James Bowie H.S. - Elective Course Descriptions


Accounting 1/Grades 10-12

In this course students will investigate the field of accounting and engage in the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing, and communicating accounting information. Students will formulate and interpret financial information for use in management decision-making and gain experience, using QuickBooks.

Accounting 2/Grades 11-12/Prerequisite: Accounting 1

Students continue the investigation of the field of accounting, including how it is impacted by industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international, social, legal, and ethical factors. Students reflect on this knowledge as they engage in various managerial and cost accounting activities. Students formulate and interpret financial information for use in management decision-making.

Advanced Art I/Grade 9/Prerequisite: 2 years of visual arts in middle school and teacher approval

This course explores the basic foundation of the art process, procedures, theories, history and art judgment. This is an advanced Art I class designed for students with two or more years of middle school art. Students will experiment with different materials (drawing, painting, printmaking, fibers, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, photography).

Advanced Animal Science/Grade 11-12 /Prerequisite: Vet. Med. Applications.

This class will focus on different detailed functions of plant and animal science as it pertains to the agriculture industry and businesses of today. This class is for a 4th year science credit and will require 40% of class time in a lab setting and or field trips.

Advanced Biotechnology/Grades 11 - 12/Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry

This class is designed in cooperation with ACC's Biotechnology Program through which you may earn one hour of credit in escrow. Itis designed to prepare students for work in the Biotechnology field;therefore, students will be expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Students will learn good lab practices (GLP), standardized reporting methods, and many biotechnology techniques currently utilized in industry from DNA extraction to Forensic Science.

Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training (JROTC)/Grades 9- 12

This program teaches Aerospace Science, Leadership Education and Wellness. Community Service is an integral part of JROTC. Extra-curricular teams include Marksmanship, Drill, Physical Training, Orienteering, and Rocketry. JROTC stresses the whole-person concept: citizen, athlete, and scholar. There is no military service commitment associated with high school JROTC.

American History Through Film/Grades 11-12/½ credit

This course will look at many different eras in American History. Specific attention will be paid to those eras where there are films that afford critical thinking on specific subjects. Some specific themes to be discussed, not limited to and in no particular order: America At War Abroad, America At War at Home, Prohibition, Crime and Punishment, The 1960s and 70s, The Cold War, and The Presidency.

Anatomy and Physiology/Grades 11-12 (Chemistry Prerequisite)

The class is recommended for those pursuing a career in the health science field. An emphasis is placed on the homeostatic and interrelatedness of the different systems of the body. There is a pig dissection during the second semester. Another important emphasis of the class is ethics: bio-medical ethics and ethics involving medicine and the law.

Animation I/Grades 10-12

Get educated using technology to express yourself with art and motion. Learn how to animate your own digital media in Photoshop, Flash, After Effects, and in 3D. Use light tables for traditional animation, SLR cameras for stop motion, green screens and HD video cameras for special effects, and i5 Macs for all of the amazing software.

Animation II/Grades 11 – 12/Prerequisite: Animation I

Careers in animation span all aspects of motion graphics. Within this context, in addition to developing advanced knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications career cluster, students will be expected to create two- and three-dimensional animations. The instruction also assists students seeking careers in the animation industry.

AP Art History/Grades 10-12

This introductory college level course provides the student with an understanding and knowledge of architecture, sculpture, painting, and other art forms within diverse historical and cultural contexts. Students examine and critically analyze major forms of artistic expression from the past and the present from a variety of cultures. Art history also emphasizes understanding works in contexts, considering such issues as patronage, gender, and the functions and effects of works of art. Requires a high degree of commitment to academic work to meet college standards.

AP Comparative Government/Grade 12

A class designed for students who have a deep curiosity about our constantly changing world -- its leaders, governments, allies, enemies, economies, policies and various histories.Students will study the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Mexico, Nigeria, and Iran, and the components that are universal to all political systems in each of the six countries. Students should be prepared to become enlightened international news junkies!

AP Environmental Science/Grades 10-12/Requirements: Teacher Approval and concurrent enrollment in Chemistry

This course covers nearly every aspect of living in the world. Topics range from disease transmission, to weather patterns, all the way to global economy. All of these areas affect or are affected by the environment.

