Pattern of original paper preparation

Title, Maximum 16 words, Font: Times, Bold, 12pt

First author Name and Surname, second author Name and Surname, (Font: Times, Bold, 12pt)

1- Position of First author, (Font: Times, Bold, 11pt) and Email Address (Times, 10pt)

2- Position of Second author, (Font: Times, Bold, 11pt) and Email Address (Times, 10pt)


In the Abstract should be avoided from the preliminaries and generalities and directly referred to case study and Its Objectives, Basis and amount of succeed of this study according to results briefly. In abstract, you should avoid from Details, Shapes, Tables, Formulas and References.

The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words in one or two paragraph and is written by Font BNazanin, 11pt for Farsi text and Font Times New Roman, 10pt for English text.

Key words: maximum 6 words, separated by comma, Font BNazanin, 11pt for Farsi text and Font Times New Roman, 10pt for English text.

Main Titles in writing of paper: Title, Authors, Abstract, Key Words, Introduction and Objective, Theory and Research Background, Material and Method, Conclusion and Discussion, Suggestions, Resources.

1- Introduction:

Paper text as well as abstract, should be written by Font BNazanin, 11pt for Farsi text and Font Times New Roman, 10pt for English text.Title of sections and sub-sections should be numbered by Font BNazanin, Bold and 12pt and with starting from 1 and with intended from the beginning of line and be written with six-point empty space to above section. The whole of text (including the abstract) should be written as single space and aligned from both side by Font BNazanin, 11pt.

Length of paper:

All of original papers will be assessed by the conference referees. For this purpose,it is necessary to submit paper file that prepare according to the conference terms. Other formats or submitting files via email is not accepted. Also the desired file must be consisting of text of paper and all of components (If required) and figures and tables.Papers must be printed in A4 page size. According to limitation in publication of papers, the number of allowed pages for papers is at least 4 and up to 12 pages.This number of pages is with regard to all figures, tables and paper references. Each paper should be prepared as WORD and PDF format and be sent to secretariat. Responsibility of prepared PDF file Visibility on common browsers such as acrobat reader is directly by the author. For this purpose, before submission of paper, ensure from correct visibility of Paper and its formulas in Acrobat reader existing n your PC.

Dear authors should be noted that the conference is exculpated from acceptance of papers which prepared outside this framework.In each section or sub-section there are one or more paragraph. Be careful that the sentences of each paragraph are related together like a chain and follow unique Item.

3- Margins:

Observation of these regulations is mandatory for all authors. For written of papers as Farsi text, it is necessary ti use from Word Software. Font BNazanin, 11pt and single line distance should be used in preparation of paper main context. Paper context should be prepared as one column and with 30mm margin from right side and 25mm margin from left side and 30mm margin from top and bottom.

4- Title of sections:

Title of section should be written by Font BNazanin, Bold and 12pt and numbered by section number and should be written by an empty line distance from previous section and an empty line from context.The first line of each paragraph, except the first paragraph after context, should be have 10mm troughs harmoniously.

1-4- Title of Sub-Sections:

Title of sub-sections should be Written and Numbered by Font BNazanin, Bold and 12pt (for example: 1-1- )

5- Tables and figures:

Each table figure should be having number, title and explanation that should be written by Font BNazanin, Bold and 10pt. title of tables should be written as center alignment on the top of tables and title of figures should be written as center alignment on the below of figures. Mention of quantities unit in tables and figures is mandatory. In the paper context should be referred to all of tables and figures.Whenever possible, the width of each figure or chart and tables should be selected equal to width of one column (87mm). In this case, we can be placed each figure, chart or table in anywhere of context within one of the columns. Title of each figure should be placed bottom it and title of each table should be placed above it. Figure 2 shows an example of parallel with columns along with its title or subtitle.

Whenever possibletry to directly enter charts that obtained from calculation and by using of software such as Matlab in the context.

Figure 1: Binding energy of soliton mode N- Particle labels φ/π for three different values N [4]

Otherwise, firstly save these in TIF or TIFF format. Then by using of INSER Toolbox and opening of PICTURE and FROM FILE slides, enter your desired picture in an area where the cursor is located. For maintaining of picture quality on the page, avoid from using of JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP format.Even if you scan your image, you must save it in TIF or TIFF format

Broadening coefficient with respect to the release z/LD, having charp gusi pulse, dashed curve is for the without charp pulse [3].

Described titles of each figure place on figure bottom and described titles of each table place on table above. Depending on the length of these titles that be shorter or longer than the column width (87 mm), for adjust it, use from Caption or Caption (C). If you have to use the forms larger than one column, place figure on bottom or above desired page and select type of Caption (Framed) related to title of this figure. Picture 1 show this status. For this purpose, available spaces place on the top of page. Authors only for inevitable and necessary issues allow to using of big pictures in the paper. In Figure 1, really can be displayed it as a small column.In here, only to show of how to place the greater figure from the width of a column, this form is used.

Number of figures and tables should be referred in your context. Figures and tables shouldn’t appear over the first reference to them in the context of paper. Never don’t save title as a part of figures as image. Also don’t use from additional frame around titles, figures and tables.

6- Formulas

For writing of formulas and mathematicalexpressions is better to use from Equation Editor Tools.For each formula should be considered a Number.The number should be placed inside a pair of crescent () and justified from right alignment. All variables, parameters and symbols of a mathematical expression should be explained.If this work isn’t done before writing formula, after formula must immediately be explained. For example:


If the number of variables and parameters is numerous to define in the following of context, should be used from symbols content in the annexes or define as a content in bottom of equation.

7- Conclusion and suggestion

Existence of conclusion and suggestion part is necessary after the main context of paper.


If necessary, you can thank peoples or organizations that help you in doing of your research in this part.


References section place at the end of paper and title of it haven’t number. In Writing of references first sort Iranian References and after sort British References in according to quoting the code and alphabetically. In paper should be mentioned all of references. Specification of all references must be listed completely and in the below standard format. Farsi References by font BNazanin, 11pt and English Reference by Times New Roman, 10pt.

1- Surname, Name of authors or Institute, Book Title, Surname, Name of translators, Surname, Volume number, revision number, place of publication, publisher, and date of publication.

2. Surname, Name of authors, title of thesis, Academic degree that thesis is written for it, the name of the university, site of university, page numbers, date of publication.

3. Surname, name of the operator, Title of research project, registration code, full name of Client, place of done, date of the done project.

4. Surname, Name of author(s), "title", journal or conference name, course number or magazine, pages number, place of the magazine publication or conference holding, date of publication.

5- G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, "On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955.

6- J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.

7- K. Elissa, "Title of paper if known," unpublished.

8- R. Nicole, "Title of paper with only first word capitalized," J. Name Stand. Abbrev., in press.

9- Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, "Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface," IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].