Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee
held on Friday, 13th September 2013 at 10.00 am
in the Fulton Clinic, Cornhill Hospital
Councillor Bill Howatson, Chairman, NHS Grampian (Chair)
Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Director, NHS Grampian (Chair)
Nigel Firth, Equality and Diversity Manager, NHS Grampian
Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications and Board Secretary, NHS Grampian
Sue Kinsey, Lay Member
Stuart Hannabuss, Humanist Society of Scotland
Andrea Lawrence, Community Nurse Specialist
Rev Graeme Longmuir, Presbyteries Gordon & Aberdeen
Linda Oldroyd, Nurse Consultant, NHS Grampian
Ruth Richardson, Chaplaincy Volunteer
Mark Rodgers, Co-ordinating Chaplain, NHS Grampian
Jim Simpson, Chaplain, Mental Health, NHS Grampian
Liz Tait, Clinical Governance Co-ordinator (Moray) by VC
Alistair Walker, Service Manager, Royal Cornhill Hospital
In Attendance:
Craig Pert, Forensic Mental Health Nurse – Item 5
Derek Malcolmson, Team Lead, IAS – Item 5
Diane Murray (Committee Secretary)
Item / Subject / Action /1. / Apologies
Apologies were received from Rev Ian Groves, Morag Mitchell
Sandy Reid, Yvonne Wright, Captain Matthew Bennett, Trudy Noble, Leanna Will
2. / Minute of Meeting held on 3rd May 2013
The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd May were accepted as a true record.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table.
3. / Matters Arising
3.1 / NHS Grampian Spiritual Care Policy
Rev Mark Rodgers provided the most current Spiritual Care Policy for discussion. Following the consultation
process, 6 responses were returned by questionnaire and 6 responses from outwith the questionnaire. Only one significant change has been made by Chris Morris, Information Governance Manager. The change was to make reference to the NHS HDL (2002), NHS 2003 updated HDL (2002) and NHS CEL (2008) in the appendix of the document and also make reference at the end of point 7, under 2a Roles and Responsible. In the future the policy will have to make reference to the European Guidance around Date Protection.
Other comments made around the policy were linguistic and grammatical, which have all be made.
Rev Rodgers circulated a copy of the questionnaire replies to the group for information.
It was noted however, that the policy will have to comply with the Royal National Institute for the Blind ie font size etc. Rev Rodgers will ensure this is undertaken.
Liz Tait confirmed the policy will require to be submitted through the Clinical Review Policy Group, to ensure procedures were followed correctly and then the policy can be added to the silo. Jim Simpson and Rev Rodgers will liaise with Liz Tait to ensure this is completed.
The NHS Grampian Spiritual Care Policy was approved by the group, with the above recommendations being undertaken.
3.2 / Care Plan on admission
Rev Rodgers updated the group around the development of the new Care Plan on admissions document. Linda Oldroyd reported that a Review Group has been established to look at aspects of the document and to look at people’s concerns and make the appropriate revisions before going to print. The Spiritual Care Group is happy with the Care Plan.
When the Care Plan is rolled out Rev Rodgers will visit each ward on the ARI site, and seek permission to speak to nurses etc to let them know the importance of asking the questions around Spiritual Care.????
If a patient has request a visit or support and this request is not fulfilled, then a Datix report will be submitted.
Laura emphasised the importance of Rev Rodgers continued work around getting the Care Plan transmitted across correctly and the importance of training awareness to ensure the understanding and the completion of the plan is undertaken correctly. Laura also thanked the team who developed the Care Plan for giving the Spiritual Care Group the opportunity to influence the questions asked to gain the greatest opportunity to get this section completed correctly. This Group will need to review and monitor this very carefully and deal with any issues raised.
Liz queried whether the same process of ward visits will happen in Cornhill Hospital and Dr Grays Hospital. It was agreed that Rev Rodgers will liaise with colleagues in Dr Grays Hospital and Jim agreed to liaise with colleagues in Cornhill Hospital to discuss this issue.
3.4 / Raising Awareness
It was agreed that Chaplains need to become more active around the hospital settings.
Positive comments were made around the poster display on the campaign board, main corridor, Clerkseat, Royal Cornhill Hospital.
Jim would like to try and attend Senior Charge Nurse meeting to raise awareness.
Learning Disabilities (Sarah’s story)
Councillor Howatson queried whether this issue had been resolved. It was confirmed that Pamela Adam has spoken to the family members and ensured the family that this situation won’t happen again it the future.
Linda confirmed the Learning Disabilities Nurse works with elective admissions and this needs to be replicated when she is not there or unplanned issues arise.
It was agreed that Pamela Adam should be invited to attend the next meeting of this Group in November 2013 to provide an update around this issue.
Laura confirmed there is still a great deal of work going on around the Prayer room (ARI Mosque). The new committee has now met with the Estate Department and ideas has been sought on how to technically improve the facilities ie. add an extra module to add space and resolve plumbing issues. At present an external canopy has been erected help deal with the space issue.
