Name ______Date ______

Participation in Government Town Hall Project- Due 25 February 2009

It is 2014 in New Paltz, NY. Not much has changed in five years..

New Paltz is still a college town though tuition has increased because the state is short on money.

Shop Rite has closed and now Stop & Shop overcharges for everything!

Tourism is as big as ever with many local businesses depending on trade from the leaf peepers, Huguenot Street visitors, Gunks climbers, nostalgic SUNY alumni, etc.

The Town and Village do not see eye to eye on many issues.

The Community Center still hasn't been built.

The Teen Scene has been condemned.

The economic recession has closed many social services

And of course, traffic is unbearable any time of the week - No need to remind anyone about how long it takes to travel down Main Street. Etc., Etc. Etc.

There have been however, some significant developments:
Toni Hokanson has given up on small town politics and is running for President.

Deciding that $8,000 a year is not enough the Mayor Dungan of New Paltz has quit

Members of the Town Board have all resigned for various reasons such as other jobs, family commitments, scandals, etc.

A new supervisor and town board members must be elected immediately so that budget preparations can be finalized.
First things first:

1. Elect a Supervisor and 4 Town Board Members

2. Complete the budget process. The preliminary 2013 budget is exactly the same as the

one for 2009 EXCEPT than an anonymous donor has given the town $10,000,000.

(Rumor has it that retired High School teacher Mr. Ciliberto struck it rich with his

best-selling semi autobiographical novel, Everything I Didn't Want to Know about

High School Students I Heard about Anyway in Health Issues Class, and has decided

to reward New Paltz for its influence in his life.)

3. The new Town Board will hold a public hearing to determine how to spend the money

in a way that will be most beneficial to town residents. Each member of the class will

assume a specific role at the hearing. A grade will be awarded based on effort and the

knowledge of local concerns demonstrated. Although originality and creativity

certainly have their place, your proposal/ presentation should be consistent with what

you know about New Paltz and its residents.

4. At the conclusion of the hearing, board members will discuss the proposals publicly

and then vote as to how to allocate the money. Each member will be expected to

speak in favor of the project he/she prefers.

5. Written proposals are required from each student.

6. Community Leaders of Local Groups

Chief of Police
Chief of the Fire Department
Director of Family of New Paltz
Director of the Rescue Squad
Director of Elting Memorial Library
Director of the Teen Scene

Director of the YMCA Youth Program
President of the New Paltz Chamber of Commerce
Ulster County Youth Commission
A representative of the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail Association
A member of the New Paltz Recreation Committee
The Highway Superintendent

The Superintendent of New Paltz Central School District
The President of the NP Board of Education
A representative from Mohonk Preserve (not Mohonk Mountain House!!)
A representative from the Southern Ulster Optimist Club
The Director of the Children’s Center of New Paltz on SUNY New Paltz Campus
A representative from the New Paltz/Gardiner Senior Citizen Club
A member of the New Paltz High School PTSA
A Representative from the Huguenot Historic Society
An Animal Rights Group Advocate
A representative from "Concerned Parents of New Paltz"
The Director of Unison Arts and Learning
A Member of the New Paltz Garden Club
A Supervisor from Salvation Army
The President of the New Paltz Rotary Club
A member of the American's with Disabilities Association
Ulster County Consumer Fraud Bureau
A Representative for the New Paltz Community Foundation

The Director of Child Find of America, Inc.

The Director of Habitat for Humanity
The Director of Mid Hudson Migrant Education Center on SUNY New Paltz Campus

A member of the New Paltz Community Beautification Team
A member of the VFW

Community Member Presenter: Your Job Description
Prior to the Town Board Meeting You Are Expected To

1. Identify leaders and contact information of appropriate community groups
2. Brainstorm ideas about how your organization would want to spend some or all of

the 10 Million Dollars.
3. Contact a member of the organization that you represent. Discuss with them current issues that they are addressing. Share with them ideas about your proposals and draw conclusions. Prior to contacting them make a list of questions that you are going to ask and take notes on your conversation - this information will be handed in to your PIG teacher. Please have them verify your discuss with a signature and phone number where they can be reached.

