Minutes of a meeting of LYDD TOWN COUNCILheld in the Council Chamber at the Guild Hall on Monday 5thMarch2012 at 7pm

Present: The Town Mayor,Cllr. G.F.A. Snell,Deputy Town Mayor, Cllr. C.E. Albrow,and Councillors,T. Allen, T.A. Dawes,Ms. V.M. Dawson,C. Goddard,B.T.A. Hart,A.R.J. Hills,

J.R. Jones,E.H. Last. Mrs. M.R. Masters,Ms. R.G. Saunders, M.F. Sweeney, M.J. Walsh and F. Wood-Brignall

Town ClerkJohn Rich

DeputyTown Clerk Mrs. M. Weaver

Town Clerk’s Assistant Mrs. J. Mathews

The Town Mayor’s Chaplain, Revd. Miss. L. Terry led the Council inprayer.

Absent: Apologieswere received fromCllr. R. S. Jones through ill-health.


The minutes of the meeting held on 6thFebruary 2012 were submitted for approval.

Cllr. Wood-Brignallproposed, seconded Cllr. Mrs. Masters, that they be approved, 14 in

favour, 0 against, 1 abstention (Cllr. Albrow). The minutes were duly signed.


Councillors agreed to declare any interests as matters arose. Cllrs. Goddard and Ms. Dawson declared an interest in any matter relating to Shepway District Council.


Details of correspondence received, which had been notified to Councillors, were noted.

Concerning representation on the Romney Marsh Internal Drainage Board, it was agreed unanimously that Cllr. M. Walsh be nominated to represent the Town Council.


Mr. N. Levinson was invited to speak regarding the cutting down of lime trees which had been done by KCC Highways without notification (Agenda item 10). Cllr. Ms. Saunders referred to a previous resolution on this and that we should still try and find out what action may have been taken or not. Following discussion Cllr. Snell proposed that the Town Clerk look into this. Cllr. Walsh seconded, with a rider that before KCC take any action in the future they should at least have the courtesy to contact this Council. Agreed unanimously.


The Council received the agreed minutes of the following committee meetings:-

(A)Planning & Environment, 6th February 2012.

(B)Staffing 12th December 2011.

Cllr. Walsh requested that the Town Council seeks the reinstatement of receiving planning

decisions from Shepway District Council. Cllr. Snell seconded. Agreed unanimously.


Cllr. Ms. Saunders outlined the plans for celebrating The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, which included a peal of bells on the Saturday, Church Service and possible parade on Sunday with refreshments in the Church afterwards and on Monday the possibility of an event at the Community Hall in the daytime and one at the lifeboat station in the evening including the lighting of the beacon. It was also being considered to purchase mugs with the Town Seal on.

No expenditure had been put aside towards the plans and Cllr. Ms. Saunders proposed that £1,000. be set aside. Cllr. Snell seconded the proposal and it was agreed.


The clerk’s progress report on current issues was noted.



(A)The Clerk reported that all outstanding VAT had been successfully recovered, totalling


(B) Accounts for payment were submitted for approval. Cllr. Albrow queried the payment of £134.

for attendance at the KALC conference. The Clerk explained that money was set aside for

members to attend courses and all members were advised of the courses when planned.

Cllr. Last proposed, seconded by Cllr. Hills, that the Town Clerk be delegated to decide, in consultation with the Town Mayor, on the attendance of courses. 14 in favour, 1 against (Cllr. Mrs. Masters).

(B)Agreed to approve the payment of accounts presented at the meeting and note accounts

already paid and balances as set out in Appendix Aand the latest financial monitoring report.


A copy of the proposals by KCC to reduce the cost of street lighting had been circulated to all members. Also a draft response by KALC.

Cllr. Walsh was in favour of dimming lights but not turning them off completely.

Cllr. Hart proposed, seconded by Cllr. Walsh that the draft response by KALC be accepted.

13 in favour, 1 against (Cllr. Last), 1 abstention (Cllr. Hills).


(A)The clerk put forward a proposal that a consultation meeting be held with all Councillors and all allotment tenants on Monday 30th April in order that the Allotments Association could present their detailed proposals for self management and the Town Council could make an informed decision at a later meeting, having considered the views of all tenants.

Cllr. Last asked that the letter sent out to the tenants emphasise that if they are unable to attend the meeting they could put their comments in writing and that they may speak to individual Councillors if they do not wish their views to be made public.

(B) The Town Clerk recommended that the decision to allow the provision of an additional 24

standpipes be deferred until after the meeting on the 30th April.

RESOLVED: (A) That the meeting with all Councillors and allotment tenants be fixed for Monday 30th April 2012, proposed by Cllr. Walsh, seconded Cllr. Last, unanimous;

(B) Cllr. Goddard proposed, seconded by Cllr. Sweeney, that permission be granted for the Association to provide an additional 24 standpipes. By way of amendment Cllr. Wood-Brignall proposed, seconded by Cllr. Albrow. that a decision on the provision of standpipes be deferred until after that meeting. Voting on the amendment was 10 for, 4 against and therefore the deferment was declared carried.


