ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11/
January 2007, Marrakech, MA
Title: / Text of ISO/IEC CD 23000-9 - Multimedia Application Format for Digital Multimedia BroadcastingAuthors: / Hui Yong Kim, Hyon-Gon Choo, and Munchurl Kim
Status: / Approved
Information technology— Multimedia application format (MPEG-A)— Part9: Multimedia Application Format for Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
Élément introductif— Élément central— Partie9: Titre de la partie
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1Overview of Technologies
1.1ISO Base Media File Format
1.2Relation to other MPEG File Formats......
1.3DMB MAF Contents
2Components of DMB MAF
2.1DMB MAF Contents
2.2Organization of DMB MAF Contents – MPEG-21 DID
2.3Content Creation and Consumption Description – TV Anytime Metadata
2.4Protection and Governance – MPEG-21 IPMP and REL
2.4.1List of Functionalities
2.4.2Right Expression Language
2.5Timed Text
3DMB MAF File Structures
3.1Table for Boxes
3.1.1Syntax and Semantics of the Boxes
3.2File Structure for a Single DMB MAF Content
3.3File Structure for Multiple DMB MAF Contents
3.4Protected File Structure of DMB MAF
3.4.1Signaling Protection
3.4.2Protection for a Single DMB MAF Content
3.4.3Protection for Multiple DMB MAF Contents
1MPEG-21 DID Description
2Examples of TV-Anytime Metadata
2.1EPG Metadata
2.2Package Metadata
2.3Usage History Metadata
2.4Segment Metadata
2.5Coupons Metadata
1Selection Rationale
2Normative Set of MPEG-21 IPMP Components elements for DMB MAF
2.2IPMP Information Descriptor
2.3IPMP General Information Descriptor
3IPMP Information Schema
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IECJTC1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IECDirectives, Part2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC230009 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IECJTC1, Information tec hnology, Subcommittee SC29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
ISO/IEC23000 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology— Multimedia application format (MPEG-A):
Part 1: Purpose for Multimedia Application Formats
Part 2: Music player application format
Part 3: Photo player application format
Part 4: Musical slide show player application format
Part5: Media streaming player
Part6: Professional archival MAF
Part7: Open release MAF
Part8: Portable video player MAF
Part9: MPEG Multimedia Application Format for Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) is the first global mobile TV service based on a digital radio transmission system. DMB provides people with crystal-clear video, theatre-quality audio, and other data services on the move via in-vehicle terminals or hand-held gadgets like mobile phones so that it makes possible the information acquisition and consumption anywhere [2].
Due to the availability of multiple DMB broadcasting services, the DMB users have many mobile TV programs available on their terminals and they may want to watch their preferred DMB program contents. However, it is not easy for users toconsume the DMB programs at their convenient time. Therefore, it is required that the DMB program contents could be stored and play backed at anytime. The stored DMB contents are also expected to be exchanged between different DMB terminals.Thus, a standardized DMB file format needs to be specified to guarantee the interoperability across the DMB terminals from different vendors.
The MPEG Multimedia Application Format for Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB MAF) specifies how to combine the variety of DMB contents with associated information for a presentation in a well-defined format that facilitatesinterchange, management, editing, and presentation of the DMB contents.
This contribution is organized as follows: Section 1 overviews the necessary technologies for DMB MAF; Section 2 describes the components and organization of DMB MAF; Section 3specifies the file format structures for DMB MAF; Annex A, B, and C provide some examples for the usage of Digital Item Declaration, metadata, and file format; and Annex D specifies the MPEG-21 IPMP Components for DMB MAF.
©ISO/IEC2007— All rights reserved / 1ISO/IECCD23000-9
Information technology— Multimedia application format (MPEG-A)— Part9: Multimedia Application Format for Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
1Overview of Technologies
1.1ISO Base Media File Format
The ISO Base Media File Format[4] is a flexible, extensible format which contains timed media information in order to facilitate interchange, management, editing, and presentation of the media. The ISO Base Media File Format is a base format for the DMB MAF file format.
