Itasca Elementary School Week of:_Aug 29 – Sept. 2, 2016_ Grade: ____1st Grade____
Subject: ELAR / Unit Title:Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Identify characters and setting in realistic fiction; read HFW words come, in, my, on, way; recognize complete sentences, recognize correct capitalization and punctuation; segment and spell words with short a sound / Identify characters and setting in realistic fiction; read HFW words come, in, my, on, way; recognize complete sentences, recognize correct capitalization and punctuation; segment and spell words with short a sound / Identify characters and setting in realistic fiction; read HFW words come, in, my, on, way; recognize complete sentences, recognize correct capitalization and punctuation; segment and spell words with short a sound / Identify characters and setting in realistic fiction; read HFW words come, in, my, on, way; recognize complete sentences, recognize correct capitalization and punctuation; segment and spell words with short a sound / Identify characters and setting in realistic fiction; read HFW words come, in, my, on, way; recognize complete sentences, recognize correct capitalization and punctuation; segment and spell words with short a sound
TEKS: / 1.9.B.1 - Describe characters in a story – 1.9.B.2, 1.9.B.3
1.4.C.2 – Monitor comprehensions, making corrections when that understanding breaks down
1.5.A.1 – Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency
1.18.A.1 – Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle, and end
1.1.D.1 – Recognize distinguishing features of a sentence
Question of the Week: / What do pets need?
Key Vocabulary: / Amazing Words:
Needs, responsibility, shelter, cuddle, tickle, faithful, fetch, heel / High Frequency Words: come, in, my, on, way / Academic Vocabulary:
Character and setting, realistic fiction, sentences
Materials Used: / Unit 1 Student Reading Street Book, Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook, Sing with Me Chart, Decodable Readers, Leveled Readers
Lesson Procedures: / Concept Talk: TE p 12j – 13b, SEp. 12-13
Spelling: TE p. 16d, DVD 30
High Frequency Words: TE/SE p. 17
Listening Comp.: TE p. 17a-17b (character and setting)
Conventions: TE p. 17c (sentences)
Read aloud The Kissing Hand / Concept Talk: TE p. 18a-18b
Spelling: TE p.19e
High Frequency Words: TE p. 19
Vocabulary: TE p. 20a
Main Selection – First Read: TE 20c-29a, SE p. 20-29
(Sam, Come Back!)
Genre: TE 29b (Realistic Fiction)
Conventions: TE p. 29c (sentences)Read aloud The Kissing Hand / Concept Talk: TE p. 30a-30b
Spelling: TE p. 30f
High Frequency Words: TE p. 30g
Main Selection – Second Read: TE p. 20-29, 30h-31a, SE p. 20-29 (Sam, Come Back!)
Fluency: TE p. 31b
Writing: TE p. 32-33a
Conventions: TE p. 32a-33a (sentences)
Read aloud The Kissing Hand / Concept Talk: TE p. 34a-34b
Spelling – TE p.34h
Read Paired Selection: TE p. 34-35a (Puppy Games)
Fluency: TE p. 35b
Conventions: TE p. 35c (sentences)
Writing: TE 35d-35e (Story Revising Strategy)Read aloud The Kissing Hand / Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 1 “Sam, Come Back!”
Finish up Read aloud The Kissing Hand
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Draw a picture of an animal. Tell if that is a noun or verb. Write a sentence.
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides / Students build HFW words with letter tiles
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides / Draw a part of story that could happen in real life
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides / Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Technology Integration: / iStation
Lexia / White Board Vocabulary Games
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative Assessment: Students can make short a words, recognize a realistic fiction story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test / Formative Assessment: Students can make short a words, recognize a realistic fiction story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test / Formative Assessment: Students can make short a words, recognize a realistic fiction story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test / Formative Assessment: Students can make short a words, recognize a realistic fiction story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test / Formative Assessment: Students can make short a words, recognize a realistic fiction story, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize a complete sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 1, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test
Subject: Math / Unit Title: Numbers and Operations
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / I will be able to write different numbers using tens and ones. / I will be able to show a number as ten and ones / I will be able to show and name groups of tens / I will be able to group cubes to show numbers as tens and ones. / Introduce tens and ones to 120 for next week lesson.
TEKS: / 1.2A 1.2C 1.1C / 1.2A 1.2C 1.1C / 1.2A 1.2C 1.5B / 1.2B1.2C 1.1C
Key Vocabulary: / Digit, tens, ones,
Expanded form
Place value, standard form / Digit, tens, ones,
Expanded form
Place value, standard form / Digit, tens, ones,
Expanded form
Place value, standard form / Digit, tens, ones,
Expanded form
Place value, standard form / Introduce the word Hundred
Manipulatives Used: / Counting blocks, teddy bears or tens and ones / Counting blocks, teddy bears, or tens and ones / Tens, counting blocks and teddy bears / Tens, counting blocks and teddy bears, cubes / Manipulative
Lesson Procedures: / St page 13 whole group instruction. St page 14 check for understanding independent work. St pg 15 whole group Stpg 16 independent. Homework sent home page 17-18 / St page 19 whole group instruction. St page 20 check for understanding independent work. St pg whole group St pg 16 independent. Homework sent home page 23-24 / St pg25 whole group instruction stpag 26 whole group Check for understanding independenstpg 27 and 28 daily assessment task pg 28 Homework page 29-30 / St pg 31-32 whole group instruction. St pg32 check for understanding independent. St pg 33-34 whole group. Homework pg 35-36 / Intro math stations small groups.