Shepway District Council’s proposals for additional dog control orders had been circulated to all councillors, together with Cllr. Hill’s comments.

Cllr. Hills explained his comments and other Members commented that there should be more enforcement, signage and clear markings, more bins specifically for dog waste, the dog warden should visit the town more often and there should be zero tolerance.

RESOLVED: To support Cllr. Hills comments to Shepway District Council. Unanimous.


The Town Mayor reported that he had discussed with County Cllr. Mrs. C. Waters, Cllr. Hills and the Town Clerk the ‘Pride in Lydd’ project and how to go about it with the community. There is support for the project by KCC including provision of hanging baskets, tidying up empty shops, a garden on ground at the entrance to Lydd, possible farmer’s market and other ideas. This Council’s support was needed.

RESOLVED: That this be dealt with by the Town Mayor and Town Clerk, in discussion with Cllr. Mrs. Waters and KCC. Proposed Cllr. Allen, seconded Cllr. Hills. Unanimous.



Cllr. Walsh declared a personal interest in this item as a Trustee of the Royal British Legion. He suggested that the last Branch Secretary, Mr. Bacon, be part of any discussions.

The Clerk gave a brief summary of previous action with regard to these premises and proposed that the matter is gone through again in more detail with those members interested.

RESOLVED: That Cllrs. Walsh, Dawes and Albrow and the last Branch Secretary of the RBL meet with the Town Clerk to discuss the matter. Proposed Cllr. Wood-Brignall, seconded by Cllr. Sweeney. Unanimous.


Reported: That there is to be a new post to co-ordinate strategy to deal with the coastal area of Shepway and a consultation document had been issued.

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk respond to the document in consultation with Cllrs. Mrs. Masters, Ms. Saunders, Ms. Dawson, Goddard and Hills.


Cllr. Last proposed, seconded by Cllr. Walsh, that this be deferred until the 2nd April, on the grounds that they had not had sufficient time to consider the matter. Voting was 7 for, 7 against with Cllr. Ms. Dawson abstaining.

The Town Mayor stated that it had been agreed at the last meeting, on the 6th February, that this would be re-introduced at this meeting and therefore used his casting vote to preserve the status quo by voting in favour of taking nominations.

The Town Clerk read the nominations -

Town Mayor – Cllr. G.F.A. Snell, proposed Cllr. C. E. Albrow, secondedCllr. F. Wood-Brignall.

Deputy Town Mayor – Cllr. C.E. Albrow, proposed Cllr. T. A. Dawes, seconded Cllr. R. S. Jones

Civic Representative – Cllr. Ms. V. M. Dawson, proposed Cllr. G. F. A. Snell, seconded Cllr. R. S. Jones.

There being no other nominations these appointments stand agreed.


Submitted: List of events attended by the Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor.


The clerk reported that there were no further developments on employment matters to be reported therefore there was no need for a private session.




Appendix A to the minutes of the Town Council meeting on5thMarch 2012


Date / Payee / Narrative / Cheque no. / Receipt / Payment
6th / Arqiva / Mast rent increase 1.1.12-31.12.12 / BGC / 604.17
6th / PWLB / Community Hall loan / DD / 2,532.89
9th / Lloyds TSB / Bank interest / 3.44
10th / Lloyds TSB / Bank charges / Debit / 22.26
14th / J. Rich / Salary & expenses, month 11 / CQ1730 / 1,459.27
14th / Mrs. M. Weaver / Salary & expenses, month 11 / CQ1731 / 600.55
14th / Mrs. J. Mathews / Salary & expenses, month 11 / CQ1732 / 753.51
14th / Mr. J. Hughes / Salary & expenses, month 11 / CQ1733 / 1,196.57
16th / British Gas / Pavilion gas / DD / 24.00
17th / British Gas / Guild Hall gas / DD / 178.00
20th / Boys & Maughan / Solicitor for ET / CQ1734 / 937.56
20th / Mrs. J. Reed / Final salary etc. payment / CQ1735 / 1,012.36
21st / Veolia / Guild Hall water / DD / 6.00
21st / Veolia / Pavilion water / DD / 17.00
24th / Banking / Allotments / CR500405 / 155.10
5th / Young's / Sundries / CQ1736 / 26.50
5th / KALC / Chairmanship Cse, Cllrs. Last & Saunders / CQ1737 / 144.00
5th / Care Signs / Lens for noticeboards / CQ1738 / 103.56
5th / KCC (KCS) / Cleaning materials etc / CQ1739 / 55.51
5th / W. & E. Rolfe / Keys / CQ1740 / 28.79
5th / Audit Commission / Annual audit fee, 2010/11 / CQ1741 / 690.00
5th / Principal / Printing 25.11.11 to 7.2.12 / CQ1742 / 97.58
5th / KCC (KCS) / Cleaning materials etc / CQ1743 / 0.90
TOTALS / 762.71 / 9,885.91
Current account / 16th February 2012 / £ 22,822.65
Business Instant Access A/c / 26th January 2012 / £ 75,873.66
TOTAL / £ 98,696.31

Town Council, 5thMarch2012