Completed Grant Summaries are made available to the public on the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) website at
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Date filled out: 09/30/06
Grant Information: Please use complete phrases/sentences. Fields will expand as you type.1. Grant Agreement Number: 04-421-554-0
2. Project Title: Ballona Creek Mid-City Pollution Control Retrofit Project
3. Project Purpose – Problem Being Addressed: Nonpoint Source Urban Runoff contributing to impairments in Ballona Creek.
4. Project Goals
a. Short-term Goals: 1. Successfully install BMPs to treat 3/4" of runoff from Dunsmuir Ave and Cochran Ave / Pl sub-watershed.
b. Long-term Goals: 1. Prove that BMPs utilizing natural treatment processes can both remove pollutants and improve the setting of a residential neighborhood; 2. Achieve compliance with Ballona Creek TMDLs for the runoff from Dunsmuir Ave and Cochran Ave / Place.
5. Project Location: (lat/longs, watershed, etc.) Latitude 34.04366, Longitude -118.35506. Ballona Creek Watershed.
a. Physical Size of Project: (miles, acres, sq. ft., etc.) 4.1 acres
b. Counties Included in the Project: Los Angeles
c. Legislative Districts: (Assembly and Senate) Senate District 26, Assembly District 47
6. Which SWRCB program is funding this grant? Please “X” box that applies.
Prop 13 / Prop 40 / Prop 50 / EPA 319(h) / Other
Grant Contact: Refers to Grant Project Director.
Name: Larry E. Smith / Job Title: Executive Director
Organization: North East Trees / Webpage Address:
Address: 570 W. Avenue 26, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90065
Phone: 323-441-8634 / Fax: 323-441-8618
Grant Time Frame: Refers to the implementation period of the grant.
From: April 14, 2005 / To: March 31 2008
Project Partner Information: Name all agencies/groups involved with project. Ballona Renaissance, Mid-City Neighborhood Council, City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation Watershed Protection Division, County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
Nutrient and Sediment Load Reduction Projection: (If applicable) N/A
Please provide a hard copy to your Grant Manager and an electronic copy to your Program Analyst for SWRCB website posting. All applicable fields are mandatory. Incomplete forms will be returned.