AP Human Geography/Grades 11-12/½ credit

The purpose of the AP course in Human Geography is to introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth's surface. Students employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences. They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their science and practice.

AP Music Theory/Grades 11-12/Teacher Approval Required

Through the course, students develop the ability to recognize, understand, and describe basic materials and processes of tonal music that are heard or presented in a score. Development of aural skills is a primary objective. Performance is also part of the curriculum through the practice of sight singing. Students understand basic concepts and terminology by listening to and performing a wide variety of music. Notational skills, speed, and fluency with basic materials are also emphasized.

AP Studio Art: Drawing/Grade 12/Prerequisite: Art III (Drawing II/Painting II), approval of instructor

Students develop a portfolio addressing a very broad interpretation of drawing issues and media. Light, shade, line quality, rendering of form, composition, surface manipulation, and illusion of depth can be addressed. Abstract, observational, and inventive works through a variety of means, which could include painting, printmaking, mixed media, etc. may be used. Work will be divided into three sections of the portfolio including quality, concentration, and breadth.

AP Studio Art: 2-D Design/Grade 12/Prerequisite: Art III (Drawing II/Painting II), approval of instructor

Students develop a portfolio addressing a very broad interpretation of drawing issues and media. Purposeful decision-making about how to use the elements and principles of art in an integrative way to demonstrate mastery of 2-D is required. Mediums and processes could include graphic design, digital imaging, photography, collage, fabric design, weaving, illustration, painting, and printmaking. Work will be divided into three sections of the portfolio including quality, concentration and breadth.

AP Studio Art: 3-D Design/Grade 12/Prerequisite: Art III (Sculpture II), approval of instructor

Students develop a portfolio addressing sculptural issues. Portfolios will demonstrate an understanding of design principles as they relate to depth and space through any 3-D approach including figurative or nonfigurative. Mediums and processes could include sculpture, architectural models, metal work, ceramics, and three dimensional fiber arts. Work will be divided into three sections of the portfolio including quality, concentration and breadth.

Aquatic Science/Grades 10–12/Prerequisite: Biology; Chemistry credit recommended

Students will study the interactions of biotic and abiotic components in aquatic environments, including impacts on aquatic systems. Investigations and field work in this coursewill emphasize fresh water or marine aspects of aquatic science by taking a field trip to Mary Moore Seawright Park to test for water quality and a trip to the coast to look at marine organisms. Students will also learn aboutfreshwater and marine ecology. The second semester of the course is devoted to studying marine organisms and their environments.

Art I/Grades 9-12

This course lays the basic foundation for learning art processes, procedures, theories, history, and art judgment. The approach is experimental in use of materials (drawing, painting, printmaking, fibers, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, photography) but structured to provide students with a strong foundation in design, drawing, and vocabulary.

Art II (Drawing I/Painting I)/Grades 10-12/Prerequisite: Art I

Students explore design elements and principles through composition, abstraction, and expression. They also study contour gesture and other techniques with an emphasis on representation volume. They will explore use of papers, cardboards and fabric in combination with charcoal, pastels, pen and ink, brushes, felt tips and mixed media. Various styles of paintings, including contemporary paintings are analyzed. Students experiment with a variety of techniques and materials including tempera, synthetic media, watercolor, latex, and enamels on various surfaces such as cardboard, poster board, Masonite, canvas, and cloth

Art II (Sculpture I)/Grades 10-12/Prerequisite: Art I

Students study design elements and principles of form and positive-negative space. They explore additive and subtractive processes utilizing various techniques with firebrick, wood, foam, glass, clay and plaster.

Art III (Drawing II/Painting II)/Grades 11-12/Prerequisite: Art II (Drawing I)

Students use art elements and principles to develop skills and sensitivity in a variety of methods and techniques. They increase awareness of composition with abstract, non-objective, and realistic renderings. Students will use many drawing materials and tools with emphasis on perfecting individual approaches to drawing.

Art III (Sculpture II)/Grades 11-12/Prerequisite: Art II (Sculpture I)

Students develop design skills that emphasize form and space in student/teacher choice of techniques. They explore massive form materials such as plaster, concrete, salt blocks, vermiculite, metal and wood.

