1032 Lowood-Minden Road,MINDEN,QLD,4311,Australia / Phone: 5425 7222
Fax: 54268533

Issue Term 3 Week 3 – 28/07/16

Dates To Remember

* P&C Meeting / 3:30pm 15/08/16
* Term 3 / 11/07/16 – 16/09/16
* Senior Assembly / 29/07/16
* Breakfast Club / 04/08/16
* Yr 1 Excursion / 04/08/16
* Show Holiday / 08/08/16
* MindenMarkets / 14/08/16

From The Principal


We have had two new families join our school community in the last week. We trust your time at Minden is both enjoyable and rewarding

BVSSSA Track and Field Carnival

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the BVSSSA Athletics Carnival last Tuesday and Thursday. Minden was again successful in retaining the Aggregate Trophy with 272 points overall. Minden also had three students achieve Age Champion in their respective age groups. Thanks to the parents who provided support from transporting children to helping out at events on both days. Thirteen Minden students have been selected to represent BVSSSA at the Lockyer Athletics Carnival coming up in a few weeks.

Responsible Behaviour Plan

Staff have commenced reviewing this document in line with research regarding new approaches to supporting children’s behaviour choices such as Restorative Practice. There is extensive information available on-line regarding this philosophy which is becoming extremely popular in many schools across Australia.

School Improvement Agenda

Teaching staff have developed a whole-school approach to the teaching of numeracy as one of our priorities for 2016. This approach, which utilises Back To Front Maths resources, focusses on problem-based teaching to help kids really understand maths rather than just memorise rules and processes. For more information about Back To Front Maths visit the website

Student Leaders

Congratulations to 10 of our year 5 and 6 students who have successfully completed the Student Leader application process. These young people have diligently and confidently demonstrated that they have what it takes to be a Leader at Minden. We will be holding an Induction Ceremony for our new leaders on assembly on Friday 5 August. Please join us to celebrate this important milestone.

Student Safety

Providing a safe environment for children is our school’s number one priority. This is particularly important at going home time and Minden staff appreciate parents / carers’ support with ensuring that certain safety procedures are implemented. This involves parents/ carers coming into the school grounds to collect children from the shelter shed and using the crossing to walk to parked vehicles. Students are regularly reminded of these safety procedures and have done an excellent job of following them to date.

Upcoming Events

Term 3 is shaping up to be a very busy term for both students and teachers. In the next few weeks, various staff members will be participating in a range of professional development workshops. We have attempted to build a pool of regular supply staff to ensure continuity of learning on these occasions, however, as supply staff are in high demand across our region, this is not always possible. The date claimer section of the newsletter advertises upcoming events for students while teachers communicate specific class events via dojo or letter. We attempt to provide significant notice so parents can plan accordingly. Please contact your child’s teacher or the office should you have any queries about the events your child may be participating in this term.

From the Michael Grose presentations

Why tolerance encourages success

Want your child to be successful way past the confines of the school gate?

Then you need to make sure your child is tolerant of individual differences and accepting of children and adults who look and act differently to them. There’s no doubt that success in today’s world depends on the ability to understand, appreciate and work with others. The child who is open to differences is likely to have more opportunities in school, in business and in life in general.

Schools are diverse places

Walk into any school ground in Australia and you’ll witness diversity firsthand. You’re likely to see children from many different cultural, racial and family backgrounds. You’ll also see kids with different needs and diverse ways of expressing themselves. Some kids will wear their hearts on their sleeves, while others will be taciturn and quiet. Tolerant kids are accepting of these differences. They make friends with children and young people who may look and act differently to them.

5 ways to promote tolerance in your child:

1. Help your child feel accepted, respected, and valued. When your child feels good about himself, he is more able to treat others respectfully.

2. Model acceptance. Kids learn what they live so make sure you welcome differences in others, and be sensitive to cultural or racial stereotypes.

3. Challenge prejudice or narrow-minded views. Sometimes kids, knowingly or unknowingly, can say the cruelest things about others. As a parent, respectfully remind your child or young person about the impact that a narrow view can have on his or her own behaviour as well as on those it may be directed towards. Intolerance of diversity is an attitude that parents should make a stand against.

4. Answer kids’ questions about differences honestly and respectfully. Teach your kids that it is acceptable to notice and discuss differences as long as it is done with respect.

5. Respect individual differences within your own family. Your ability to accept your children's differing abilities, interests and styles will go a long way towards establishing an attitude of tolerance in the children themselves. By valuing the uniqueness of each member of your family you are teaching your kids to value the strengths in others, no matter how diverse.