Figure 1ISO base media file format
1.2Relation to other MPEG File Formats
Figure 2 shows the relations to other MPEG File Formats such as MPEG-4 File Format [5], MPEG-4 AVC File Format [6], and MPEG-21 File Format. Other MPEG File Formats are based on the ISO Base Media File Format. DMB MAF is derived from the MPEG-4 AVC, 3GPP Timed Text Format [27], and MPEG-4 File Format.
Figure 2Relation to other MPEG file formats
1.3DMB MAF Contents
In this section, we describe the DMB service types such as terrestrial and satellite DMB as shown in Table 1and the contents types of each service in Table 2. The contents types for DMB MAF cover the AV contents in the current DMB services, data services such as BWS (Broadcast Website), and the additional information listed in Table 3.
Table 1DMB Service types and specifications
Brands / Service Types / Content Types / Specifications‘td01’ / T-DMB (Type 1) / Video / MPEG-4 AVC Baseline Profile [7]
Audio / MPEG-4 ER-BSAC [8]
Systems / MPEG-4 IOD, OD, BIFS (Core2D profile) [9]
Data / BWS [10], MOT Slide Show, Java midlet, TTI
‘td02’ / T-DMB (Type 2) / Video / Same as Type 1 Video
Audio / MPEG-4 HE-AAC [11]
Systems / Same as Type 1 Systems
Data / BWS [10]
‘sd01’ / S-DMB (Type 1) / Video / MPEG-4 AVC Baseline Profile [7]
Audio / MPEG-4 HE-AAC [11]
Systems / Same as T-DMB Type 1 Systems
Figure 2 shows the concept of the DMB MAF content which consists of the MPEG Standards and non-MPEG Standards.
Figure 3Concept of DMB MAF content
Table 2Types of native DMB contents
VideoMPEG-4 Part 10 AVC (H.264) [7] [12] / ISO/IEC 14496-10:2005 Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 10: Advanced Video Coding
MPEG-4 ER-BSAC [8] [12] / ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005 Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 3: Audio
MPEG-2 AAC+ SBR [12] [13] / ISO/IEC 13818-7:2006 Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 7: Advanced Audio Coding
MPEG-4 High Efficiency-AAC [11] [12] / ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005 Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 3: Audio
Auxiliary data
BWS related contents [10] / Images / PNG, JPEG, MNG
Script / Ecma-262 ECMA Script (Java script), HTML(ver. 4.0.1), CSS(ver.1.0)
Java midlet [14-16] / Java midlet
Traffic and travel information (TTI) / Private data (TPEG) [17]
Table 3Types of DMB MAF supported contents
Auxiliary data3GPP Timed Text Format [27] / 3GPP TS 26.245
TV Anytime Metadata [18-21] / ETSI TS 102 822-3-1 V1.3.1,
ETSI TS 102 822-3-3 V1.1.1,
ETSI TS 102 822-3-4 V1.1.1,
ETSI TS 102 822-4 V1.2.1
MPEG-21 DID [22] / ISO/IEC 21000-2
MPEG-21 IPMP [23] / ISO/IEC 21000-4
MPEG-21 REL [24] / ISO/IEC 21000-5 DAC Profile
2Components of DMB MAF
2.1DMB MAF Contents
As described in Table 1, DMB MAF supports the various service types such as T-DMB and S-DMB. The individual DMB services support their main AV contents and auxiliary data. For the T-DMB service, the specification of the main AV contents is described in ETSI TS 102 428. The S-DMB service uses the ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC for the video content and ISO/IEC 14496-3 MPEG-4 part 3 Audio: HE-AAC for the audio content. For the auxiliary data such as BWS, the supported content types are described in [12] which is the extended version of ETSI TS 101 498-1 and 2.
2.2Organization of DMB MAF Contents – MPEG-21 DID
MPEG-21 DID (ISO/IEC 21000-2) [22] describes a set of abstract terms and concepts to form a useful model for defining Digital Items. In the MPEG-21 multimedia framework, the digital item (DI) is a fundamental unit with a standard representation, identification and metadata for the distribution, and transaction. For the declaration of the digital item in the flexible and general ways, MPEG-21 DID aims to standardize the description for the definition of the digital item and provides the basic structure for content representation for the DMB storage and distribution scenario.
