

201.03Clearing and Grubbing


201.05Method of Measurement

201.06Basis of Payment

201.01Description. This work consists of clearing, grubbing, scalping, removing trees and stumps, and removing all vegetation and construction debris from the limits shown on the plans, except such objects that are to remain or are to be removed according to other items of work.

Use removed or excavated materials in the work when the material conforms to the specificationsall suitable excavation material in the work; if not then recycle. Alternatively, legally use, burn, or dispose of all the material according to 105.16 and 105.17.


A.Remove or save all trees, shrubs, and plants as[mw1] designated on the plans. Preserve all vegetation and objects not designated for removal. Paint cut or scarred surfaces of trees or shrubs selected for retention according to 666.04.

B.In order to retard and prevent the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer, limit the movement of regulated articles according to Ohio Administrative Code 901:5-56. Observe requirements for handling and transporting of regulated articles in quarantined areas as defined by the Ohio Department of Agriculture (

The following are considered regulated articles and are subject to the quarantine established by the Ohio Department of Agriculture:

1.Deciduous trees of any size.

2.Deciduous limbs and branches

3.Any cut non-coniferous (non-evergreen) firewood.

4.Deciduous tree bark and deciduous tree wood chips larger than 1 inch (25 mm).

5.Deciduous logs and lumber with the bark, outer inch of sapwood, or both attached.

6.Any item made from or containing deciduous tree wood capable of spreading Emerald Ash Borer.

7.Any means of conveyance capable of spreading Emerald Ash Borer. [PAN2]

Should the Contractor elect to hire an certified arborist to distinguish between ash wood (Fraxinus spp.) and other deciduous wood, then only ash wood will be considered regulated articles.

[PAN3]Follow all other federal and state Emerald Ash Borer quarantines.

C.Restrictions on when the Contractor may perform the clearing and grubbing work are located in other parts of the Contract Documents.The time limitations on the clearing and grubbing operations are specified in Item 20[PAN4]7[mw5].

201.03Clearing and Grubbing. Clear and grub all trees and stumps marked for removal and all surface objects, brush, roots, and other protruding obstructions not designated to remain, except for special treatments listed below:

A.In locations to be seeded, remove stumps at least 6 inches (150 mm) below ground surface.

B.In unseeded areas to be rounded at the top of backslopes, cut the stumps flush with or below the surface of the final slope line.

C.The Contractor may leave undisturbed stumps and roots, and nonperishable solid objects 6 inches (150 mm) above the existing ground surface in the plan embankment construction locations wherewhen allboth of the following conditions are truepresent:[mw6]

1. - Tthe embankment height is greater than 9 feet (3m) as measured vertically from[PAN7]the existing ground surface to the proposed ground surface,the subgrade elevationand

2.- and when tThe slope of the existing groundexisting side slope is 8:1 or flatter..

[PAN8]D.In locations outside of the construction limits of the cut and embankment areas not to be seeded, the Contractor may leave sound stumps 24 inches (0.6 m) above the existing ground surface.

E.Limit the movement of regulated articles as follows:

Do not move regulated articles out of a quarantined area unless they are treated as indicated in 201.03.F.[PAN9]

Do not move regulated articles out of Ohio to any other state. Do[PAN10] not import or cause to be imported regulated articles from any location outside Ohio as prescribed in Ohio Administrative Code 901:5-56-02. or from Indiana, Illinois, and the Lower Peninsula of Michigan into Ohio.[mw11][PAN12]

Movement into and within the Ohio quarantined area is permitted.

F.Use one of the four accepted treatments prior to movement of the regulated articles:

Debarking plus removal of 1/2 inch (12 mm) of sapwood.

Chipping to less than 1 inch (25 mm).

Fumigating according to USDA treatment schedule (contact USDA, 1-866-325-0023).

Kiln drying according to USDA treatment schedule (contact USDA, 1-866-325-0023).

[PAN13]Follow all other federal and state EAB quarantines.

Except in areas to be excavated, backfill stump holes and other holes created by removing obstructions with Item 203 embankment material. Place and compact according to Item 203.

Remove low hanging, unsound, or unsightly branches on trees or shrubs designated to remain. Trim branches of trees extending over the roadbed to provide a clear height of 20 feet (6m) above the roadbed surface.

