ISO/IEC Technical Committes and Organisations in liaison /
ISO/TC69 is responsible for the development of generic International Standards on the application of statistical methods to be used by other Technical Committees or directly by industry or service companies, or by the growing field of activities dedicated to certification and accreditation.
In order to have a better communication with ISO/IEC Technical Committees and organizations in liaison, ISO TC69 is pleased to publish this newsletter, prepared by ISO/TC69 secretariat.
TC Major highlights
- Appointment of Mr. Jean-Marc AUBLANT, ISO/TC69 Chairman
AFNOR nominated Mr Jean-Marc AUBLANT for ISO/TC 69 Chairmanship. He has been officially appointed by ISO Technical Management Board for a term of six years (2012 to 2017).
- 35th ISO TC 69 meeting : Tachikawa, Japan from 16 to 22 July 2012
All delegations (11 countries and 4 liaisons organisation) attended the last meetings of ISO/TC 69, SCs and WGs in Tachikawa thanked the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM), and its sponsors (Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, JISC and Japanese Standards Association, JSA) for their excellent facilities for the arrangement of these meetings.
The next meetings will be held in June 2013.
- Standardization activities
Today, almost a hundred standards are published by ISO/TC 69 composed of 21 Participating members, 27 Observing members, 11 organizations in liaison and 19 ISO/IEC Committees in liaison.
- You intend to develop standards in the field of application of statistics for your field of activity?
Please contact ISO/TC69 secretariat in order to get support and to avoid any conflict with ISO/TC69 standards.
TC69 Sub-committees news
- TC 69 – Application of statistical methods
TC 69 Standard activity :
- Liaison established with ISO/TC 176/SC 2 "Quality management and quality assurance"
- AHG1 Documents to support the application of statistical methods standards (Application of the clauses of ISO/IEC17025; Guide for selection of statistical methods; Statistical methods for ISO15189)
- WG 3 Statistical interpretation of data (ISO/DIS 16269-6 Statistical interpretation of data - Part 6 : Determination of statistical tolerance intervals; NWIP to be launched as Part 3 (Revision of ISO5479:1997 "Statistical interpretation of data - Tests for departure from the normal distribution"); NWIP to be launched as Part 5 for merging 4 existing standards)
- WG 11 "Statistical standards and software" (ISO/DTR 13519 "Guidance on the development and use of ISO statistical publications supported by software")
- SC1 – Terminology and symbols
SC1 Standard activity :
SC 1 Workshop on terminology and symbols will be at the next meeting in 2013
ISO/DIS 3534-3.2 Statistics -- Vocabulary and symbols -- Part 3: Design of experiments
ISO/DIS 3534-4 Statistics -- Vocabulary and symbols -- Part 4: Survey sampling
- SC4 - Applications of statistical methods in process management
Subcommittee 4 has developed statistical methods on control charts, process capability, and process management strategies that are applicable to every enterprise that has continuous improvement as one of its objectives.
The economic success of enterprises is enhanced by the application of these standards. These tools and techniques are essential to any organization that is in pursuit of lean concepts.
SC4 Standard activity:ISO/DIS 7870-2 Control charts -- Part 2: Shewhart control charts
ISO/CD 7870-5 Control charts -- Part 5: Specialized control charts
ISO/DIS 22514-2 Statistical methods in process management -- Capability and performance -- Part 2: Process capability and performance of time-dependent process models
ISO/DIS 22514-6.2 Statistical methods in process management -- Capability and performance -- Part 6: Process capability statistics for characteristics following a multivariate normal distribution
ISO/FDIS 22514-7 Statistical methods in process management -- Capability and performance -- Part 7: Capability of measurement processes
ISO/WD 22514-8 Statistical methods in process management -- Capability and performance -- Part 8: Machine performance of a multi-states production process
- SC5 - Acceptance sampling
Subcommittee 5 is responsible for the ISO 2859 series inspection by attributes and the ISO 3951 series inspection by variables.
These useful standards apply just as much to service as to products. The sampling systems permit the amount of inspection to be reduced as the level of trust in the producer increases.