4. Attend a local government meeting pertaining to your issue
5. Draft a proposal. Identify who you are - what group you represent and what you want to spend your money on. You must plan on spending at least $500,001. Remember your plan must be consistent with the actual goals of the group you represent. However, you can adapt their ideas to fit your needs.

6. Commit 5 hours of community service involving an aspect of your proposal

7. Complete 3 news article summaries on your topic
8. Contact all necessary people, businesses, realtors, insurance agents, etc. to find out how much each item costs. Document your sources - you can NOT guesstimate. (Remember the Business Project in Economics)
Identify the difference between start up costs and on going expenses. Take each into account.

9. Explain why the benefits exceed the costs
10. Hand in your final proposal to your PIG teacher by Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A general proposal form will be provided - you may modify it as necessary. Real figures are required. Leave no stone unturned.
At the Simulated Town Board Meeting in Class:
1. You will present your proposal to the town board members.

2. A visual (poster, power point, video, etc.) is required to help the town board members and the audience better understand your proposal.

3. Dress the part; you are giving a presentation to the town board. Be serious!
Answer all relevant questions, to the best of your knowledge that are asked by both the board and the audience members.
4. When not presenting, you must be an engaged listener, polite and attentive. You may ask other presenters relevant questions about their proposals. The town board will call on you for your input.
5. Be prepared to be called back for follow up information if the town board so chooses.
Good Luck!
Your interview questions are due with your proposal.
Your visual will be due on the date of your presentation.


Town Board Members

Job Description

Prior to the Town Board Meeting you are expected to:

  1. Contact a member of the Board, past or present, and interview them – Ask them about board policy and procedures, things to look for in proposals, and the general structure of a board meeting – how is the agenda set? Submit your notes.
  2. Obtain from your PIG teacher a folder which will contain a copy of each student’s proposal.
  3. Carefully read each students proposal – and “mark them up” – what are the strengths and weaknesses of each proposal – what questions are you going to ask when you the representative presents his/her proposal – what concerns do you have is the proposal reasonable, well thought out, etc. – get out a highlighter and your red pen – do your homework so you are prepared to grill the presenter
  4. Town Supervisor only – Create an agenda prior to the first day of the proposals– listing the order of presenters – give it to your PIG teacher prior to class so we can make copies
  5. 3 news articles summaries on local issues. (New Paltz Times is a good source)
  6. 5 hours of community service (preferably through local government)
  7. Attend 1 town board meeting (focusing on structure as well as the issues)

The Town Board Meeting: Begin week of February 23, 2009

1.  Be on time – with your proposals in hand

2.  Town Supervisor – call meeting to order – follow the general guidelines of a real town board meeting – have the agenda available to the other members and to the audience – Maintain order in the classroom

3.  EACH member of the Town Board MUST ask questions about the proposals – serious questions only – this is where it is important that you are prepared ahead of time!

4.  Be sure to challenge all ideas – praise good ideas, and thank each person for his/her presentation.

After the Town Board Meeting:

1.  Review each proposal – determine how you (individually) want to allocate the 10 Million Dollars – you may divide up the money as you see fit – All proposals need to be addressed in writing – why you are or why you are not going to give money needs to be explained – this will be collected as part of your grade!

2.  Share with the other Town Board members at a public hearing your ideas about allocating the money.

3.  Arrive at a consensus as a whole group who will receive the money and why – A majority vote will carry the motion.

4.  Obtain a vote of confidence from the community so you can keep your job

Rubric for Community Member

Student Name / Project: / Comments
Interview / 5
Meeting / 10
Community Service / 30
News Article #1 / 10
News Article #2 / 10
News Article #3 / 10
Research Paper / 20
Presentation / 5


Rubric for Town Board Member

Student Name / Project: / Comments
Interview / 5
Meeting / 10
Community Service / 30
News Article #1 / 10
News Article #2 / 10
News Article #3 / 10
Summaries of Proposals / 20
Town Board Q &A / 5
