WHAT’S ON: 1st October – 7th October

St. Mary’s Boatmen’s Association– visit the other islands from St. Mary’s and enjoy scenic tours and evening trips. See notice boards in town and on the quay for daily timetable or Facebook ‘St. Mary’s Boatmen’s Association’ or @scillyboating or ask in the TIC.

Isles of Scilly Museum – A treasure chest of Scillonian history and culture.Open Mon-Fri 10-4.30pm, Sat 10-12.00noon. Exhibits of local interest including everything from Romano-British artefacts to an old Scillonian kitchen - 01720 422337

Radio Scilly – 107.9 FM- airs hourly news, weather and events. The islands’ not-for-profit community radio is part-funded by the Scilly Lottery. Each £1 player has a 1-in-2000 chance of winning £1000 in our weekly draw.

Island Rover - Conducted mini-bus tours of St. Mary’s including full commentary and stops at selected viewpoints for photos. Tours last approx 70 mins. Fares £8 per head. Tours are unsuitable for dogs or children under 5. Check board on Holgates Green or TIC for times.

Charity Shop on Church Street next to museum. For a great selection of clothes, games, toys, books, kitchenalia and lots more.Opening times: Saturday 10-12noon and Tuesday 2-4pm.

Saturday 1st October

Wildlife on Scilly Slideshow - with resident naturalist Will Wagstaff. A regularly updated talk about the islands wildlife including Birds, Flowers, Seals and more. Church Hall (nr Museum) at 8.15pm. £4.50

Newquay Men’s Gig Racing- 6.30 from Nut Rock to St Marys

Graham Buxton Live – at the Bishop & Wolf. Playing songs from Buddy Holly and the Beatles to Adele and Kings of Leon. From 9pm.

Sunday2nd October

Church Services

Parish Church: 7am Morning Prayer.11am Holy Communion.

St. Agnes: 9.15am Holy Communion

St. Martin’s: No service this week.

All Saints Bryher: No service this week.

St. Nicholas Tresco: 11.00am HarvestCommunion

Methodist Church: 9.15am Rev Jane Willcock and Kim Watson.

11am Mrs Barbara Hasler. 4pm Park House Rev Jane Willcock

Star of the Sea Catholic Church: See church notice board.

Newquay Men’s Gig racing – 11am from St Marys to St Agnes

Monday 3rd October

Quiz Night – at the Bishop & Wolf 8.30pm. Teams of up to 4 players.

Wildlife Walk on Tresco- with resident naturalist Will Wagstaff. Meet by board on quay 9.45am. Full or half day walks available. £12 full day; £6 for a morning half day; £6 for the afternoon.

Scilly Walks visits Samson- Discover this uninhabited island on an archaeological guided walk with Katharine Sawyer. No need to book. Please wear walking shoes or trainers; flip-flops/mules are not suitable for this walk. Meet by the “Scilly Walks” board on the Quay at 1.45pm. Adults £6.00, children £3.00, plus boat fare

Tuesday4th October

Wildlife Walk on St Agnes - with resident naturalist Will Wagstaff. Meet by board on quay 9.45am. Full or half day walks available. £12 full day; £6 for a morning half day; £6 for the afternoon.

Scilly Walks visits St Helen’s. Discover this uninhabited island on a guided walk with Chas Wood. No need to book. Please wear walking shoes or trainers; flip-flops/mules are not suitable for this walk. Meet by the “Scilly Walks” board on the Quay at 1.45pm. Adults £6.00, children £3.00, plus boat fare.

Tresco Produce Fish Market on New Grimsby Quay. 3.30-5.30pm. Great produce which has been caught around the islands.

“Scilly through the Ages” slide show at the Methodist Hall. Last of the season! Find out about the Islands’ fascinating archaeology and history with Katharine Sawyer. Show starts at 8.15pm. Adults £4.50, children £2.00.

Quiz Night at the Old Town Inn – in aid of Air Ambulance. 8.30pm start. Teams of 1-4 max. £1pp entry.

Line Dancing at the Old Town Inn 8-10pm All welcome including beginners.

Wednesday 5th October

Wildlife Walk on St Mary’s- with resident naturalist Will Wagstaff. Meet on Porthcressa Bank behind Town Hall at 10am. Full or half day walks available. £12 full day; £6 for a morning half day; £6 for the afternoon.

St Agnes School Harvest in the Church1.30pm

Duplicate Bridge -Join us in Hugh Townat 7.15pm. Visitors welcome. For more information please call 01720 422274

When the Whales Came – Filmed here on the islands. Film night at Old Town Inn, 7.30pm. Book a table for food and reserve your place. Based on the book by Michael Morpurgo. 01720 422301

Bell Ringing Practice 7-8.30pm at the Parish Church on St. Mary’s. Visiting ringers welcome.

Thursday6th October

Wildlife Walk on TBC- with resident naturalist Will Wagstaff. Meet by board on quay 9.45am. Full or half day walks available. £12 full day; £6 for a morning half day; £6 for the afternoon.

Silk Scarf Painting Workshop with Liz Askins at the Phoenix Craft Studio. 2-4pm £25.Booking essential.Tel 07746 684973

When the Whales Came – Filmed here on the islands. Film night at Old Town Inn, 7.30pm. Book a table for food and reserve your place. Based on the book by Michael Morpurgo. 01720 422301

Acoustic Night - at the Bishop & Wolf. From 8.30pm. Bring along your instrument and join in!

Advanced Notice

Join us for the ‘Walk Scilly’ Weekend 13 - 17 October

Tickets are now on sale! Call the TIC on 01720 424031 or

For more information visit our website



TIC Porthcressa Bank 01720 424031