Brayshaw Holdings

1579 Juror’s Adam Carr, Thomas Brayshay and Oliver Newhouse are seised of and in four oxgangs of land and three tofts, containing in all by estimation 30 acres, be it more or less. The ancient rent is £3 for which they pay to the lord yearly 12½d and one pound of cumin.

Richard Newhouse of Giggleswick is seised of one tenement in Giggleswick, one croft being one of the 4 oxgangs abovesaid, containing by estimation ten acres of ground. The ancient rent is 15s. The free rent is paid in that 12½d and pound of cumin which the abovesaid Adam Carr, Thomas Brayshey and Oliver Newhouse do pay.


In the west end of town

It is 1499 and John the son of Thomas Brayshaw held 1 messuage with an oxgang rental 12s 3d and 1 messuage with two oxgangs which did belong to Cecile Horsemaid rental 20s.

It is 1549 and Thomas Brayshaw(and Agnes) paid 15s 11d (increase 3s 8d) for 1 messuage with an oxgang rental By 1572 Thomas Brayshaw a messuage and 1 bovate and other things belonging 15s 11d to which he had added a parcel of waste at Pighills 4.5d; a parcel of waste at Field Yate 12d and a parcel of waste at Brackenber 6d total 2s 2.5d.

1555—EASTER TERM, 1 & 2 PHILIP & MARY. Richard Payley, Christopher Hesylden and Elizabeth his wife, v Thomas Brashagh and Agnes his wifeLand in Gigylswike.

1579 Thomas Brayshaye one messuage, one barn with other houses, one garden, one oxgang ten acres. 15s 11d. Improvements 2s 2d.

It is 1583 Richard Brayshaw eldest son of Thomas took mess, laithe, oxgang 15s and improvements at Pighills, Dawday and Field Yate and Brackenber Close 2s 2.5d Total 17s 2d

1600 15s 6d Richard Brayshaw senior holds diverse parcels of land lying dispersed within the fields and territories of Giggleswick aforesaid. The total measure whereof hereunder follows:

Sum total 22-0-8-0£6 18s 2d

Meadow 8-3-3-0


His beastgates in the common pasture


Richard son of John Brayshaw / 15 / 10.5

1621 Richard son of John Brayshaw 15s 10.5d, John Harrison [Brayshaw's tenement less 8d kept by Thomas Brayshaw] with Thomas Dockwray paying 12d. Net rent 15s 7d because returned to above a parcel of waste at Pighills 4.5d; a parcel of waste at Field Yate 12d and a parcel of waste at Brackenber 6d total 2s 2.5d had been returned.

The property was broken up:

Thereof Jo. Harrison 2d, Robt. Cote 12d, Wm. Batman 18d, James Dixon 2d, Cr. Braishey 12d, Jo. Foster 18d, Ric. Preston cord 12d, Cr. Preston 2s 6d, Wm. Foster sen. 6d, Tho. Walker 6d, John Armestead 6d, Rich. Preston 14d, Tho. White 4d., Rowland Falthropp 18d, & the severall persons aforesaid amongst them must pay 2s 4d.], is 15s 8d,

In the East End of Town

In 1572 Thomas Brayshaw had acquired a new messuage and 1.5 bovates rental 10sby marrying a Paley and John Brayshaw 2nd son of Thomas Brayshaw a mesuage, laithe, 1.5 bovates of land and meadow containing 7 acres 10s

17s 3dRichard Brayshaw minim holds one mansion house with a yard, garden and certain parcels of land dispersed in the common fields aforesaid.Sum total 2- 0- 8- 0 25s 1d



