IUPUI Welcoming Campus Innovation Fund
- Provide internal grants of up to $25,000, with a match by the proposing unit, to support implementation of recommendations emerging from the Welcoming Campus Initiative, specifically related to these themes:
- Creating a Vibrant and Inclusive Student Experience
- Designing an Accessible, Inspiring Urban Campus
- Investing in Faculty and Staff
- Communicating Who We Are
- Engaging and Integrating with the Community
Eligibility to Submit a Proposal
- IUPUI full-time faculty and staff members
- Registered student organizations, including student government (USG and GPSG)
Match Requirements
- In-kind contributions, departmental funding, and/or philanthropic commitments
- Letter of support from unit head required, identifying source and amount of match
Evaluation Criteria for Project Proposals
- The project is aligned to one or more of the Welcoming Campus Initiative themes
- The project is collaborative in nature and the project’s activities and impact will transcend more than one academic or administrative unit at IUPUI
- The project can be reasonably developed during AY 2017-18 to be showcased during IUPUI’s 50th Anniversary Year, AY 2018-19
- The project articulates clear goals, activities, and outcomes
- The project identifies specific audiences or stakeholders who would participate in, or benefit from, project activities
- The project explains ways in which it might be scaled and sustained after initial implementation, including identifying potential sources of ongoing support (e.g., philanthropic opportunities)
- The project presents a plan to evaluate its effectiveness
- The project budget is appropriate, conforms to IU policy, and includes the required match
Submission of Applications
The deadline for receipt of full proposals is midnight (EDT) on Friday, March 24, 2017.This is a firm deadline and extensions beyond this date/time will not be permitted. To develop the full proposal, please refer to the following proposal template and submit your proposal electronically via the link provided with these instructions.
Funding decisions will be made approximately four weeks after the deadline.
IUPUI Welcoming Campus Innovation Fund
Use this worksheet to develop your proposal for electronic submission.Please send questions to or contact Christine Fitzpatrick (317-274-9425) or Stephen Hundley (317-274-2876).
Project Lead Information:
First Name: ______
Last Name: ______
School/Unit/Student Organization: ______
Campus Mailing Address: ______
University Email: ______
Campus Phone: ______
University Status (Staff, Faculty, Student):______
Co-Project Lead Information: [Provide the same information as above. You will be able to identify additional project leads if applicable.]
Application Information:
Project Title: ______
- Identify the Welcoming Campus theme your project primarily supports and describe the contribution your project will make to advancing this theme and making IUPUI more welcoming. (up to 250 words)
- Briefly describe the collaborative nature of your project and how the proposed activities will involve and benefit more than one academic or administrative unit at IUPUI. (up to 250 words)
- Provide an overview of the intended project goals, activities/deliverables, and outcomes, recognizing that some of these goals may change over time. (up to 750 words)
- In the box below provide a brief timeline for scope of work and proposed activities (June 2017- May 2018). Indicate how your project could be showcased during IUPUI’s 50th Anniversary year (2018-2019). (up to 500 words -- You may also upload a more detailed timeline in Supporting Documents.)
- Identify the specific audiences or stakeholders who would participate in and/or benefit from your project. Describe how you think they will benefit. (up to 250 words)
- Describe how you propose to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed project. (up to 250 words)
- Describe how, if your project is awarded, the project might be scaled and sustained after initial implementation, including potential sources of ongoing support. (up to 250 words)
- Provide a brief budget narrative. You will upload a more detailed budget using the Budget Worksheet provided (Excel Spreadsheet). (up to 250 words)
Supporting Documents
Please upload documents in Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only.
Required Documents
- Detailed Budget-- Use Budget Worksheet provided (WCIFBudgetWorksheet.xlsx). Remember to save as PDF before uploading.
- Dean/Unit Head letter of support (including verification of match)
- Campus partner letter of support 1
Optional Documents:
- Detailed Timeline
- Campus partner letter of support 2
- Additional campus partner letters of support
February 27, 20171