IT Industry Government Council (ITIGC)
Action Items
(Last updated 2/24/2010)
No / Action / Assigned DatePolicy
1 / Obtain status of FAR Case 2008-34 Use of Commercial Services Item Authority. 2008-034 Implements section 868 of NDAA FY09 regarding when services “of a type” may be considered a commercial service item.
-10/14/09 Published interim FAR rule.
-Effective upon publication.
-Public comment period ends 12/14/09. / 12/1/2009
2 / Service Contract Act (SCA): Revisit workload and schedule impact. / 12/1/2009
3 / Obtain status of FAR 51 Deviation -Impact on Industry’s Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) – Q about CONNECTIONS Contract / 12/1/2009
4 / Limitation on pass thru charges 2008-31 – obtain status
FAR Case 2008-34 use of commercial services item authority FAR 2006-22-removing open ratings – obtain status / 12/1/2009
5 / Federal Strategic Source Initiative FSSI on printers, MFDs..etc. (what is IT Center’s involvement, if any?) / 12/1/2009
6 / Obtain the DoD Commercial Handbook Manual and distribute to members of the ITIGC. (S. Allen)
Determine if anything should be incorporated into the Schedule 70 Desk Guide. / 8/17/2009
7 / Investigate the feasibility of dropping the individual NAICS code by SIN and assigning a single NAICS code by contract for predominant business. / 8/17/2009
8 / IT Center to work with AM to further clarify Software Maintenance SIN definitions and purchasing software as a service vs. a product. / 8/17/2009
9 / ITS to provide policy clarification regarding Commercial counterfeit products under IT Schedule 70. (David Drabkin) / 8/17/2009
10 / Follow-up on GSA’s policy relating to delinquent notices to contractors regarding IFF. (notices of 1-2 cents) / 8/17/2009
11 / ITIGC requested that GSA discuss a solution for the implementation of our recommendations regarding payments for software maintenance. The suggestion: Ask all Schedule holders to move those few software maintenance items that are clearly custom services over to the Services SIN 132-51, leaving all remaining items in a SIN 132-34 which would make them eligible for payment in advance. / 8/17/2009
12 / The ITIGC Policy Committee recommends that the wording be clarified to explain that the experience and education requirements are to be included only if they are in accordance with the vendor’s commercial practices. / 8/17/2009
13 / ITIGC Policy Committee recommends that direction be given in the solicitation that Support Services be identified in the offering and that pricelists contain the note that “Support Services can only be sold in conjunction with IT Professional Services.” / 8/17/2009
14 / Refresh 23 now explicitly specifies exemptions (52.221-51 and 52.221-53). Solicitations that are not exempt now fall under the Services Contract Act. This was intended, legitimate, and necessary. Clarifying language is needed. Perhaps also a matrix by SIN showing applicability of SCA (e.g., doesn’t apply to 132-51). / 8/17/2009
15 / ITIGC requested a copy of Dennis Harrison’s discussion regarding COMSATCOM briefing. / 8/17/2009
16 / GSA to provide status on the “What’s Next After 20 Years” contract issue.
Vendors into their last 5-year option period are precluded from responding to BPAs and other GSA based RFPs whose period of performance exceeds their schedule expiration date. They need something from GSA to permit them to respond/compete. / 8/17/2009
Communications and Training
17 / Cloud computing RFI: Double-check cloud computing on Vendor Support ( website,
Question about email notifications going to the correct POCs at vendors. / 12/1/2009
18 / Distribute IT Schedule 70 year end sales report / 12/1/2009
19 / State & local attorney letter and research information – obtain. Can it be distributed to Industry? Dec – results expected. / 12/1/2009
20 / FAQ Page: Clarify guidance on single award BPA vs. sole-source / 12/1/2009
21 / GAO Report on BPA – give copy to Paul Pitera for distribution to council members and provide link from website / 12/1/2009
22 / Transition of contracts notification – ensure that notification letters are sent / 12/1/2009
23 / Requests to negotiate labor rate yearly – provide clarification on desk guide / 12/1/2009
24 / ITIGC reiterated request to obtain DRAFTCenter for IT Schedule Operations Desk Guide for review. Schedule meeting with Patricia Waddell and Mike O’Neill to review for releasable content to the Industry Chair and Co-Chair of the Training & Comm Subcommittee for review. / 8/17/2009
25 / Refresh 23 explicitly permits Letters of Supply from other than OEM, but gives little guidance on implementation. / 8/17/2009
26 / Language in current IT solicitation and refresh is ambiguous. Many COs believe education and/or years of experience must be written into labor category descriptions. Many vendors do not have these in their commercial labor categories or other government contracts. (See Draft position paper by Kitty Claus dated 08/07/09.) Consensus: Specific qualifications like degrees should not be required, but all category descriptions should be explicit enough to guarantee that the individual has sufficient qualifications to do the assigned job. Recommendation: Provide guidance to COs. / 8/17/2009
27 / GSA to look at additional training.
Investigate increasing the development and use of ‘Webinar” Training, in general and also specifically for the “Teaming/Subcontracting” course.
Make recorded events accessible for people to view as time permits. / 8/17/2009
28 / What was the feedback on the IT Forums last year? / 12/1/2009
29 / eMod process: Administrative modification vendor permission / signature unauthorized POC able to process RAM mod - verify system process / 12/1/2009
30 / Add Julie Kesterson to ITIGC eTools Subcommittee as an ITIGC Council Member / 12/1/2009
New Technology
31 / Cloud Computing – add to one of the ITIGC Subcommittees / 12/1/2009
32 / Clause L-FSS-400: Review Clause and make adjustment, if necessary - “Introduction of New Services” (Paul P. will forward email trail) / 12/1/2009
33 / Update language of all IT Service SINs (e.g. 132-51, 132-52, 132-53) to cover new technologies as they emerge such as Cloud Computing, business transformation, and disaster recovery. / 8/17/2009
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