His beastgates in the common pasture

1602 Richard Brashaw one tenement / 17s 3d

Went to Richard the son of John

But in 1602 Richard Brayshaw jnr for a tenement 18s 1.5d which had lands added as follows one parcel of late improved ground at Brakenber of the rent of 6d,Another parcel at Peghall, at the rent of 4½d,Also one fourth part of one tenement sometimes in the occupation of one Ric. Claphamson, of the ancient rent of 5s (i.e. 1s 3d), and then in the occupation of the said Richard,And so in all of the ancient yearly rent 15s 10.5d plus 2s 3d which must be lost to above a parcel of waste at Pighills 4.5d; a parcel of waste at Field Yate 12d and a parcel of waste at Brackenber 6d total 2s 2.5d missing in 1613 from the 12s 3d messuage but back there in 1621 so this rent should be 15s 10.5d then

Richard Brayshey the elder holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James 1604 All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, late in the tenure of John Brayshey deceased, brother of the said Richard, of the ancient yearly rent of 10s,And also one parcel of late improved ground at Brakenber of the rent of 6d,Another parcel at Peghall, at the rent of 4½d,Also one fourth part of one tenement sometimes in the occupation of one Ric. Claphamson, of the ancient rent of 5s, and then in the occupation of the said Richard,And so in all of the ancient yearly rent of 15s 10½d ,

The property was broken up although Richard kept the bulk:

Tho. Armitsead 2s, Eliz Falthr. 2d, Wm Batma[n] 18d, Ja. Dixon 2d, Jo. Foster 4d, Cr. Kellett 3d, Tho. Carne 2d, Ric. Barishey 11s 1½d, Henr. Mitchell 2d]

Thomas Brashey the elder 1589 (buried 1587, wife died 1582 parish regs; ?1588, YAS listing) Borthwick vol 23 fol 236 In the name of god amen the vjth day of May 1589 I Thomas Brashey thelder of Giglesweke beinge of pfect memorye praysed be god do make this my last will and testament in mannr and forme followeinge, First I commend my soule into thands of almightie god my heavenlie father by whose mercyes through the redemption in Jesus christ I verelie beleve to be saved and my bodye to be buried at the discretion of my frends secondlye I give for my mortuarie that wch of right is due and accustomed Allso I give to Richard Brashey my sone the tent in the west end of the towne, of the yearly rent of sixtene shillinges with the leave and Licence of the lord allso I give to the said Richard Brayshay my sone all my land in Gigleswicke of the yearlye rent of vj s viij d Whearupon the said Richard nowe dwelleth and is possessed Allso I give to the said Richard Brayshay my sone one pare of oxen or thre Pounds sex shillinges and eight pence to buye a yock of oxen wth all at the choice of my executor. Allso I give to John Brayshawe my sone my farmhould in the east end of the towne, of the yearlie rent of xs together withall appurtenances and improvements belonging to the same with the licence of the lord, Allso I give to Issabell my daughter one cowe or xxxiij s iiij d to buy one withall at her choice to take whether she will Allso I give my husbandrye geare to my sones Richard Brayshay and John Brayshay equallie to be devided betwene them The rest of all my goods my debts and funrall expences paide I give to my sone John Brayshay whome I make whole executor of this my last will and testament theis being witnesses Christofer Cocket Anthonye Armistead

No children in parish registers

21 / 1 / 1571 / Ricardus / BRAYSHAW / Agnes / PALAIE

No will and no obvious family, Richard died 1596 Agnes his widow died 1597

30 / 10 / 1584 / Johannes / BRAYSHAW / First wife / Margaret / Brown
19 / 1 / 1596 / Johannes / BRAYSHAW / Last wife / Margareta / COCKETT
Richard my eldest son 6th Nov 1586
to Thomas my younger son 28th Sep 1589 died 1616 non-cop will see below
to William my youngest 7th Nov 1596