A new portable sound system has been installed.
Laura will provide another update the Group at the November 2013 meeting.
Station House Media Unit
A slot has been booked on Station House Media Unit (SHMU) radio for Rev Rodgers to attend to promote Spiritual Care.
4. / Volunteer Training & Placements
Due to Trudy’s apologies, Jim updated the Group on the volunteer training undertaken from 16th April -28th May 2014.
Below is a summary of the sessions:
- 12 volunteers completed the course, 9 will be deployed at ARI (6 in ECC, so all wards in the ECC are now covered), 1 at Woodend and 2 at Cornhill Hospital (1 in Old Age Psychiatry and 1 in Specialism)
- Reflective Practice is being developed as on-going support for volunteers, this will be an opportunity for volunteers to share their experiences and learn from each other and raise any issues. This will be on a 3 times a year basis and will involve small groups working with a facilitator.
- All volunteers will undertake 2 face to face meetings with Trudy or another training Chaplin. One meeting at the beginning of visiting (around 6 weeks) and another meeting at the end of the year to review and consider any changes that may arise.
- The rise in singles rooms will see the need for the number of volunteers to increase. At present escorts can’t manage to get round all the single rooms at the ECC and escort patients to the Sunday service. However names of patients are now being collected on a Friday morning for those patients wishing to attend the Sunday service and these patients are then escorted down to the service.
Laura confirmed that NHS Grampian has currently gone through the intensive process of being accredited for an award “Investing in Volunteers” and are currently waiting to hear the outcome.
Stuart noted it was good to see that reflective practice is being undertaken and that Trudy is starting to train the trainers which will then mean that team work can then be cascaded down to groups outwith the Chaplaincy Team. ???
5. / Research Findings (Blair Unit)
Derek Malcolmson and Craig Pert were invited along to the meeting to present the report and discuss the findings of the “Pilot Study of Patient Experience of Forensic Rehabilitation Services in Grampian” which was undertaken in May-June 2012.
Derek gave an informative presentation around the aims, method and findings of the study – a copy of which is attached with the minutes. The group were given the opportunity to ask questions, which are summarised below.
- The sample consisted of 24 male inpatients at the Blair Unit Forensic Rehabilitation Ward and Great Western Lodge in Aberdeen. Out of the 24 sample, 16 completed and returned the questionnaire.
- 33% of the respondents answered the question “I am able to access spiritual support”, 12.5% said no and 56.3% didn’t know. A lengthly discussion too place around the meaning of the question being asked and the language that was used in the question. Concerns were raised as to whether the respondents knew what was meant by spiritual support? It was suggested that the word spiritual be replaced but as its such a difficult word to explain, no one could come up with an alternative. It was agreed that Committee members should provide Derek with ideas around on how best to ask this question ie. the language to use, in order to receive the best possible outcome to the question. It was confirmed the questions were all devised by partners and Community Forum Meetings.
It was suggested that the questions being asked in the new Care Plan on admission could be replicated into the questionnaire. Mark agreed to share these with Derek and Craig.
- Jenny would like to see the verbatim comments also analysed in future questionnaires.
- Nigel commented that the results of this questionnaire are exemplarily with exceptionally good outcomes. Is shows that staff are able to communicate and staff are totally committed.
- A re-audit will take place in February 2014, incorporating the comments made around the spiritual question above. It was agreed that Derek and Craig should be invited to a meeting in 2014 to update the group on the audit results.
6. Sector Reports
6.1 / Aberdeenshire CHP – No one in attendance
The following was noted:
- There are currently two vacancies for hospital chaplains in Aberdeenshire. The vacancy in Fraserburgh has been appointed to – Rev Carol Ann Parker will start the post on 1st November 2013. Interviews for the Insch post are being held next Tuesday.
- Jim attended an Area Managers Meeting at Inverurie to explain the role of the Spiritual Care Committee. It was agreed at the meeting that Jim would be invited to attend one of the Senior Charge Nurse Forums in the near future.
6.2 / Mental Health – Alistair Walker
The following was noted:
- Jim had recently met with the three Chaplains in Moray connected with Mental health to discuss how both teams can improve on working together. It was a very good discussion with a date in the diary to meet again.
It was noted that there are three mental health wards in Aberdeenshire (Ashcroft, Scotly & ???), which have no connections to spiritual care. Jim and Alistair agreed to make connections with these wards.
- Jim facilitated the first multi-disciplinary Value Based Reflective Practice group in Older Adults Mental Health Directorate in August 2013 and plan are in place to follow the Patient Safety Programme.
- Meetings have been arranged with Senior Staff Nurse Team from each of the directorates within RCH to highlight the Spiritual Care Policy and materials that might be helpful on the wards.
