Aliens at Birley
It was period p on a Friday morning. We were running around the athletics track, when xspaceships landed in the car park, crushing 3nvehicles. Then 2y aliens wearing bright yellow suits with 4p blue polka dots.
To add to the surprise, another flying saucer arrived, attempting to squash us with steel support legs that aided its landing. As the legs hurtled towards the ground and everyone, including the teacher had to scatter, as they did not want to be squished like a bug.
It was then that z aliens wearing black suits exited the flying saucer, carrying smelly pea shooters. A crowd of u students had gathered, not sure what they were facing, and were not sure what emotion to portray, although they were beginning to sweat like pigs.
There was now u + z + (xy) life forms on and around the field.
Lchildren had been severely injured, and teachers were fumbling in their pockets to find their mobile phones to call p2 p2 p2. But it wouldn’t stop what was about to happen.
The j groups of aliens joined together and began to march towards the school. The students were now so scared that they were running around like headless chickens, and although the teachers were trying to calm everyone down, they were scared as well.
By now the aliens had entered the building and the ones with peashooters raised their peashooters, commanding everyone in a peculiar voice“Take me to your leader.”
Obeying, the teachers and pupils took the aliens to Mr Vicars, as they did not want to die. (Obviously!)
The crowd separated to allow the alien leader to enter the office.
There the headteacher had a thorough discussion about where the aliens had come from. He replied
“The vth planet away from the Sun. We attacked because Neptune is a poor planet, and we need more money.”
Mr. Vicars got in contact with his local bank, and took out £2q, (hoping it would be enough) and handed it over to the aliens.
The humans and extra terrestrials had managed to achieve inter-galactic peace.
p = 3 / v = 8 / z = 34x = 5 / u = 60 / n = 20
L = 6 / y = 50 / j = 2
b = 25 / q = 5,000
Use this space for writing you answers
First answer p=
Use this space to write your own Alien story (3 paragraphs, like the story on the other page).
You must include 6 letters which need calculating (use the same values in the table) ANDinclude your answers.
You may use the back of this sheet if you need to.