Will of John Braishey 1597 Borthwick vol. 26 fol. 556 In the name of god amen the 28th day of April in the year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Queen defender of the faith the 39 AD 1597 I John Braishey of Giggleswick sick in body but of perfect remembrance praised be god do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath my soul to Jesus Christ my only Lord and alone saviour and my body to be buried in the parishChurch of Giggleswick and for my mortuary and other Church dues I will that which is due and accustomed shall be truly paid. Item I will that my debts shall be paid of my whole goods. Item I give and bequeath the title and tenant right of my tenement and houses with all taken grounds and their appurtenances situate lying and being within the town fields of Giggleswick aforesaid which are now in my possession and occupation which said tenement and houses are of the yearly rent of 15s 10 1/2 d unto Richard my eldest son by the licence of the Lord and to his issue and for want of him and his lawful issue then I give the same unto Thomas my younger son and his issue and for want of his lawful issue then I give the same unto William my youngest son and to his lawful issue and for want of such issue male of my said sons Richard Thomas and William or any of them then I will that all the same shall remain unto such .... of the name as by law is the nearest unto the same always reserving unto Margaret my wife her widowright thereof.

Item I will that my said eldest son Richard shall after his entrance unto my said houses and tenement pay unto Thomas my younger son the sum of £20 And that at such time or times as Richard Braisheymy natural brother, Thomas Browne and William Cocker my brethren in law and Anthony Armisteade of Langcliffe shall think convenient. Item I give and bequeath unto William my youngest son one Close called lowpke(?) and my part of a Close called Highewarke lying and being in the fields of Stainforth under bargh and to his issue lawful and for want of his issue lawful then I give the same unto Thomas my son and to his issue and for want of his issue lawful then I give the same unto Richard my eldest son and to his issue my said wife Margaret having her widowright in and unto the same always reserved unto her. Item for my goods I will that of the same my Children shall have their equal portions and Margaret my said wife her widowright in and unto the same. And for my part of goods my debts first discharged my funeral expenses paid and other dues done I give and bequeath the two parts thereof unto Thomas my said son and the third part thereof unto William my said son and if it so please God that my said wife have conceived or shall conceive and be delivered of Child by me begotten then I will that the Child shall have such part of my said third part of goods with my said sons Thomas and William as shall be set down by the afore named Richard Braishey Thomas Browne Anthony Armisteade and William Cocker. Item I will that my wife shall have the use and occupation of my said tenement houses and grounds until my Children shall come to the age twenty and one years (born after 1576) for their better education and bringing up and that at the discretion of the afore named Braishey Thomas Browne Anthony Armisteade and William Cocker. Item if it so fortune that William my said son die without issue my said wife surviving him then I will that my said wife shall have the use and occupation in the fields of Stainforth under Barghe before by this my will given and bequeathed unto him for and during her life natural (any former grant thereof made my said son Thomas and his issue and unto my said son Richard and issue not gainsaying or withstanding). Item I give unto Richard my eldest son two pair of bedstocks the best in my house and one almory in the cellar and one Chest which was his natural mothers I will that my said son Richard shall have all my husbandry gear paying for it as it shall be priced which I desire the pricers of my goods may be reasonably valued. Item my will is that if it so please God that my said son Richard die before he come to the lawful age so ... then my said son Thomas do come to the use and occupation of my said tenement and houses then I will that my son William shall have all that two parcels of my third part of goods before bequeathed unto my said son Thomas. Item whereas I have entered to buy.. a field house and had bought oak wood whereof certain trees lie at my house and the rest in the west(?) I will that my son Richard shall have the same trees therewith to build the same house. Item if it happen (at any time or times before my Children shall come to the age of 21 years) that there be any difference or disagreement between my said wife and them my said Children that then these four my said Brother Richard Brayshey Thomas Browne Anthony Armisteade and William Cocker shall determine and set down order amongst them in all things. And I Charge my said wife and Children to submit themselves unto the order of these four. Item whereas in my brother Richard his being sole tenant the improvements belonging to my said house and tenement of the rent of 10s 1/2d yearly all which I always had and yet have in my own occupation were put in my said brother warrant which he had from the right honourable the Earl of Cumberland I desire my supervisors take care that when my said Son Richard or Thomas or William or any of them shall be set tenants that the said improvement may be sole in his or their or any of their warrant as it ought to be and I ordain Margaret my said wife and Richard my said son joint executors of this my last will and testament. And I request and desire my friends therefore .... Richard Brashaye Thomas Browne Anthony Armisteade and William Cocker to be supervisors thereof and to be aiding and assisting unto my said executors in the due and lawful execution of the same. Witnesses hereof John Palaye Richard Brayshaye Thomas Browne Anthony Armisteade and William Cocker