Parents And Citizens Association News

Parents and Citizens Association Meeting: 3:30pm 15 August 2016.

Hope to see you at our next Minden Markets on Sunday 14 August.

Upcoming Events

> Father's Day Stall – 1 and 2 September

Father’sDay is fast approaching. If you are able to help with donations or have some ideas in regards to items you would like to see sold on the day, please contact the P&C or come along to our next meeting and share your ideas.

> Ice Block Day – Chaplaincy – 9 September

Money raised goes towards funding the chaplaincy service.

> School Disco – 28 October

Start getting your dancing shoes ready, the school disco will be fun for all the family.

> Christmas Carnival – 25 November

We are starting to plan this year’s Christmas Carnival and looking for businesses that are able to come along on the day and provide fun entertainment for the kids and adults. If you would like to take part, please contact the P&C through the school.

> TuckshopSellout Sale – 30 November to 2 December

These days we will sell out any stock left over in the tuckshop.

> Ice Block Day – Chaplaincy – 6 December

Money raised goes towards funding the chaplaincy service.

Like our facebook page to receive our updates and the fortnightly newsletter.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

Operating Hours

Monday - Friday before school opening at 6:15am and after school closing at 6:00pm.

For bookings or details please see the OSHC educators, call our main office (07) 4638 7965 or email

School Chaplain

Breakfast Club 4 August

If there is anything that I can help with, please call me in the school office or send me an email. I am at Mindenon Thursday and Friday.

Rebecca Hewett

School Chaplain

Minden State School

5425 7222

General School News

Assembly Gotcha Awards

Molly, Lauchlanand Keely.


Classroom News

Prep News

*Items needed: We are still needing small boxes, lids, tubes (not toilet rolls), containers etc.

*Jumpers - Please make sure your child always has a jumper in their bag. The weather at the moment is very unpredictable.

*Presentation – Term 3’s presentation will be in week 9 (Tuesday 8 September 2pm).

*Lunchboxes– Lunchboxes have lots and lots of treats. This type of food makes it hard for your child to listen and learn, please restrict treats in lunchboxes to one a day. Don’t forget a named water bottle.

*Homework – don’t forget about sentence writing, choose two words and assist your child to write a sentence with each word. Encourage your child to complete homework by themselves.

*School absences – remember to inform school or Dojo if your child is away.

*Positive behaviour– if your child comes home with a stamp or sticker this means they have had a great day and worked hard. Students without stamps/stickers need to work harder in class.

*Please ask if you are unsure about anything…

Thank you

Mrs Williams, Mrs Ploetz and The Prep Students

Curriculum Awards


Special Awards:

Heidi - Heidi is putting more effort into her work, she is trying hard.

Darcy - Darcy always listens and works hard, keep up the great work Darcy.

Fletcher - Fletcher always listens and works hard, great work Fletcher.

Eden - Eden is working hard, having a go at all tasks.

Scarlett - Scarlettis having fun learning, she always tries hard.

Eden - Eden works hard in class, always on task and putting lots of effort into her work.

Alyssa - Alyssa is working hard in class, she is enjoying reading and writing tasks.

Abbey - Abbey enjoys learning, she always works hard.

Ryder - Improved Letter Recognition.

Stacey - Fantastic spelling results.

Abbey - Neat and completed Literacy work.

Eden - Neat and completed Literacy work.

Scarlett- Neat and completed Literacy work.

Evie- Neat and completed Literacy work.

Hailey - Neat and completed Literacy work.

Max - Neat and completed Literacy work.

Lilyana - Great participation during THRASS.

Ryder - Big improvement in Handwriting.

Year 1

Special Awards:

Finn - For displaying an outstanding effort in all areas of the classroom and playground!

Sienna - For an absolutely, amazingly, awesome effort in Maths!

Olivia - For using your capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and reading your work over!

Amber - For consistently displaying the school rules - respectful, responsible, and ready to learn!

Year 2

Student of the Week:

Samuel - For achieving a high standard on his writing assessment. Great Job!

Special Awards:

Reichelle - A big welcome to Minden.

Dean - A big welcome to Minden.

Year 3

Special Awards:

Landon - Improved results in writing.

Samuel - Sam is working well in Science.

Kohen - Kohen is a great contributor to class. He is always prepared to have a go!

Scarlett - Scarlett is working hard to remain focussed and is producing some great work!

Lauchlan- Lauchlanhas been working hard on his self control with a pleasing improvement.


Laila, Zahlee, Jared and Jayda.

Happy Birthday from everyone at Minden State School!