FAEA January 30, 2010

Board Meeting

FAEA January 30, 2010

Board Meeting

In attendance: Jack Matthews; Patricia Lamb; Mable Morales; Marla Armstrong; Marshall Adams; Jennifer Betz; Jennifer Snead; Krystal Lockhart; Peggy Nolan; Glenda Lubiner; Jacqueline Henson-Dacey; Brenda Dalton; Connie Phillips; Lisa Kammel; James Perry; Gerie Leigh

Jack Matthews: started with introductions.

Minutes from 10/15 and 10/18 were reviewed.

Marshall Adams pointed out an adjustment: Krystal Lockhart is the new Museum Director and he is a Member at large.

Peggy Nolan noted that Steve Miller is not able to take on YAM so she is taking it.

Pat Lamb stated that Tim Smith has not been available so she is taking on the Digital Exhibit.

Under District’s Assembly, Glenda Lubiner is co-chairing with Judith Evans.

The Conference Member at Large is Carol Norman.

Pat made the motion to accept the minutes;

Jennifer Snead made the 2nd to accept the minutes.

The majority voted with a verbal “aye” to accept both sets of minutes with the above adjustments.

Jack laid some ground rules:

• not specifically Roberts Rules

• no one person should take over

• take turns

• Side Bars

• do not get caught up talking to neighbors

• acknowledge speakers

• Speakers must be recognized by the chair to speak.

Jack reminded the Board of his homework assignment.


Pat: began the report for the 2009 Conference by warning the Board that they cannot go back in time and that their responsibility is to spend the association’s money judiciously. She emphasized we will never go back; she cited time, economy, and a lack of sponsors. Then she directed everyone to look at the data. 275 out of 500 filled out the surveys. It is supposed that some do not respond because they are happy and some because they are not happy.

• Big issue: monitoring quality of the workshops – be more judicious on what we choose.

• Free workshops are good but crowded rooms are an issue.

• Hotels do not want us; we use too much meeting space and do not rent enough rooms to make it cost effective for them.

• Busses and the cost of gas make off site workshops a concern.

• We need more hands-on activities & need to deal with free workshops.

• James Perry said his staff is looking for a new hotel on the I-4 corridor between Tampa and Daytona for 2011. Hotels are not responding; too many people but not enough rooms rented; we cannot have 20 people sharing a room.

• We need to divide 12- 15 spaces so that 600 people have something to do.

• Marshall suggested training our members to present rather than teach.

• James suggested more off-site; Some just want to watch & learn.

• Gerie Leigh said she thought that people would pay to watch if they got handouts and material.

• Pat: issue is how do you prepare enough?

•Glenda Lubiner: somehow register for it prior.

• James: bookkeeping logistics nightmare; people onsite will have paid 2 different prices for the same workshop. The staff would need to be paid for more work.

• Pat said it could get ugly.

• Jack: it could be a can of worms.

• James: there needs to be a balance between hands-on and presenting.

• Pat: IAET offer?

• Gerie: Disney Underground? Bottom line: $$

• Peggy: we should charge more for the conference but all hand outs should be provided online.

• Gerie: we need a workshop on how to give an effective workshop.

• James: we could have a conference call with the presenters after they are selected.

•Jennifer Betz: can we provide a doc-cam for all presenters?

• Pat: all ideas need to be balanced by the costs; a gallon of coffee is $60 in a hotel; an LCD projector is $260/day.

• Glenda: everyone can bring their own doc-cam.

• Jackie Henson-Daly suggested one general space set up with live feed from the workshops to get rid of the crowding problem and people talking in the back; they would have more time to mingle and make art.

• James: the logistics of providing facilitators for each workshop.

• Pat noticed the level of rudeness seemed higher; stop people from saving 5 seats; we need new people to present; they need encouragement; each person in the room needs to find 2 people to present from your district.

• Jack: another issue with survey; half do not attend general sessions and division meetings. How to get them to the meetings? How do we make a conference that people will want to come to?

• Pat: another complaint; workshops are full.

• Discussion on the length of the conference

• Jennifer Snead brought up lost personal days and lost conference days as an issue.

• Marla Armstrong suggested that the conference does not have to be in October.

• James said his staff has been looking at other weekends.

• Gerie talked about the St Pete Hilton.

• Pat said parking there is an issue.

• James said they had less space that the Florida Hotel.

• Jack said he would provide this info to Shirley our negotiator.

Jack brought up an email he was sent complaining about being offended with the keynote speaker, Ray Azcuy’s presentation. He read aloud the letter he wrote in response. He suggested that in the future we preview the presenter’s body of work or that we include a disclaimer in the program.

• Pat disagreed. She pointed out that there was only one complaint.

• J Betz suggested we ask the presenters to consider their audience.

• Mabel Morales stated that there is a need to see more contemporary artists who push the boundaries.

• Jackie said we cannot censor knowledge. She also said that to make a professional organization work, we all need to participate and step up to the plate.

