You can visit an Educational Fair, an NHL Open Day or an ITELS Taster Day.
You can read a leaflet or look at the webpages or

You can ask questions in an email to
You can visit Facebook and ask ITEPS students about their experiences.
You can have a skype meeting with one of the ITELS team members to ask for information.

If you would like to be admitted to the ITELS programme, you register via the central registration site Studielink. Click on Registration and Admission to guide you through the steps in the application.

Please register before 1st May 2017.
If you register between 1st May and 1st September 2017, you also send an email to asking for information about the quickest way to proceed.

After registration, NHL will ask international students to send copies/scans of relevant non-Dutch diploma’s and results . In case you have not yet obtained your diploma or results, you can register if you expect to have them before 1st September 2017.

After registration, you send a CV and a short motivation letter to . (See next page) You will be invited to a (skype)meeting with one of the ITELS team members. They will ask for your expectations, your motivation and any international or cross-cultural experiences. They may also ask for clarification of diploma’s and results.

The meetings will be held in the first full weeks of April and June at a NHL-location in the Netherlands. The exact time and place are given in the invitation sent three weeks before the meeting.
If you cannot travel to (the North of) the Netherlands, ITELS will arrange a skype meeting.
Within a week after your meeting with one of the team members, ITELS will send you news about your admission.
Admission becomes definite when all relevant diploma’s and results have been shown and validated and the programme is considered suitable for you.

CV (Curriculum Vitae: maximum one page)

-  Picture (preferably)

-  Personal data (name, address, date of birth etc.)

-  Previous education

o  name of school/university;

o  diploma;

o  relevant certificates;

o  relevant special training

-  Relevant activities

For example:

o  activities in international or bilingual schools,

o  assistance in school events;

o  activities as coach or guide for young people, or as leader or coordinator in a club or organization;

o  activities for international or intercultural organisations;

o  relevant part-time jobs; hobbies)

Motivation letter (Minimum 300 words)

-  Reasons why you would like to become an ITELS student (for example: programme, setting, teaching profession)

-  Experience and characteristics that make you suitable for the ITELS programme

For example:

language skills,

international and intercultural experience,

personal qualities and preferences
Use information from your CV if possible.