Dispose of debris contaminated with garbage, solid waste, or hazardous waste or material according to other contract items.

201.04Scalping. Scalping includes removing surface material such as roots, sod, grass, residue of agricultural crops, sawdust, and decayed vegetable matter. The depth of scalping does not include topsoil or other material below the scalping operation. The Engineer will not require areas to be scalped in the plan embankment construction locations where when bothall of the following conditions are truepresent[mw14]:

1.-tThe embankment height is greater than 9 feet (3 m) as measured vertically from the existing ground surface to the proposed ground surfaceto the subgrade elevation, and when

2.- tThe slope of the existing side slopeground is 8:1 or flatter.

Scalp all other areas where excavation or embankment is required.

201.05Method of Measurement. The Department will measure by one of the following methods:

If Clearing and Grubbing is specified in the Contract, the Department will not measure the area cleared and grubbed.

If Item 201 Tree Removed or Item 201 Stump Removed is specified in the Contract, the Department will measure trees andor stumps designated for removal according to the following schedule of sizes:table.

TABLE 201.05-1

Pay ItemTree or Stump Diameter / Pay Item Designation
Over 12 inches to 24 inches / 18-inch size each
Over 24 inches to 36 inches / 30-inch size each
Over 36 inches to 60 inches / 48-inch size each
Over 60 inches / 60-inch size each
Over 0.3 m to 0.6 m / 0.5 m size each
Over 0.6 m to 0.9 m / 0.8 m size each
Over 0.9 m to 1.5 m / 1.2 m size each
Over 1.5 m / 1.5 m size each

The Department will measure the diameter of trees at a height of 54 inches (1.4 m) above the ground. Trees 12 inches (0.3 m) and less in diameter are classified as brush. The Department will measure stumps by taking the average diameter at the cutoff.

201.06Basis of Payment. If Item 201 Clearing and Grubbing is specified in the Contract, the Department will pay for all work described, including backfilling holes, scalping, and removing all trees and stumps, at the lump sum price bid. If Item 201 Tree Removed or Item 201 Stump Removed is specified in the Contract, the Department will consider the remaining work described incidental and will not pay for performing this work directly.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:


201Lump SumClearing and Grubbing

201EachTree Removed, ___ Size

201EachStump Removed, ___ Size

[mw1]Without “as”, the sentence is somewhat pointless. What other option does the contractor have?

[PAN2]Format so it is clear these are list items.

[PAN3]Format as list

[PAN4]Elsewhere in the contract documents.

[mw5]Will Item 207 remain in C&MS 2010? If not language will need to be incorporated.

[mw6]Per Manual of Procedures, it is the intent that both requirements (9’ height AND 8:1 sloe) are true with respect to scalping. I assume that this would also apply to this section.

[PAN7]Define how height is measured.

[PAN8]Format as list

[PAN9]Mike W to check to see if treatment is an option for exporting.

[PAN10]Don’t need to worry about importing for 201

[mw11]Revised language based on update to OAC ( Additional locations continue to be added to OAC, therefore, this keeps ODOT covered for any future changes.

[PAN12]Treatment is only an option with a Compliance Agreement with the ODA. So remove this text about treatment. Move all the text about EAB up to the general section so it is one place.

[PAN13]Format as list

[mw14]Per Manual of Procedures, it is the intent that both requirements (9’ height AND 8:1 sloe) are true with respect to scalping.

In addition, I had some additional email correspondence from Randy Morris dated 12/1/06 concerning scalping. Randy recommended the following:

  • All fills less than 30 feet high should be scalped.
  • All fills over 30 feet should be scalped under the slopes only.
  • All topsoil should be removed in both cases.
  • The foundation should be plowed, disked and compacted at a one to three feet depths depending on the foundation condition. The deeper depths can be accomplished by using a dozer blade.
  • The generated topsoil can be used on the slopes to prevent erosion.
  • When performing the soil borings closer attention should be made on detailing the amount of existing top soil and the existing foundation conditions. The top soil depth will change depending on area of the state we are in.

The comments above were generated based on a dispute in D2 and past slope failures in the District. I can provide the email to the committee.

I am not sure if this was ever brought to committee, so I will offer it for discussion. The first three bullets are most pertinent to the language in 201. I can modify the language in the spec, if we choose to go this route, but I thought an initial discussion would be appropriate prior to change for CMS 2010.