Pat: We need keynote speakers. We have Boggs and Stackhouse suggested.

• Jackie: Ron Yrrabedra (sp?) and Tom Anderson.

• Mabel: Miami environmental artist Cortada.

• Marshall: Art 21 Previews for 2011; host a free advanced viewing.

• Pat: one more complaint; the awards take too much time & should not be a part of the general sessions.

• Change proposal dates to end of April.

• We want students from universities here.

• Should be an administrative round table for prospective hires.

10 minute break.



James gave the Financial Report.

• We are showing a small surplus of $13,549 which is very good considering today’s economy

• Dues collected was $57,696 – that needs to be higher

•Supplies for the conference (reimbursements for workshops was $10,312 which seems high.

• The last board voted to change the fiscal year to July 1 – June 30 so that our income (the conference) would be closer to the “beginning” of the year. It makes more sense but James warned that our next spreadsheet will not be so pretty because January through June will stand alone with no income.

• He noted that FMEA’s students come (to perform) and pay, which is a large part of their income. It is thought that the new digital student art show could be pushed in this direction.

Jack: How can we bring students in?

• Pat: We have a 5 year plan. By the 5th year we plan to have workshops for students. This conference has always been about the members and the members “finding ourselves”. What are we about? Education!

• Gerie: But most teachers like getting away from the students.

• Jack: We can limit their time and space.

Pat: We need vendors. Who will give out fliers at NAEA?

• James: If anyone knows of vendors in the area, please contact Lisa.


James: In Tallahassee;

• We have 2 items related to the Arts. Bill #820 in the Senate, and #461 in the House. Solicit your State Representative to be a Sponsor. Ask them to contact Kelly to offer to help sponsor the bills.

• Also, they are considering bonus points on school grades based on arts enrollment.

• Gerie: This can cause the art programs to be destroyed.

• James: The second point will be the evaluation of the program

• Assessment project: language to be added for participation and quality of experience.

• Peggy: Will there be money for these assessments?

• James: Yes.

• Gerie: Art classes in Duval are already overloaded; some in the 40’s. Dr. Sabol with NAEA has published the most effective numbers in art classes according to his studies.

• Pat: Be careful of unintended consequences of our actions. Fear that electives will be eliminated or reduced to meet classroom size limitations. Duval may not be representative of all art programs in the state. This is just a word of caution.

• Gerie: Wants a reduced class size in art, but also a guarantee that they will not reduce art teachers’ jobs. We need to be pro-active.

• Jack: The issues – do not speak for FAEA without taking it through the board; February 8th is not enough turnaround time for us to decide where we stand on this item.

• James: Legislators don’t know what they don’t know. They will not be prescriptive for school districts. If Senator Wise restricts the size of art classes, we lose opportunities for a lot of students. Be careful in today’s climate.

• Peggy: Consider the reading issue; we are in a tough spot.

• Jack: We charge James to feel out Senator Wise on this subject.

• Glenda: I have 45 K’s in 30 minutes.

• James: Develop relationships with your Principals & use common sense.

Jack: We are running 10 minutes behind. We will table the Lovins report until after lunch.

Break for lunch – be back at 12:55.


Jack: Our goals should be a part of our Fresh Paint articles.


Marla Armstrong gave the Lovins report:

Next Generation Standards & Course Descriptions:

We anticipate limited funding, and hope for the highest level possible.

Several plans for creating Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in the Arts (Dance,

Music, Theatre, and Visual Art) are under consideration at the Florida Department of

Education (FDOE).

Most or all writing will be done electronically, and Writing Team members will need to

be deadline-oriented.

Course Description development, which follows NGSSS development, can include a

descriptive paragraph, special note, and a list of benchmarks. There will be elementary

school course descriptions, as well.

Prior to development of the NGSSS-Arts, we need to determine which courses to revise,

combine, and/or eliminate. This is important because the Writers must be certain to

develop targeted benchmarks for all courses/course levels and grade levels to guide the

instructional focus of each course or grade level.

An infrastructure for selecting Writing Team members should be established now,

answering the question, “Who decides who decides?”State associations will identify a

method for selection based on guidelines from the FDOE.

NGSSS-Arts will be developed in the spring and summer, and go to the State Board of Educationfor its approval in October 2010.

Pat: Max Thompson – we are looking at National Standards & National end of course testing.

James: There are many initiatives coming from SSS’s and we are left out of the conversations.

Jack: It must be done this summer & available by October. How long will it take for DOE to decide to fund this?

James: If we do not let people know, their summers will be taken.

Jack: We need the list. Mable has framers, writers, etc. A good balance of districts should be involved. People have not been contacted.

James: Set the date. Contact the people.

Jack: I will contact Linda on Monday to inquire about status.

Pat: There is no money.

James: All SSS should be done by December.

Jack: We need technology people.

Marshall: Should we be pro-active?

Mable: We need an idea for payment; then we can get them to commit.

