LEPC Quarterly Meeting

October 27, 2014

7:00 p.m., Lincoln Emergency Services Building


Agenda / Notes / Follow up
Roll call / Shawn Esterl, David Dohe, Ladonna Reinert, Wendy Gronau, Terry Finch and guest Kari Valentine, Planner for AMEC.
Approval of last meeting’s minutes / Tabled until January due to lack of voting majority.
Communications / Ladonna shared communications from Sue Cooper, Regional Hospital Coordinator. There will be a meeting on November 21 from 9:30 to 2 pm of the Regional Health Care Coalition. Dr. Mosier and Charlie Hunt from KDHE will attend. We are encouraged to invite our ESF 8 partners as Ebola will be the topic of conversation.
Tallgrass Energy will have an open house Wednesday, October 29 from 3 to 5 PM at the pipeline site. All are invited. Ladonna made contact with their office and invited them to send a representative to LEPC. / Ladonna will send an e-mail to all ESF 8 partners when she has location and other details about this meeting.
Reports of Subcommittees: / The exercise committee has not met this Qtr.
Ladonna reported that the ESF 8 committee met on October 17th to discuss Ebola. Steve Granzow, Lincoln County Hospital Administrator was selected as the PIO for media requests for the Ebola event. PPE discussions were held. Members from hospital, health department, law enforcement, dispatch, EMS, schools and Emergency management were present. Ladonna received permission from Lisa Williams at KDHE to use this meeting as a TTX to meet hospital and health department work plan requirements. She has an AAR and IP draft and shared part of the improvement plan. Those attending had a lively discussion of response to the Ebola situation. Shawn Estrel reported on the ESF 8 meeting in Salina and the environmental issues that have been discussed. It was clear that regular conversations and planning need to take place regarding a possible Ebola event in Lincoln County.
Old Business: / Kari Valentine reported on the update to the Lincoln County Emergency Plan. She discussed “Who are the coordinators of each ESF”. The group discussed who and how the ESF plans should be updated. A tentative date of December for the plan to be finished and sent to KDEM for approval soon after that. Community shelters and contact lists were identified as places where we need to have further discussion.
Commissioners officially appointed David Dohe to a position on the LEPC committee as emergency management representative.
Radon Community Meeting / Kari will follow up with David.
Shawn and Ladonna will set up a date for this public meeting in Nov. or Dec. 2014.
New Business: / Elections were tabled. An e mail ballot will be sent out before the year ends for voting members. Current officers would be open to re-election.
Wendy reported that the by-laws need to be updated.
Ladonna reviewed part of the year- end report. She will be working with Shawn to complete this before the December 31 due date. / Ladonna and Shawn will create the ballot.
Wendy will look and the by-laws and make recommendations at the next meeting.
Agency reports:
Sheriff’s office / No report
PIO / Steve Granzow was selected by Co. Commissioners and agreed upon by ESF 8 committee to be PIO for Ebola media requests.
Regional Homeland Security / No report
Co. Commissioners / Progress is being made to install a generator at Lincoln Park Manor. Funding is available for the project to move forward. Terry will keep us informed.
Emergency Mgmt. / Working on trainings and updating the emergency plan.
Westfall Fire / No Report
Lincoln City Fire / No report
Lincoln Co. Hospital / No report
Lincoln Co. Health Dept. / Reported on Ebola response.
Rescue / No Report
EMS / No Report
Environmental / Shawn reported on environmental concerns regarding Ebola contaminated waste water into public sewer systems. He also reported that Saline Co. Emergency Management is selling a vehicle on Purple Wave that we might want to look at for a mobile EOC.
Other reports? / None
Public Forum / None present
Adjourn / Meeting adjourned by Shawn.
Announcements: / Next Meeting Monday, January 26th, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Lincoln County Emergency Services Building

Submitted by Ladonna Reinert, Secretary