- Referrals are now beginning to flow into the Spiritual Care service from the Mental Health Liaison Teams at ARI and Woodend Hospitals.
6.3 / Moray – Liz Tait
The following was noted:
- Phyllis Ferguson attended the Moray Spiritual Care Bereavement Group. ?????
- Discussions will be required around succession planning for the Chaplains in Moray due to age profiles, impending retirements, sick leave and reducing hours etc. This may also be an opportunity for redesign of posts in the future. It was agreed, in the meantime that Liz and Jim would try and encourage the recruitment of more volunteers with the support from Trudy and the rest of her team.
- At present the Chaplains carry pagers when Out of Hours. However staff on the wards are not using the pagers, but are contacting the Chaplains directly. Due to the infrequent use of the pager, it is being considered that an audit of usage of the pager is undertaken. It was suggested that the Senior Manager who is oncall OOH could carry the pager and deal with requests accordingly.
- NHS Grampian are still producing a Procedure and Policy Document are the disposal of ashes from Babies. A Lead Nurse has been identified to move this document on. A roll out date still has to be identified. Once completed, the Spiritual Care Team would like to invited the Lead Nurse to attend a meeting to discuss the document. This would be scheduled for a meeting in 2014.
- The issues was raised that local ministers have intimated to their parishioners and families that they must notify the minister themselves if they want specific visits. This is a Grampian wide issue that still has to be resolved. It was noted that the new Care Plan on admission should help resolve this matter. It was agreed that this issue will require to be closely monitored.
7.4 / Acute – Yvonne Wright
The following was noted:
- There is one vacancy in Acute, as no appointment made after interview. Also there is one vacancy in Woodend Hospital, so the team is under pressure at the moment. It was agreed succession planning requires to be looked at carefully in the Chaplaincy Team and the challenges we may face in recruiting into this team in the future. Mark and Laura are already looking at this issue. Mark and Liz agreed to discuss the medium term plan for Dr Grays.
- Stuart suggested it may be worth revisiting the idea of fast tracking volunteers to take on more enhanced roles ie. training the trainers, as there may be untapped enthusiasm and willingness using the volunteers. Some volunteers may also have counselling skills they may wish to share. It was also suggested to look at the skills mix of current team to meet the changes within the hospital setting and the roles of the volunteers. It was agreed to see how the next round of the recruitment process goes and to keep an eye of succession planning.
- The Bereavement Centre (East Gate Lodge) is still awaiting tender process to commence building works. Sandra Stankus has been appointed to Bereavement Centre Project Lead and is currently undertaking induction. This new role does not relate to Woodend and Cornhill Hospitals, only acute. Linda confirmed that his role is a 6 month acute funded project lead initially, setting up the service and to explore what the role will look like and to explore how this role is carried out in other Boards in Scotland. It was agreed Sandra should be invited to attend the next meeting of this Group in November 1st to discuss her new role. Jim will make contact with Sandra to invite her to the meeting.
- The ARI Roof Top Garden project is continuing.
- Trudy Noble facilitated a “taster” session on Value based Reflective Practice on 4th September 2013. The aim of the session is to support and equip staff to look at their own and patient’s spiritual care and well being. These sessions went very well and will cascade and identity staff to meet and take forward.
- A slot has been requested for Mark to attend SHMU radio to talk about the role of the hospital chaplain and spiritual care whilst in hospital. A date has still not been confirmed.
6.5 / City CHP – Andrea Lawrence
- Sandy Reid recently visited Marywell (Homeless) to discuss/recognise the contribution of spiritual care to improving lives of some of their patients who are vulnerable and hard to reach. Regular discussion are planned and a wider promotion of Spiritual Care within Aberdeen CHP.
- The Bethnay Church currently gives support to vulnerable people and lots of positive outcomes for spiritual care from people. This Group may want to look at Befriending Service which is a project funded through the Change Fund. Andrea will in future attend the Spiritual Care Group meetings.
- Other church groups were awarded additional Change Fund monies, as part of Reshaping Care for Older People. The Change Fund is a sum of money to be invested for older people to redesign services, to make a difference to their Health and Social Care, it’s a funded project between the Health Service and Local Authorities and private sector. Funding is only for a short time. The Aberdeen City CHP are continuing to identify and maximise the “community capacity” within church groups.
- Discussions are in place with the Health Village as a venue to carry out Chaplaincy Listening session which would focus on GP referrals, using an appointment service and would not be a walk in service. Una Knox is currently holding Chaplaincy Listening sessions at the Brimmond Practice.
7. / AOCB
Laura reported that she is to meet with Susan Sutherland who is the manager for the Maggie Centre situated at Foresterhill, where she will discuss remit of Spiritual Care. An open day for all NHS staff is being held on Monday 16th September 2013 with the official opening on Monday 23rd September 2013.
8. / Date of Next Meeting
Friday 1st November 2013, 10am-12noon in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House.