James Hart and Millennium School

Industrial Arts – Shop

Safety Rules and Procedures for: 6th and 7thth Grade Plastics

8th Grade Woodworking

Personal Safety:

Body: Cut away from your body with all cutting tools. If the tool slips, it will move away from you, preventing injury. Keep your body out of the cutting line of any tool. When lifting an object, keep your back straight, use your leg muscles, and bend your knees. If it’s too heavy, ask for help.

Eyes: Wearing eye protection (Safety glasses/goggles) is mandatory in the shop. This will prevent wood shavings, sawdust, and plastic particles from entering your eyes. You must wear eye protection anytime you are working with a tool (electrically powered or not). Remember, severe eye injuries can have a lifelong effect! Do not blow dust with your breath as it may accidentally get into your eyes.

Lungs: When working in areas of heavy dust, wear a respirator. These are available from Mr. Jaminski.

Hair: All precautions must be taken to keep long hair out of rotating machines such as: drill presses, buffing wheels, saws, and routers. Tie long hair back. If you do not have a hair tie or clip, rubber bands are available from Mr. Jaminski.

Hands and Fingers: Keep fingers away from sharp cutting edges on machines and hand tools. Use a brush to clean machines and workbenches. You can get a nasty cut or splinter by wiping a surface or tool with your bare hands.

Ears: Your hearing can be damaged by loud, continuous noise. It is important to wear hearing protection when power tools are running. It is highly recommended that you wear ear protection when working with power tools.

Jewelry: Remove jewelry such as bracelets and necklaces when working with tools and machines. These items can catch in machines, pulling an arm or finger into the cutting edge. If you do remove jewelry, make sure you put it in your pocket. If possible, leave jewelry in your locker or at home. We don’t want any valuables lost.

Clothing: Wear clothing secured tightly to your body. Keep shirtsleeves, ties, and hoodie strings from dangling near moving equipment. Clothing can catch and pull you into a cutting edge. Do not carry tools in your pockets. A sharp point in a pocket could cause serious injury to you.

Shoes: Beware of open-toed shoes. A project or tool could accidently fall off a table cutting or smashing a toe or foot. It is recommended to wear sturdy shoes that have slip resistant rubber soles.

General Safety:

1.  Pay attention to what you are doing. When your attention is diverted, you could easily hurt yourself or others.

2.  Listen Carefully to all demonstrations and directions. Not knowing what you are doing is a very dangerous situation for everyone. Pay close attention to your surroundings. If you don’t know something, ask Mr. Jaminski and no one else.

3.  DO NOT TAKE SHORTCUTS!!! Take your time, complete each step, and do your best. ClASS MOTTO: MAKE IT NICE!!!

4.  Avoid quick movements such as running, shoving, and horseplay. The slightest bump could cause a severe injury. Fighting in the shop will not be tolerated. You will be immediately removed from the shop for fighting.

5.  Be sure you know where emergency exits and fire extinguishers are located in case of a fire. Fire Drills are to be taken seriously. (During a fire drill, safely turn all tools off, place them on the table, and exit the room. Calmly make your way out the Administrative Office doors, through the parking lot and assembly in the field.) Just in case, the classroom is provided with an “ABC” fire extinguisher, which can be used on all fires.

6.  The vise is a tool. The vise is to be closed when you are finished using it, with the handle in the downward position. DO NOT play with the Vise!!!

7.  Do not leave a sharp object sticking out of a vise. Someone could accidentally be cut while walking past.

8.  Keep the floor around workbenches and machines clear of wood scraps and other debris. These scraps could cause you to stumble, slip, or fall.

9.  Place all books and other materials in the drawers and lockers located under the workbenches. DO NOT SET BOOKS ON THE FLOOR!

10.  Avoid carrying long pieces of wood by yourself. Ask someone to help. This will prevent a swinging board from hurting someone.

11.  Be willing to assist a classmate when you see that help is needed. We all need a spirit of cooperation in the shop in order to perform many tasks safely.

12.  Place all combustible materials (oily rags and gloves) in the red covered metal container located in the back of the shop. These flammable materials are disposed of daily. This also applies to those using wood stains and polyurethane.

13.  Students are responsible for their own projects. It is important that all projects are clearly labeled with your name and placed in the appropriate lockers. Make sure all tools are stored away in their proper location at the end of each class. (This includes: Coping Saws, Files, Sandpaper, Safety Glasses, Bench Buddies and all Power Tools.)

