motion passed (5-0).

6.1  Selectman Batty gave an overview of the waterfront committee’s recent meeting:

·  A guest mooring will be installed next week

·  The pump-out will be installed next week (Monday/Tuesday)

·  Docks to be installed the following week

·  Planning Grant RFQ’s are out with a May 16th deadline

·  Channel markers to be placed next week


5.1  Phase II Public Hearing to comply with Title VI Requirements-Darryl Sterling

To discuss the acceptance of a 2008 CDBG Downtown Revitalization Grant in the amount of $500,000.

Selectman Carver made a motion to move into public hearing, Selectman R. Goodall seconded, motion passed (5-0).

Darryl Sterling gave an overview of projects to be completed.

·  Gateway with tree plantings

·  Crosswalks

·  Sidewalks

·  Waterfront Park Improvements

·  Picnic Tables/benches/trash bins

·  North Front Street sidewalk work

Public Comments:

Bucky Bodge questioned traffic slow down lighting by the entrance to the High School and whether or not a “yellow traffic” light placed above the road would be more visible than the current slow down lights placed along side the road.

Gordon Sherman addressed the gateway plantings near the school entrance and sidewalks to run from Kimball Street through Boynton Street.

Selectman S. Goodall discussed the possibility of not stamping the sidewalks from Wadleighs up to High Street and using the money for additional sidewalks.

Selectman Batty addressed the Front Street sidewalks and the location of the sidewalks to be on the West side of Front Street and easements maybe needed from abutters.

Tracy Tuttle discussed the possibility of moving her business sign to accommodate the gateway plantings. Selectman S. Goodall informed Tracy that the town would pay the cost of moving the sign.

Selectman Thompson made a motion to come out of public hearing, Selectman Carver seconded, motion passed (5-0).


6.1 Waterfront Committee Update – Burt Batty-Previously discussed (See Above)


7.1 MDOT and I-295 Contract for transporting construction equipment on municipal roads.

Selectman action requested to issue a permit for a stated period of time to the MDOT contractor for transporting construction equipment over municipal roads.

The Selectman discussed having a bond furnished by the contractor to guarantee suitable repair or payment of any possible damages and would like the Town Manager to set a meeting with a contractor and identify which town roads would be used.

Selectman S. Goodall made a motion to table discussion until more information is available, Selectman Thompson seconded, motion passed (5-0).

7.2 Use of Town Property-Thomas Fortier

Selectman discussion on establishing permits and fees for the use of Town Property.

Selectman S. Goodall would like to amend the policy by adding the following verbiage to the draft policy: 1) Town Office and other Municipal facilities and/or Properties. 2) The applicant shall hold the Town of Richmond harmless from any claims or injury related to the permitted event. 3) The Town Manager may waive the public safety, utilities and waste disposal costs.

Selectman Thompson made a motion to approve the policy, Selectman Carver seconded, motion passed (4-1) Selectman R. Goodall opposed.

7.3 Transfer of funds to Undesignated Account – Burt Batty

Currently there is $509,000.00 in the (Teacher Summer Salary Fund).

Selectman Thompson made a motion to move the funds to an undesignated fund where the money cannot be touched unless voter approval by the citizens of Richmond, Selectman R. Goodall seconded, motion passed (5-0).

7.4 Maine Model Building Code (MMBC)-Burt Batty

Selectman discussion on the 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Building Code and the 2003 International Existing Building Code.

Selectman Thompson made a motion to adopt the Maine Model Building Code (MMBC) which is comprised of the 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Building Code and the 2003 International Existing Building Code, Selectman Carver seconded, motion passed (5-0).


8.1 Public-Jill Adams questioned the care and maintenance of the State Park located before the Richmond/Dresden Bridge.

8.2 Selectmen

Selectman Carver- Made a motion proceed with legal action against David Harris, Selectman S. Goodall seconded, discussion:

Selectman R. Goodall disagrees with proceeding to take legal action, but agrees Mr. Harris needs to follow the rules of application. Selectman Batty feels if he is currently operating his business its without a permit. Selectman S. Goodall asserted that Mr. Harris needs to follow the proper application process and a strategy needs to be put forth by the Selectmen.

Motion passed (4-1) Selectman R. Goodall opposed.

Selectman S. Goodall-Questioned which roads are state aid roads Route #24, Alexander Reed Road, County Road, I-97 and when these roads would see improvements made.

Town Manager remarked that currently one small portion of the Alexander Reed Road currently is under improvement and that the State has no set date to aid in improvement on other roads.

Swan Island has re-hired two (2) aids. The island will be closed Tuesday/Wednesday. No camping Monday-Wednesday. The island will close earlier, shortly after Labor Day.

Selectman Batty-Announced Rusty Dykes last day will be June 2nd. There maybe a lunch upstairs at the “Old Goat” to present a proclamation to Rusty for his years of dedicated service.

Swan Islands finance issues-certain corporate sponsorships are being looked into.

Public Hearing May 13th on the waterfront zone change.

Selectman Thompson-on behalf of the Sno-Rovers they would like to inquire about receiving a 100% of the dues. They currently received 50% to help maintain the trails and signage.

Selectman Thompson made a motion to renew the Town Managers contract for $65,900., which is the first increase in 18 months given his outstanding performance this past year, Selectman S. Goodall seconded, motion passed (5-0).

8.3  Town Manager

Presents the board with several documents needing approval for the school referendum vote. A notice of public hearing and a warrant article. Selectman R. Goodall made a motion to approve the notices, Selectman S. Goodall seconded, motion passed (4-1) Selectman Batty opposed.

8.4 Boards and Committees-Jill Adams Energy Audit “Bond Issue”


9.1 Request for action regarding all disbursement warrants.

Selectman S. Goodall made a motion to approve the warrant, Selectman Carver seconded, motion passed (5-0).


Selectmen S. Goodall made a motion to adjourn at 9:30p.m., Selectman Carver seconded, motion passed (5-0).