Meeting Minutes

Monday 10th January 2011

Attended by:

S Smyth (SS) Thorn Court Apt R Kerassites (RK) Thorn Court Apt P Hudson (PH) Spruce Court

J White (JW)Thorn Court Apt J Mills (JM) Thorn Court Apt PCSO M Taylor (MT) GMP

P Edwards (PE)Thorn Court Apt S Antrobus (SA) Albion Towers C Standish (CS) SalfordCity Council

S Thompson (ST) Thorn Court Apt M Whiteley (MW) AlbionTowers L Richings (LR) Salford University


J Smith; E Down; G Loveday; M D’arby; S Appleyard

Only items relevant to security and environment issues will be minuted in these notes

SS chaired and asked the meeting to confirm that the minutes from 8.11.10 were a true record of the meeting-all attendees approved.

Agenda Item / Discussion/Points Raised / Action/Decision & by Whom
1.Matters Arising /
  • LR enquired about the problem residents were experiencing with the university bus stop near Malus Court; the students have been advised to keep the noise down when waiting for the bus and if there are any further problems we should contact Alex Mayes at the 2 university blocks. There has been no further information from GL re: bus stop being moved.
  • JW advised the group that The Paddock has had its contents emptied and been secured over the last few weeks; CS to look into who has the new ownership/tenancy.
  • JW asked CS if WC had been in touch regarding the joint letter that was to be put together from SCC and Salix Homes about recycling contamination; this has not been addressed as yet.
  • CS to look into who has the new tenancy for The Paddock.
  • CS to contact WC to compile the joint letter re: contamination.

2. Correspondence /
  • None.
  • None.

3. Security Issues /
  • PH praised Kingdom Security for sorting out the problems with the guards on Spruce Court.
  • RK spoke about the problems with the new fob system installed on Thorn Court; JS will contact Graham Platt to address the concerns from residents.
  • JS to speak to Graham Platt about the fob system on Thorn Court.

4. Environment Issues /
  • CS spoke about SNAP week in Pendleton week commencing 24.1.11; this is where all agencies do a sweep of the area and look at problems such as littering, graffiti and ASB. If anyone knows of any area that needs work doing or a general tidy up please contact CS and she will raise these issues. Several items were mentioned such as the foam that has been on Broadwalk for months now, the state of the gardens of some of the properties on Coconut Grove and the avenues off it and the Broadwalk area in general. On 27.1.11 there will be an estate walkabout on Cross Lane and the Broadwalk, everyone is welcome. The Police will also have the mobile unit out and about in various locations including outside Pendleton Gateway on 31.1.11. CS said everyone should be leafleted, but if they have not received them in 7 days to contact her.
  • CS said that the recycling on high rise blocks will remain the same and not changed; households will be changed to monthly collections in the near future.
  • CS brought a calendar for the group.
  • SA spoke about the odour problems from the bins at AlbionTowers now their collections had been decreased; this will only worsen in hotter temperatures.
  • MW said that the land near LA Pizza hasn’t been cleared yet.
  • If anyone has any issues for SNAP week to contact CS.
  • CS to look at getting the land cleared at LA Pizza.

5. Police Issues /
  • JW complained about the increasing smell of cannabis on Thorn Court, especially on certain landings; details to be given to MT and he will speak to Salix Homes.
  • MW asked about the protocol for abandoned cars.
  • JW asked about the speeding on Churchill Way and how we would get a speed sign put in place; MT said a survey of the area had been done and it was considered not eligible.
  • None.

6. Salix Homes Issues /
  • RK raised the inadequate service tenants are getting from the new heating maintenance contractors SURE; people have been left without boilers for weeks due to waiting for parts or the engineers not turning up for appointments. Could Salix Homes look into this please?
  • The group also discussed flat inspections tonight as some tenants feel that others live in flats that are high fire risk and could potentially put themselves and others at risk. Do Salix Homes do any flat inspections anymore?
  • Salix Homes to look into the service being provided by SURE.
  • Salix Homes to inform the group on their policy about flat inspections.

7. AOB /
  • LR advised the group that Martin Crowther has left the university and to contact herself with any issues arising.
  • LR informed the group of an environmental theme project being run in Kersal Dale and the gardening schemes that were being run locally.
  • SA said that the double yellow lines near Culverwell Drive had been laid and were working well decreasing the dangers of the previous parking problems.
  • The problems local tenants had with road works late at night before Christmas were discussed and CS requested the correspondence between tenants and Urban Vision to be forwarded to herself so she could look into this.
  • JW to forward the correspondence between residents and Urban Vision to CS.

Minutes takenand typed up by Joanne White Date, Time & Venue of next meeting: Monday 14th February 2011

Original minutes kept on file if issues arise. Thorn Court Apartments Community Room

Meetings will take place on the second Monday of each month.