Art IV (Drawing III/Painting III)/Grade 12/Prerequisite: Art III (Drawing II/Painting II)

Art IV (Sculpture III)/Grade 12/Prerequisite: Art III (Sculpture II)

Business Information Management/Grades 9-12

In this honors weighted course, students will implement software skills required by colleges and competitive work environments. Students will apply technical skills to create professional documents, develop dynamic spreadsheets, formulate databases, and make electronic presentations using the Microsoft Office Suite.

Business Management/Grade 12/Prerequisite: Accounting I

Students develop a foundation in the economic, financial, technological, international, social, and ethical aspects of business to become competent managers, employees, and entrepreneurs. Students incorporate a broad base of knowledge that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial, ethical, and international dimensions of business to make appropriate management decisions. Students will learn through reality based group and individual projects, studying current events, online research, and running a virtual business simulation.

Camerata Orchestra/Grade 9-12/Prerequisite: 1 year of Middle School Orchestra Experience

A Student who wishes to be in orchestra, but not audition, is welcome to join the Camerata Orchestra as long as they have one year of middle school orchestra experience.

Chamber Winds/Grades 9-12/Must also be enrolled in Wind Ensemble

This course is offered to students in all grade levels. This course concentrates on small chamber

assessment and individual performance technique. Students must be enrolled in a WIND ENSEMBLE in order to be

considered for this class.

Child Development/Grades 10-12

Come play with us! We study the process of human development from pregnancy to newborns to teenagers. In addition, we explore careers related to the support and education of children. Yes, we have the babies, but it’s purely optional!

Choir/Grades 9-12

The Bowie Choir Department offers several classes designed to prepare students for a variety of concerts, performance productions, tours, and competitions throughout the school year. Choir students learn to read music, produce a healthy and beautiful vocal tone, and be part of a team of outstanding vocal musicians. To meet the very high standards of the program, students are expected to adhere to strict standards of attendance, behavior, and engagement in learning. Admission requires a meeting with the directors, but is open to all.

Classical Guitar I/Grades 9-12

A course designed to teach the basic concepts of music through performance on guitar. Students will need to provide their own steel-string acoustic guitar to work with in class.

Classical Guitar 2/Grades 10-12/Prerequisite: Classical Guitar 1

Color Guard 1 & 2/Grades 9 - 10

An audition based course that includes beginner/intermediate ballet, modern, and jazz dances, as well as flag technique. Students perform in football games, competitions, and winder guard. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Audition in November and May. Counts as a Fine Arts credit.

Color Guard 3 & 4/Grades 10 - 12

An audition based course that includes intermediate/advanced dance techniques as well as rifle, sabre, and flag techniques. Students perform in football games, competitions, and winter guard. Audition in November and May. Counts as a Fine Arts credit.

Computer Science 1/Grades 9-12/Prerequisite: Algebra I

Students will collaborate with one another, their instructor, and various electronic communities to solve the problems presented throughout the course. Through data analysis, students will identify task requirements, plan search strategies, and use computer science concepts to access, analyze, and evaluate information needed to solve problems. Taught on the Bowie campus as a virtual, online course in conjunction with Garza High School. Please consider students learning styles as this course is unique in its’ delivery and requires students to be self-motivated and adept at learning online.

Computer Science 2/Grades 10-12/Prerequisite: Computer Science 2

A continuation of Computer Science I, Computer Science II will foster students' creativity and innovation by presenting opportunities to design, implement, and present meaningful programs through a variety of media.

Contemporary American Novel/Grades 10-12

In this class we will explore novels written by various American masters in the past thirty years. We will analyze these brilliant and important masterpieces with a variety of class projects and activities. If you love to read and like contemporary fiction, this is the class for you.

Contemporary American Novel 2/Grades 11-12/Teacher Approval Required

Commercial Photography 1/Grades 10-12/Prerequisite: Graphic Design and Illustration

Students will develop skills that span all aspects of commercial photography from setting up a shot to delivering process in a competitive product

Commercial Photography 2/Grades 11-12/Prerequisite: Commercial Photography