2.3Content Creation and Consumption Description – TV Anytime Metadata
The metadata used to describe the content is taken as a subset of the TV-Anytime metadata specification, published by ETSI and available as ETSI TS 102 822-3-x. With this metadata specification and some slight modifications, the metadata requirements for DMB MAF can be easily satisfied.
The TV-Anytime metadata are sub-divided into two categories: phase 1 metadata schemas (ETSI TS 102 822-3-1 V1.3.1 [18]) and phase 2 metadata schemas (ETSI TS 102 822-3-3 V1.1.1 [19] and ETSI TS 102 822-3-4 V1.1.1 [20]). The phase 1 metadata schema has the root element of TVAMainType and defines mainly about program and user descriptions. The phase 2 metadata schema has the root element of ExtendedTVAMainType and extends the phase 1 schema for including various content types and consumption conditions. The structure of the TV-Anytime schemas is briefly summarized in Figure 4.
The example usage of the TV-Anytime metadata will be described in the Annex A of this document.
Figure 4The structure of TV-Anytime metadata schemas
2.4Protection and Governance – MPEG-21 IPMP and REL
2.4.1List of Functionalities
IPMP (Intellectual Property Management and Protection) is a DRM (Digital Right Management) architecture developed by MPEG for safe and easy distribution of contents between the different user terminals and the different content providers. The MPEG-21 IPMP Components [23] defines an interoperable framework for Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP). The MPEG-21 IPMP Components standard [23] provides the means to signal which IPMP Tools are required to protect specific parts of a protected Digital Item, and further information required by the Peer to manage each IPMP Tool and by the IPMP Tool to operate on protected content.
For supporting governed and protected usage of DMB contents, DMB MAF adopts a restricted subset of MPEG-21 IPMP Components [23]. The lists of functionalities are explained in Annex D.
2.4.2Right Expression Language
ISO/IEC 21000-5 defines a right expression language (REL) [25], which is designed to be domain-agnostic and comprehensive, and also very flexible and adaptive to the specific scope and requirements of applications within a particular domain. The language provides extension and profile mechanisms for these purposes.
In DMB MAF, licenses governing the use of content or parts thereof are expressed according to the DAC profile of the MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language defined in [24]. The REL DAC profile is based on the usage for broadcasting application, which can handle various use cases for DMB MAF.
The followings are profile elements defined in the REL DAC profile.
Element/Child Element / Commentsr:license / The definition of an r:license is restricted to contain the following elements: r:grant, and r:issuer.
r:grant / Each r:grant represents a rights expression.
r:issuer / This element indicates which principal issues the license.
@m1x:licenseType / The @sx:profileCompliance attribute indicates a profile that the license is compliant to. The value of urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2005:01-REL-DAC shall be used in a license to indicate compliance to this profile. The attribute @m1x:licenseType provides a further categorization of the license, which is useful in identifying what elements and attributes the license may contain.
r:grant / An r:grant is restricted to include the following child elements only: r:forAll, r:principal, r:right, r:resource and r:condition.
r:anXmlExpression / These elements are used to identify a category of entities (resources, principals, etc.) that match an expression or possess a property. This is useful for specifying memberships, subscriptions, or domains.
m1x:identityHolder / This profile only supports these Principals.
m2x:extendRights / This profile only supports these Resources.
m1x:protectedResource / This profile only supports these Resources.
m2x:timedExerciseLimit / This profile only supports these Conditions.
r:propertyPossessor / This element is restricted to include the following child elements only: r:propertyUri and r:trustedRootIssuers.
r:propertyUri / A property using an URI..
r:trustedRootIssuers / Trusted root issuers. Used as defined.
r:keyHolder / This element is used as defined.
r:info / This element of type dsig:KeyInfoType specifies a key for the r:keyHolder. Used as defined.
m1x:identityHolder / This element is used as defined.
m2x:extendRights / This element is used as defined.
m1x:serviceLocation / This element is used as defined.
r:digitalResource / This element is restricted to include the following child elements only: r:nonSecureIndirect and r:secureIndirect.