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Teacher edition page 13-15 / Teacher edition page 19-21 / Model concepts with connecting cubes TE pg 25-27 / Model Language base ten blocks and visuals / Review from this week about lessons
Technology Integration: / Adapted mind on white board or ipad / Adapted mind or Gynzy / Gynzy or adapted mind / adapted mind / Computer and ipad apps
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Daily assessment task- can the students write the number tens and ones in different ways.
Unit assessment and model test. / Can the students show a number as ten and ones? / Can the students model and name the groups of ten
Daily assessment task / Can the students show models of tens and ones up to 50
Daily assessment task / Checking for understanding of this week’s math lesson.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Higher Order thinking questions / Can you combine 2 groups of tens and ones to represent one number / Can the student show what they know to represent the number 20 in tens and ones / Can you use what you know to apply how to model 1 ten for each 4 groups of beads / Can you figure out the number less than 50, they have 8 ones and some tens what are the numbers
Subject: Science/Social Studies / Unit Title:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Establish meaning.
Make meaningful connections to personal experiences.
Utilize prior knowledge to gain understanding. / Identify and describe the characteristics of good citizenship, including truthfulness, justice, equality, respect for oneself and others, and responsibility in daily life
Identify ways to contribute to the common good of a variety of groups in school and in the community
Demonstrate good citizenship in the school and in the community
Explain what the Pledge of Allegiance means / Define responsibility and right.
Identify and explain their responsibilities at home and in school, including respect for oneself and others.
Identify and explain their rights and the choices that they make as a member of a family and of a class.
Explain the importance of cooperating, or working well together. / Explain the purpose for rules and laws in the home, school, and community.
Identify rules and laws that establish order, provide security, and manage conflict. / Explain why leaders are important.
Identify leaders in the home, school, and community.
Identify the responsibilities of authority figures in the school, and community.
TEKS: / 11.A, 11.B, 12.A, 12.B, 12.C, 13.A, 13.B, 14.A, 14.B, 14.C, 14.D, 14.E, 14.F, 17.B, 17.C, 18.A, 18.B, 19.A / 11.A, 13.A, 14.B, 17.B, 18.A, 18.B / 13.A, 17.B, 17.C, 18.A, 18.B, 19.A / 11.A, 11.B, 17.B, 17.C, 18.A, 18.B / 12.A, 17.B, 17.C, 18.A, 18.B
Key Vocabulary: / Leader of our school?
Leader of our classroom? / Citizen, responsibility, community / Right, cooperate / Law / leader
Manipulatives Used:
Lesson Procedures: / Page 12-15. Use the online Big Question activity and myStory video / My world social studies book pgs. 16-19 / My world social studies book pgs. 20-23
Make a “My Daily Responsibilities” chart / My World Social Studies book pgs. 26-29
Make a big book of school rules(pg 29 TE) / My World Social Studies book pgs. 32-35
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Picture walk, pictures of children and adults showing good citizenship. Have higher thinking students brainstorm what it means to be a good citizen. / Special Needs- Mention ways people can help others in their community such as running errands for an elderly neighbor.
Extra Support- Ask children to name community rules.
On level- Have children work in pairs to come up with a good citizen cheer, slogan, or song.
Challenge/Gifted- Have children think of a community member who has been a good citizen. Have them design a good citizen award or a card. / Special needs- Have children look at the pictures. Ask them to explain how the children are showing they are responsible?
Extra Support- Mention some responsibilities children have in the classroom such as hanging up backpacks and raising their hands before talking. List other examples.
On level- Ask children to list other responsibilities they can add to the “My Daily Responsibilities” chart
Challenge/Gifted- Have children draw examples of people carrying out a responsibility. Then have them write captions for their pictures. / Special needs- Point out that communities have many laws. Ask children to name other laws such as those dealing with traffic.
Extra Support- Point out that children and their families follow community laws every day. Ask them to name two traffic laws or other laws they followed on their way to school that day.
On-Level- Have children create a poster or write a song to perform that reminds people to follow community laws.
Challenge/Gifted- Have children create a game about community laws. / Special Needs- Point out that you are a leader at school. Then show pictures of other school workers. Ask children how each leader helps them do well in school and takes care of them.
Extra Support- Point out that you and other school staff are examples of leaders. Ask children to list other leaders at school. Then have them explain what makes each person a leader.
On-Level Have pairs of children make up a cheer, a song, or a poster to celebrate a school leader.
Challenge/Gifted- Have children come up with clues about leaders and write them on index cards. Use the cards as a class game.
Technology Integration: / Online video and activity / Online video and activity(whole group and individual) / Online video and activity(whole group and individual) / Online video and activity(whole group and individual) / Online video and activity(whole group and individual)
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Asking questions throughout the lesson. / Asking questions throughout the lesson (whole group). Questions in the book (individual)
Summative- Online activities.
TEKS Practice at the end of the chapter. / Asking questions throughout the lesson (whole group). Questions in the book (individual)
Summative- Online activities.
TEKS Practice at the end of the chapter. / Asking questions throughout the lesson (whole group). Questions in the book (individual)
Summative- Online activities.
TEKS Practice at the end of the chapter. / Asking questions throughout the lesson (whole group). Questions in the book (individual)
Summative- Online activities.
TEKS Practice at the end of the chapter.