14.  Respect is a very important part of the day-to-day operations in the shop. Respect others and they will respect you in return.

Tool Safety:

1.  Before using a tool, know the safety rules that pertain to that tool. If you don’t know or are unsure, ask Mr. Jaminski and no one else.

2.  Use the correct tool for the job. Do not substitute a tool that is used and intended for other purposes.

3.  Do not operate power tools unless you have permission.

4.  Never work in the shop without Mr. Jaminski. Mr. Jaminski must be in the shop when students are working. If a substitute is present, the class will resume work when Mr. Jaminski returns.

5.  Learn how to adjust and repair tools before you use them. Using a tool without the proper knowledge can be dangerous. Ask Mr. Jaminski if you have any questions.

6.  Warnings are placed on and around tools and machines for your protection. Be careful and observe all warnings.

7.  Safety zones are areas marked on the floor around machines (Yellow and Black Tape) The person operating the machine should be the ONLY person within the safety zone. Safety zones are used to prevent the machine operator from being disturbed by other classmates. DO NOT bother the person operating the tool.

8.  When carrying tools, turn all sharp edges toward the floor.

9.  Use the Vise Properly! Watch for pinch-points. Do Not Smash: Fingers, Pens, Pencils, or other Objects in the vise.

10.  Report any defective tools to Mr. Jaminski. (Ex. Bent or Missing Blades, Torn or Worn Sandpaper) When using a power tool, check the cord for damage, and make sure the tool is in the “off” position before plugging it in.


1.  Do not take items off Mr. Jaminski’s Desk. If you borrow a sharpie, please return it when you are finished. All completed projects will be placed on Mr. Jaminski’s desk for grading.

2.  Respect School Property. Do not write on or cut the tables. Take care of all the tools. (Maintain clean and sharp tools = Nice Projects) Clean-up your MESS!!!

3.  It is your responsibility to check in with Mr. Jaminski between each step of the project to receive feedback.

First Aid

If someone is injured in the class, quickly but calmly report it to the instructor. Most shop injuries are minor; however all are to be taken seriously. First Aid can usually be administered in the shop or nurse’s office. It is a good idea to understand basic procedures in case of an emergency. Safety will be the most important lesson practiced daily in the shop.

If you cut yourself or see someone else cut, follow these steps to receive the proper treatment


STEP 2: Wash the cut with Soap and Water at the sink. (Dry your hands) Continue to keep pressure on the cut to reduce/stop the bleeding.

STEP 3: Receive a Band-aid from Mr. Jaminski or Nurse’s Office

Shop Rules

1.  Absolutely no horseplay in the shop. A single violation of this rule could lead to your permanent removal from the shop.

2.  Do not be tardy to class. You will be required to fill out a tardy sheet. Following 3 tardies, after school detentions will be issued to those coming late without a proper pass.

3.  No Gum or Candy is allowed in the shop. In fact, it is not allowed in the school (refer to the handbook). Detentions will be issued for violating this policy.

4.  Do not bother those that are operating machines or tools. This is an extremely unsafe practice and could lead to serious injury. Repeated violation of this rule will lead you to permanent removal from shop.

5.  Electronic Devices are prohibited. Cell/Smart Phones, Cameras, I PODs, MP3 players, CD Players, and Electronic Game systems may not be used in the school building. These items must be stored in book bags before entering the building and remain in a locked locker until leaving the building at the end of the day. If seen by Mr. Jaminski, these devices will be confiscated and a parent will be contacted to pick the item up. In addition, students caught with any prohibited electronic device will need to serve a 3-hour Saturday School. (Refer to the handbook)

6.  Respect one another. No teasing, bullying, or name-calling will be tolerated. Lack of respect to the teacher and other students is bad for moral and contributes to inferior (bad) workmanship.

7.  Absolutely no fighting. Can result in the removal from shop with no chance to return


As the shop instructor at James Hart School, I take every precaution to ensure that each student has an equal opportunity to work in a safe and controlled environment. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the shop special and the tools we use, there is the potential risk of injury. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Email me at or Call me at (708) 799-5544 Ex:2416


I have read these rules aloud to my parent/guardian. I understand and agree to follow them.


Student Name


Student Signature


DATE Parent/Guardian Signature

Dear Parent/Guardian:

This permission slip must be signed by you. If you have any questions regarding the industrial arts program, please don’t hesitate to call me at (708) 799-5544 ex: 2416, or email me at . Thank you for your cooperation.

Tom Jaminski