SC5 Standard activity:ISO/CD 2859-4 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes -- Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels
ISO/DIS 3951-1 Sampling procedures for inspection by variables -- Part 1: Specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection for a single quality characteristic and a single AQL
ISO/DIS 3951-2 Sampling procedures for inspection by variables -- Part 2: General specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection of independent quality characteristics
- SC6 - Measurement methods and results
Subcommittee 6 is responsible for maintenance and development of generic standards and deliverables in such fields as Accuracy of Measurement Methods and Results, Aspects of the Preparation and use of Reference Materials, Capability of detection, Calibration, Uncertainty of measurement.
Subcommittee 6 standards are generic and apply just as much to service as to products.
SC6 Standard activity:ISO/DIS 11843-6.2 Capability of detection -- Part 6: Methodology for the determination of the critical value and the minimum detectable value in Poisson distributed measurements by normal approximations
ISO/CD 13528 Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons
ISO/WD 15725-1 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results -- Part 1: Introduction and basic principles
ISO/WD 15725-2 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results -- Part 2: Basic method to evaluate the accuracy of measurement methods
ISO/NP TS 17503 Statistical methods of uncertainty evaluation -- Guidance on evaluation of uncertainty using two-factor crossed designs
- SC7 - Applications of statistical and related techniques for the implementation of Six Sigma
Subcommittee 7 is responsible for providing guidance and generic standards documents on the application of statistical procedures for the Six Sigma and related communities who intend to improve products and processes, both manufacturing and business types.
Because these communities are characterized by a focus on speed to obtain results, a basic knowledge of statistics, and a propensity to use software applications to guide them through the mathematical challenges of statistical methods, the documents that are produced have the objective of satisfying these characteristics.
SC7 Standard activity :ISO/NP TR 13195 Selected illustrations of response surface method
ISO/NP TR 16705 Selected illustrations of contingency table analysis
ISO/CD 17258 Benchmark for Six Sigma method
- SC8 - Application of statistical and related methodology for new technology and product development
This subcommittee is responsible for the publication of a series of technical standards on the application of statistical and related procedures for new technology and product including private or public services developments to optimize their values from the viewpoints of customers and/or societies
SC8 Standard activity :ISO/CD 16336 Robust parameter design (RPD)
ISO/AWI 16355-1 Application of statistical and related methods to New technology and Product Development Process -- Part 1: General Principle and Perspective of QFD Process
ISO/AWI 16355-2 Application of statistical and related methods to New technology and Product Development Process -- Part 2: Acquisition of Non-quantitative VOC or VOS
ISO/AWI 16355-3 Application of statistical and related methods to New technology and Product Development Process -- Part 3: Acquisition of Quantitative VOC or VOS
ISO/AWI 16355-4 Application of statistical and related methods to New technology and Product Development Process -- Part 4: Analysis of Non-Quantitative and Quantitative VOC/VOS
ISO/AWI 16355-5 Application of statistical and related methods to New technology and Product Development Process -- Part 5: Solution Strategy
ISO/AWI 16355-6 Application of statistical and related methods to New technology and Product Development Process -- Part 6: Optimization - Robust parameter design
ISO/AWI 16355-7 Application of statistical and related methods to New technology and Product Development Process -- Part 7: Optimization - Tolerance design and output to manufacturing
ISO/AWI 16355-8 Application of statistical and related methods to New technology and Product Development Process -- Part 8: Guidelines for Commercialization
TC69 useful information accessible on ISO/TC69 livelink – public information:
· Roadmap (new version under development)
· Structure presentation
· Business Plan
TC69 and SCs recent publications
ISO 7870-3:2012 Control charts -- Part 3: Acceptance control charts
ISO 11843-7:2012 Control charts — Part 3: Accept- ance control charts. 2012-02-09. (Revision of ISO 7966:1993).
ISO/TR 13587:2012 Three statistical approaches for the assessment and interpretation of measurement uncertainty
TC69 contact:
TC69 SC1 contact :
TC69 SC4 contact :
TC69 SC5 contact :
TC69 SC6 contact :
TC69 SC7 contact : /
TC69 SC8 contact :