Services offered

IT department is in charge of hardware and software, copiers, printers, phones on campus.


  • New or upgrade hardware request - PCs are automatically replaced when they fall below a minimum level of performance: the ability to use MS Office products and browse the Internet effectively. The IT PC inventory is reviewed and all PCs below a certain level are replaced. This happens once a year during the summer.
  • New or upgrade software/application request - PCs come with the standard MS Office products. Faculty also has software needed to teach their classes. This software comes out of the IT budget. Software meant for departmental use only comes out of the department’s budget. Because of this, it is important to consult with the IT department to see if there is not an existing or less expensive way of satisfying the need.
  • Hardware troubleshooting - Call the IT Helpdesk. If it is more convenient for you and the problem is not of an urgent nature, send an email to the “IT Helpdesk.” If sending your request to the IT Helpdesk will slow things down because you already know who in the IT department must help you, send them an email but ALSO copy “IT Helpdesk” in the email.
  • New employee/faculty member - Call the IT Helpdesk or send them an email. They will send you the form to be filled out. A form is required for auditing purposes because the form is used to grant rights to specific data.
  • Printer issues - Call the IT Helpdesk. The repair/replacement cost of both personal printers (those attached to the back of a PC) and department-networked printers is the responsibility of the using department. For printer supplies call the Business Affairs office. Printer supplies (paper, toner, cartridges) are ordered by each department and come out of departmental budgets. Note: the supplies for Ricoh copiers come out of the Central Services budget.
  • Reports - Ask the department who owns the data – Admissions (for inquiry, applicant, and admissions data), Registrar (for student data), Development (for alumni data). If they do not have the data you need readily available, the IT department will assist them. If you do not know whom to ask, call or email the IT Helpdesk.
  • Training - It is the responsibility of each employee’s supervisor (manager, chair, dean) to make sure their employees have what they need to effectively get their job done and it is the responsibility of employees to communicate their needs to their supervisor. Supervisors should email the IT Helpdesk for any specific computer based training needs.