J. Snead: Can we set some dates?

James: Not a bad idea. Try to find a 2-day window in June or in July, then find people who will hold the dates. The level of frustration among superintendents is really high. There is not much credibility. This is the 3rd time the date has been changed.

Mable: have Jack request a conference call with Linda and her boss.

James: If three or four or five districts write letters to DOE and things might happen.

Jack: VADS is losing credibility. We have been saying it was coming for 2 conferences.

James: Asked for revisions. FMEA is ready to break partnership with DOE and let DOE have it.

Jack: Linda Lovins part of it has been compromised.

Peggy: Linda is looking for other information

James: FAEA can do this without DOE & it may be better.

Jack: But there is a cost factor; site visits etc. Does FAEA absorb the cost?

James: True. FMEA is still waiting for reimbursement.

Jack: We need a conference call. We cannot settle it here.

James: If FAEA wants to do it, then do it. You don’t need anyone’s permission.

Peggy: The work is done.

Jack: I will call Linda to ask where we stand on VADS.

Marla: FYI; shared an article on legislative plans.

James: We need for this to pass. See the second page.

James: If you hear anything, call James to let him clarify – and it helps him to know what is going on.

James left the meeting at this point.

Jack: NAEA Southeastern Report 2008; Some things to address and keep in notebooks. Mable will be creating notebooks for the Board Members.

GOALS: (limited to 3 minutes each)

Mabel wants to

• shadow Jack

• increase membership

•work closely with Districts Assembly

Marla wants to

• raise student achievement in art

• work with music

• updatecontact information

• work with DOE

• continue to develop a vision

Jackie Henson-Dacey wants to

• expand dialog on peace education

•develop central questions on art pedagogy

• pull comments for Fresh Paint

Glenda wants to

• Highlight the counties activities in Fresh Paint

J. Betz wants to

• recruit more attendees to NAEA presentations

• improve the disconnect between FAEA & Higher ed

Connie Phillips wants to

• take good notes

Brenda Dalton wants to

• improve communication with constituents

• boost membership

• provide a guest speaker for the division meeting

Marshall wants to

• be open to crazy ideas

J Snead wants to

• increase membership

• increase attendance at conference

• establish a wiki

• create surveys

Gerie has already polled her members and she has a long list including

• history of FAEA to be preserved

• assist in finding new locations for the conference

• they miss the museum tours and the gala

• bridge the gap between high school and college

Peggy wants to

• get VADS going

• do something with YAM

Krystal wants to

• increase membership in Museum level

• have Museum day again

• find more presenters for Museum level

Lisa said she

•is here to help

• has access to mass email – send it to her for disbursement

Pat wants to

• serve Jack

• increase membership

• create the K12 Digital Show

Jack wants to

• serve

• be positive

• urge people to become active

• create a monthly email newsletter to all the membership (a sort of one-way “Jack-Chat”) to remind them that we are here to serve.

J Snead: In the Jack-Chats – advertise what we do besides conference.

Marshall: can we publish a simplified version of our budget in Fresh Paint?

Pat: we need continued education of our membership.


Mable: Jack has the power to appoint committee heads. Who will want to participate in these committees? Send ideas for chairs to Mable.

Pat is Chair of Digital Student Art Show Committee

Peggy is Chair of YAM Committee.

Jack: Sue Castleman provided a timetable for the Digital Show that Pat will use. Possible awards. The entry fee covered the cost. So far it is not a money maker. Hopefully, we will have enough entries to break into two divisions – elementary & secondary.


Lisa: All division directors need to write an article. Any other articles are welcome.

• Pictures welcome

• hand outs with deadlines

• Theme: Old is New

• write about your goals

• 500 words

• avoid writing in first person

• send in email

• releases are provided online


Peggy: YAM Flag Contest

• This is our 2nd year without a state flag

• We want to present one by conference

• Have your own YAM Flag contest

• Theme: YAM logo

• Send Peggy email with winner

• Everyone who enters will get recognition

• For FAEA members only

• To be addressed at Special Interest session at conference

FAAE proposal for award was presented.

Marshall: Why can’t FAAE award be “Best of Show” in Digital Exhibit?

Jack: Done. I will tell Susan we can accommodate her proposal through the digital exhibit.

July 8, 9, 10 – Southeastern Conference in Charleston, S.C.

FAAE Summit with speaker, Michael Kaiser

Jack & Pat attended & will use material in an article for Fresh Paint.

Pat: We need to hear the voice of the members. We all need to be a part of the digital exhibit. The larger our association is, the stronger our voice in Tallahassee will be.

Jack: The next Meeting will be a combination meeting with FMEA, May 22nd. At the Board meeting, we will discuss our Initiatives for 2010-12.

After some general discussion, there was a quick vote to have a meeting on Friday, April 30th from 10 to 3 for Division Directors to review and select the conference proposals.

Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by

Connie Phillips, Secretary