1616Memorandum that upon or about the twenty-seventh day of August 1616 Thomas Brayshaw son of Johnof Giggleswick did make his last will nuncupative in manner and form following. Item his goods he did dispose in manner following first for that lease which he took or bought of William Brayshaw his half brother he did give to the eldest sons of Richard Brayshaw his own brother in this manner to be divided, to the eldest boy the lower part and to the younger boy the houses and gardens. And his right or third part in the higher part. And for the rest of his goods he gave them to his brother Richard Brayshaw absolutely and no other man to meddle with a penny worth of them. Witnesses William Banks and Thomas Lawson.

2 / 6 / 1614 / Ricardus son of John / BRAYSHAW / Anna / WINDSER
25 / 8 / 1615 / Margareta / Ricardi / Brayshaw / Giggleswick
21 / 9 / 1617 / Johannes / Ricardi / Brayshaw / Giggleswick
1 / 8 / 1620 / Alice / Ricardi / Brayshaw / Giggleswick
1 / 1 / 1623 / Thomas / Ricardi / Brayshaw / Giggleswick
16 / 3 / 1623 / Georgius / Ricardi / Brayshaw / Giggleswick
4 / 11 / 1588 / Isabella / BRAYSHAW / The daughter of Thomas B / Henricus / TOMPESON

WILL OF Henry TOMPSON 1603Borthwick Ref.vol.29 Fol.341In the name of god Amen, the of January 1603 I Henry Tompson of Giggleswick in the County of York, Yeoman, sick in body yet nevertheless of good & perfect remembrance to god be praise, do make this my last will & testament in manner & form following First I commend my soul into the merciful hands of Almighty God, And my body to be buried in the parish church yard of Giggleswick before the south porch at the discretion of my friends Item whereas I did take a lease of my tenement wherein I dwell of the right honourable (my lord Clifford) the Earle of Cumberland which is redeemable (like) as the leases of other tenements of the same Lordshipp be my will is (if my Lord do not redeem the same) And then I give & bequeath the occupation of my said tenement & all profits thereof to Isabell my wife & her assignes for the term of 20tie years from & immediately after the day of my decease, fully to be complete & ended, for the better bringing up of my younger children & the bettering of their portions

And I give the revercon of the same lease to William Thompson my son & his assignes in lieu & full satisfaction of his part & portion of my goods. Also my will is that my debts be paid out of my whole goods And after my debts paid & funerall expenses done & performed. Then my will is that all my goods & that money which is due to me upon redemption by my lord (if the same come) shall be divided into three parts & my wife to have her third part according to the law & custom of the country & another third part to be divided amongst my children viz Adam Thomas & AnneAnd for the other third part commonly called the dead part I give out of the same 10s. to Margaret Braishaw my wife's daughter (illegitimate, father unknown baptised 11th April 1561) & all the rest thereof to Thomas & Anne my youngest children to be divided equally between them And I make & ordain Isabell my said wife & Thomas my son executors of this my last will & testament. These being witnesses William Carr, Thomas Carr, & William Lawson. Buried 1604

Henry Thompson married Margaret Rome June 1578 she died 1588

Henry Thompson married Isabella Brayshaw Nov 1588 she died 1606

21.8.1579Willelmus 1605 he married Margaret Brayshaw ??his step sister


12.10.1583Isabella 1611 married Christopher Walker of Lodge (a widower since 1610)but he died 1616

28.9.1589Anna 1607 married Roger Wilson

Children of William and Margaret Thompson

