Newsletter No11 –13th February2015

Dear Parents,

It was lovely to see everyone at parents’ evenings this week. We hope you enjoyed looking at your child’s work and found it useful meeting with their teacher. If you were unable to make it, please speak to your child’s teacher as soon as possible to rearrange an appointment or Ms Crane our family worker, who will be able to organise for you to see your child’s work.

Thank you to year one for their fantastic Chinese New Year assemblies this week – they were a real celebration of your new curriculum and the children are obviously really enjoying all their learning. It seems incredible that we are half way through this academic year already! May we wish you a very happy half term and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 23rdFebruary.

Yours sincerely

Miss Butcher


Other reminders

Save the Children

Thank you to all the children and parents who helped us support the Christmas Jumper Day. We raised a total of £1369.19.

Year 6 Residential Trip to France – 28thSeptember to 2ndOctober 2015

Just to remind all parents whose children are going on the Year 6 France trip, that the next deposit is now due. Please pay this on line at

Year 4 Residential Trip to Oxford

This is a reminder to all parents that the next instalment will be due by Monday 23rdFebruary. Please pay £50 on line at

Rugby Tournament

Eight teams from six schools visited Red Hill on Tuesday this week to take part in a tag rugby competition. It was amazing to see our field full of enthusiastic rugby players. Fortunately the weather was kind and it was much warmer than it has been! Our team played with determination, enthusiasm and displayed great sportsmanship. Well done to the children and thank you to Mr Dale for organising the event.

Breakfast Club

We are delighted to announce the opening of “Reddies” breakfast club after half term! Initially, we are opening to pupils in year 3 to 6 as a pilot and if a success, we will extend it across the whole school. The club is going to be run by 3 of our long standing staff at Red Hill. If you require additional information and a booking form, please contact the school office for an information pack.

Cycling Banner Competition

After the success of our Road Safety banner, which we are waiting to have printed and sent by the borough, we have another competition for you. You will have been given a template to design an eye catching cycle Jersey, all completed entries to be passed to the class teacher by 24thFebruary. Our school will enter the competition with other Bromley schools and the winning entry will receive a £200.00 voucher to be used at a local cycle shop.

Proposed Library Development

Earlier last year, you may remember that developers proposed a scheme for the redevelopment of the library site to include a new Marks and Spencer food store. The decision was made by Bromley to put this site on to the open market to maximise the opportunities available – the details state that proposals may or may not include a small area of the school’s playing field. Bromley have assured us that they will keep us informed as any disposal of school playing fields would need to be approved by the Department of Education. Further details can be found on the London Borough of Bromley’s website.

Visit from Independent Support Worker - Monday 16thMarch 2015

Independent Support Worker from the Bromley Consortium (made up of Bromley Mencap, Burgess Autistic Trust, Bromley Parent Voice and Experts by Experience) will be coming into school to meet with parents on Monday 16thMarch at 2pm. Their role is to provide information and support to parents and young people in relation to the Education, Health and Care plan. If you would like to attend this meeting or would like to know more, please speak to either Mrs Ali or Miss Crane.

Dinner Money

School dinner money for next half term will be £50. Please pay this on-line, in advance at