r:secureIndirect / r:nonSecureIndirect identifies a digital resource by reference. r:secureIndirect identifies a digital resource by reference and includes a hash to bind the content reference to the actual contents of the file. These two elements are used as defined.
m1x:ProtectedResource / This element is used as defined.
xenc:EncryptedKey / r:digitalResource contains the URI that points to the protected Resource, and is used as defined.
xenc:EncryptedData contains the encryption data for the Resource, and is used as defined.
xenc:EncryptedKey contains the encrypted symmetric key that was used for encrypting the content identified in r:digitalResource, and is used as defined.
r:allConditions / This element is used as defined.
r:condition / The r:allConditions element is retained in the profile, so that other conditions can be grouped together by it and used conjunctively. Used as defined.
r:validityInterval / This element is used as defined.
r:notAfter / r:notBeforeand r:notAfterare used to specify a fixed interval of time. Used as defined.
sx:validityIntervalFloating / This element is restricted to include the following child element only: sx:duration.
sx:duration / sx:duration is used to specify the duration of a floating interval of time. Used as defined.
sx:exerciseLimit / This element is restricted to include the following child element only: sx:count.
sx:count / sx:count is used to specify the maximum number of exercises allowed. Used as defined.
sx:territory / This element includes the following child element only: sx:location and sx:domain, but with sx:location being restricted to sx:country and sx:region.
sx:location / This element is restricted to include the following child elements only: sx:country and sx:region.
sx:region / sx:country and sx:region are used to specify ISO-3166 country and region codes for identifying a country and region. Used as defined.
sx:domain / sx:domain is used to specify a network domain identified by an URI. Used as defined.
sx:validityTimeMetered / This element is restricted to include the following child element only: sx:duration and sx:quantum.
sx:quantum / A metered interval of time is specified with the length being the value of the sx:duration and incremental being the value of sx:quantum. Used as defined.
m2x:simultaneousAccess / This element is used as defined.
m1x:isPartOf / m2x:count specifies the maximum count for allowing simultaneous access.
m2x:period specifies the period when this condition is applied.
m2x:noSkipConstraint / This element is used as defined.
m2x:object / m2x:interval specifies relative position(s) of the resource based on rendering time.
m2x:object is the same as r:digitalResource.
m2x:interval / This element is used as defined.
m2x:relDuration / m2x:relStartTime specifies the position of the resource where its running time is elapsed by the time.
m2x:relDuration specifies the position of the resource where its running time is elapsed more by the time from the position having m2x:relStartTime.
m2x:destinationPrincipal / This element is used as defined.
r:keyHolder / This element is used as defined.
m2x:destinationCondition / This element is used as defined.
r:condition / This element is used as defined.
m2x:securitySystem / This element is used as defined.
m2x:level / m2x:identifier identifies the security system and m2x:level specifies required minimum security level
m2x:scrambling / This element is used as defined.
@m2x:cipherType / This optional attribute identifies a type of encryption algorithm.
m2x:timedExerciseLimit / This element is used as defined.
m2x:count / m2x:duration is the same as sx:duration.
m2x:quantum is the same as sx:duration.
m2x:count is the same as sx:count. Used as defined.
m2x:timeShiftDuration / This element is used as defined.
m2x:duration / m2x:duration is the same as sx:duration.
r:issuer / This element is restricted to include the following child element only: dsig:Signature and r:keyHolder.
r:keyHolder / Dsig:Signature, used as defined, gives the hash of the license, the public key of the issuer, and the signature of the issuer over the license.
r:keyHolder gives the public key of the issuer, and is used as defined.
m1x:serviceLocation / This element It specifies a (permission) server by its location m1x:url indicating where the server is located. It is used in the element r:serviceReference element within the m1x:seekPermission element to the location of a server from which the permission for exercising the associated right must be sought.
2.5Timed Text
3GPP Timed Text format describes the normative behavior of text data for rendering. Timed text supports the characters and glyphs rendering, font support such as name, size and style, color support of text and background, text rendering position and composition, etc. By using these functionalities, various applications such as closed captioning, karaoke, dynamic highlighting and other visual annotation can be deployed in the user’s terminal [27].